PM Modi interacts with students during Pariksha Pe Charcha 2025

Published By : Admin | February 10, 2025 | 11:00 IST
QuoteThe United Nations declared 2023 as the ‘International Year of Millets’ and promoted it across the world on a proposal from India: PM
QuoteSeasonal fruits must be eaten, food must be chewed properly, right food must be eaten at the right time: PM
QuoteAbsence of illness doesn't mean we are healthy, focus on wellness: PM
QuoteOne should prepare oneself for pressure concentrating on task at hand: PM
QuoteWe should continue to strive for better, fight our own battles, find stillness within: PM
QuoteBe an example, don't demand respect command respect, lead by doing not demanding: PM
QuoteStudents are not robots, studies are for holistic development, they should have freedom to explore their passions: PM
QuoteExams are not everything, knowledge and exams are not the same thing: PM
QuoteThe habit of writing should be developed: PM
QuoteDiscover and nurture each student’s unique talent, look for positivity: PM
QuoteWe all have the same 24 hours, it's about managing our time wisely: PM
QuoteFocus on the Present, share your feelings with your loved ones: PM
QuoteDon't compare your children with others,understand your children to support their passion, find your child’s strengths: PM
QuoteLearn to listen, Right Breathing is the key: PM
QuoteEvery child is unique, know their dreams, guide their journey, be their support: PM
QuoteAvoid comparing students, don't criticise students publicly, encourage and praise to motivate them: PM
QuoteChallenge yourself, defeat your past, thrive in the present: PM
QuoteListen, Question, Understand, Apply, compete with yourself: PM
QuoteConvert your failures into opportunities: PM
QuoteUse technology wisely not fearfully, technology should be utilised optimally: PM
QuoteWe should not exploit nature but protect and nurture our Environment showing our gratitude, Ek Ped naam ke Naam is one such initiative: PM

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi interacted with students at Sunder Nursery, New Delhi today during the 8th edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC). The Prime Minister in an informal interaction with the students from across the country discussed a host of topics. He distributed sweets made of Til (sesame) which is traditionally served during winters to keep the body warm.

Nourish to Flourish

On the topic of Nutrition, Shri Modi remarked that the United Nations had declared 2023 as the ‘International Year of Millets’ and promoted it across the world on a proposal from India. He added that the Government of India strongly urged that there should be a lot of awareness regarding nutrition, as proper nutrition helps prevent many diseases. The Prime Minister highlighted that Millets were known as a superfood in India. He added that in India, most things like crops, fruits were linked to our heritage and cited an example where every new crop or season was dedicated to God and festivals were celebrated in most places across India. He further mentioned that the offerings to the God were distributed as Prasad. Shri modi urged the children to eat seasonal fruits. He encouraged the children to avoid Junk food, oily food and food products made of Maida. Touching upon the importance of how to eat food correctly, the Prime Minister encouraged the children to chew their food at least 32 times before swallowing. He also shared tips to the children to take small sips of water and savor its taste, whenever they drink water. On the topic of eating the right food at the right time, Shri Modi citing the example of farmers, said that they had a hearty breakfast in the morning before going to the fields and completed their supper before the sunset. He encouraged the students to follow similar healthy habits.



Nutrition and wellness

Discussing Wellness, the Prime Minister underlined that absence of wellness does not mean that one is healthy, and urged the children to focus on wellness. He added that the right amount of sleep was important to ensure the fitness and wellness of the body. He mentioned that there were many research projects being conducted on the importance of sleep in human wellness. Shri Modi, stressing on the importance of sunlight for the human body, encouraged the children to cultivate a daily habit of soaking in the morning sunlight for a few minutes. He also told them to take deep breaths standing under a tree right after the sunrise. The Prime Minister summed it up by informing that for an individual to progress in life, the importance of nutrition lies in what, when, how and why one eats.



Mastering Pressure

On the topic of Mastering Pressure, the Prime Minister remarked that it is unfortunate how our society has ingrained the idea that not scoring high marks in school exams like 10th or 12th means life is ruined. This, he said, added to the pressure on the children. Citing a reference to the batsman’s concentration on the ball in a cricket match, Shri Modi encouraged the children to evade the outside pressure like the batsman and focus and concentrate on their studies only which would help them overcome the pressure.

Challenge Yourself

Asking the students to be well prepared and keep challenging themselves every time, the Prime Minister remarked that many people do not fight their own battles against themselves. He remarked on the importance of self-reflection, urging individuals to frequently ask themselves what they can become, achieve, and what actions will bring them satisfaction. He highlighted that one's focus should not be swayed by daily external influences like newspapers or TV, but rather should be steadily cultivated over time. The Prime Minister pointed out that many people often let their minds wander without direction. He advised them not to be frivolous in their decisions and make up their mind to find stillness on something which will help them to tackle the challenges.



The Art of Leadership

On being asked by a student to share tips on effective leadership, Shri Modi said that outer appearance does not define a leader but a leader is one who leads by setting an example for others. To achieve this, he said that individuals must change themselves, and their behavior should reflect this change. “Leadership is not imposed, but accepted by those around you”, said the Prime Minister. He remarked that preaching to others will not earn acceptance; it is one's behavior that is accepted. He cited an example, noting that if one gives a speech on cleanliness but does not practice it, they cannot be a leader. Shri Modi emphasised that teamwork and patience are essential for leadership. He underlined that when delegating tasks, it is important to understand the challenges faced by the team members and helping them through difficulties will build their confidence and trust in leadership. The Prime Minister illustrated this by sharing a childhood story about a child holding a parent's hand at a fair. The child preferred the parent to hold their hand, ensuring a sense of security and trust. This trust is a significant strength in leadership, he emphasised.

Beyond Books - 360º Growth

On the topic of balancing hobbies with studies, while the general belief is that academics is the only path to success, the Prime Minister stated that students are not robots and emphasized the importance of holistic development. He noted that education is not solely for advancing to the next class but for comprehensive personal growth. Reflecting on the past, he highlighted how the lessons from early schooling like gardening might have seemed irrelevant, but they contribute to overall development. The Prime Minister urged parents and teachers not to confine children to a rigid academic environment, as this stunts their growth. He added that Children need an open environment and activities they enjoy, which in turn enhances their studies. He emphasized that exams are not everything in life, and told students that adopting this mindset will help convince families and teachers. The Prime Minister also clarified that he is not advocating against reading books; rather, he emphasized the importance of acquiring as much knowledge as possible. He remarked that exams are not everything and that knowledge and exams are two different things.



Finding Positives

The Prime Minister remarked that people often question advice given to them, wondering why it was said and if it reflects a flaw in them. This mentality hinders one’s ability to help others. Instead, he advised identifying the good qualities in others, such as singing well or dressing neatly, and discussing these positive traits. This approach shows genuine interest and builds rapport. He further suggested offering assistance by inviting others to study together. The Prime Minister also highlighted the importance of developing the habit of writing. He noted that those who develop the habit of writing would capture their thoughts effectively.

Find your Uniqueness

Recounting an incident in Ahmedabad where a child was about to be expelled from school for lack of attention, the Prime Minister said however, the child excelled in a tinkering lab and won a robotics competition, showcasing unique strengths. The Prime Minister emphasized that it is the teacher's role to recognize and nurture unique talents and strengths of children. Shri Modi proposed an experiment for self-reflection and understanding relationships. He suggested recalling 25-30 childhood friends and writing their full names, including their parents' names. This exercise often reveals how little we know about those we consider close friends. The Prime Minister encouraged identifying positive traits in people and cultivating the habit of finding positivity in others. This practice, he noted, would be beneficial for personal growth.



Master your time, Master your life

On being asked by a student about time management, Shri Modi pointed out that everyone has 24 hours in a day, yet some people accomplish a lot while others feel nothing is achieved. He highlighted the importance of time management, noting that many lack an understanding of how to utilize their time effectively. The Prime Minister advised being mindful of time, setting specific tasks, and reviewing progress daily. He also emphasized the importance of focusing on subjects that are challenging rather than avoiding them. He cited an example of how to take up the subject which one feels difficult first and tackle it head on. By taking on these challenges with determination, individuals can overcome obstacles and achieve success. Addressing the issue of distractions caused by various ideas, possibilities, and questions during exam time, the Prime Minister remarked that students often do not truly know themselves and engage in conversations with friends, making excuses for not studying. He noted that common excuses include being too tired or not in the mood. The Prime Minister highlighted that such distractions, including those from phones, hinder focus and academic performance.

Live in the moment

The Prime Minister emphasized that the most valuable thing is the present moment. Once it passes, it is gone, but if lived fully, it becomes a part of life. He highlighted the importance of being mindful and appreciating the moment, such as noticing a gentle breeze.



The Power of Sharing

On the topic of Coping with anxiety and depression while managing their studies, Shri Modi said the issue of depression often starts with feeling disconnected from family and gradually withdrawing from social interactions. He emphasized the importance of expressing inner dilemmas openly to prevent them from escalating. The Prime Minister highlighted the traditional family structure, where open communication with family members acted as a pressure release valve, preventing emotional build-up. He reflected on how his teachers worked hard to improve his handwriting, which deeply touched him and emphasized the impact of genuine care from educators. The Prime Minister noted that this care and attention can greatly influence a student's well-being and academic performance.

Follow your interests

Shri Modi addressed parental pressure on children to choose certain careers. He remarked that parents' expectations often stem from comparing their children to others, which can hurt their ego and social status. He advised parents not to showcase their children as models everywhere, but to love and accept their strengths. He cited the previous example of a child who excelled in robotics after being on the verge of expulsion from school, illustrating that every child has unique talents. He also cited the example of cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar. The Prime Minister encouraged parents to recognize and nurture their children's strengths, even if they are not academically inclined. He emphasized the importance of skill development and mentioned that he would have chosen the Skill Development Department if he were not the Prime Minister. By focusing on their children's abilities, parents can reduce the pressure and help them thrive.



Pause, Reflect, Reset

The Prime Minister illustrated how focusing on identifying different sounds can help in concentrating. He shared that practicing breathing exercises, such as Pranayama, can generate a different kind of energy, helping to manage anxiety. The Prime Minister provided a technique to balance breathing through both nostrils, which can bring the body under control in seconds. He mentioned how learning about meditation and breath control can alleviate stress and help maintain focus.

Realising your potential, Achieving targets

Addressing the concern of staying positive and finding happiness in small victories, Shri Modi highlighted that sometimes people become negative due to their own thoughts or the influence of others. Interacting with a student who aimed for 95% in the 10th grade but achieved 93%, which led to disappointment, the Prime Minister considered this a success and congratulated the student for setting a higher target. He emphasized that targets should be ambitious yet realistic. Shri Modi encouraged viewing achievements from a positive perspective, understanding one's strengths, and appreciating the effort put into reaching close to the target.

Every Child is Unique

On the topic of maintaining good health during exams, the Prime Minister remarked that the primary issue lies less with students and more with their families. He highlighted that many parents pressure their children to pursue specific careers, like engineering or medicine, despite the child's interests in fields like art. This constant pressure leads to a life of stress for the child. He urged parents to understand and recognize their children's abilities and interests, monitor their progress, and provide support. For instance, if a child shows interest in sports, parents should encourage and motivate them by taking them to watch sports events. The Prime Minister also addressed teachers, urging them to avoid creating an environment where only top-performing students receive attention while others are neglected. He emphasized the importance of not comparing students and encouraging each child's unique abilities. He reminded the students to strive for improvement and perform well, but also recognize that academics is not everything in life.



Self - Motivation

On the topic of self- motivation, the Prime Minister advised never to isolate oneself and emphasized the importance of sharing thoughts and seeking motivation from family or seniors. He suggested challenging oneself with small goals, such as cycling 10 kilometers, to build confidence and enjoy the sense of accomplishment. Shri Modi highlighted that these small experiments with oneself help overcome personal limitations and live in the present, allowing the past to remain in the past. The Prime Minister stated that he finds motivation from the people - 140 crore Indians. He shared that while he authored "Pariksha Pe Charcha," individuals like Ajay in their villages are transforming it into their poetry. This makes him feel that he should continue such work, as there are many sources of motivation around us. On being asked about Internalising things, Shri Modi advised that merely contemplating advice, such as waking up early, is not enough without implementation. He emphasized the importance of applying learned principles practically and refining oneself through personal experimentation. The Prime Minister illustrated that by making oneself a laboratory and testing these principles, one can truly assimilate and benefit from them. Shri Modi highlighted that most people compete with others rather than themselves, often comparing themselves to those who may be less capable, which leads to disappointment. He emphasized that self-competition builds unwavering confidence, whereas comparing oneself to others can cause discouragement.

Failure as fuel

On the topic of how to overcome failure, Shri Modi remarked that even if 30-40% of students fail in their 10th or 12th grades, life does not come to an end. He emphasized the importance of deciding whether to succeed in life or only in academics. He advised making failures one's teacher, using cricket as an example where players review their mistakes and strive for improvement. The Prime Minister urged viewing life holistically, not just through the lens of exams. He highlighted that differently-abled individuals often possess extraordinary strengths and that everyone has unique capabilities. He stressed the importance of working on these strengths rather than focusing solely on academic achievements. He stated that in the long run, it is one's life and abilities that speak for success, not just academic marks.



Mastering Tech

Emphasising that we are all fortunate, and especially so in an era where technology is widespread and impactful, the Prime Minister remarked that there is no need to shy away from technology, but instead, individuals should determine whether they spend their time on non-productive activities or delve deeper into their interests. By doing so, technology will become a strength rather than a destructive force. Shri Modi highlighted that researchers and innovators develop technology for the betterment of society. He urged people to understand and optimally utilize technology.

On being asked how to give one's best in any task, Shri Modi emphasized the importance of continuous improvement, stating that the first condition for doing one's best is to strive to be better than yesterday.

How to Convince Your parents?

Addressing the dilemma of choosing between following family advice or personal interests, Shri Modi remarked that it's important to acknowledge family suggestions and then persuade them by asking how to proceed with their advice and seeking their assistance. By showing genuine interest and discussing alternative options respectfully, families may gradually understand and support one's aspirations.



Dealing with Exam Pressure

Discussing the common issue of students not finishing their exam papers on time, leading to stress and pressure, the Prime Minister advised thorough practice with previous exam papers to learn how to write concise answers and manage time effectively. He highlighted the importance of focusing on questions that require more effort and not spending too much time on questions that are difficult or unfamiliar. He emphasized that regular practice helps in better time management during exams.

Caring for Nature

The Prime Minister addressed climate change and commended the young generation for their concern about it. He noted that much of the development in the world has led to a culture of exploitation, where people prioritize personal gain over environmental protection. Shri Modi mentioned Mission LIFE (Lifestyle for Environment), which promotes a lifestyle that protects and nurtures nature. He shared cultural practices in India, such as apologizing to Mother Earth and worshipping trees and rivers, which demonstrate respect for nature. He also highlighted the campaign "Ek Ped Maa ke Naam," encouraging people to plant trees in memory of their mothers. This initiative fosters a sense of attachment and ownership, leading to the protection of nature.



Growing your own Green Paradise

Shri Modi encouraged the students to plant their own trees and suggested practical tips for watering them. He advised placing a clay pot filled with water next to the tree and refilling it once a month. This method helps the tree grow quickly with minimal water usage. The Prime Minister congratulated everyone and expressed his gratitude for their participation.


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  • ABHAY March 15, 2025

    नमो सदैव
  • கார்த்திக் March 03, 2025

    Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🙏🏻
  • अमित प्रेमजी | Amit Premji March 03, 2025

  • கார்த்திக் February 25, 2025

    Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🙏Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🙏Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🙏Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🚩Jai Shree Ram🙏Jai Shree Ram🚩
  • Jitendra Kumar February 25, 2025

  • Vivek Kumar Gupta February 24, 2025

    नमो ..🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • Vivek Kumar Gupta February 24, 2025

    जय जयश्रीराम ................................🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • கார்த்திக் February 23, 2025

    Jai Shree Ram 🚩Jai Shree Ram 🌼Jai Shree Ram 🚩Jai Shree Ram 🚩Jai Shree Ram 🚩Jai Shree Ram 🚩Jai Shree Ram 🚩Jai Shree Ram 🚩Jai Shree Ram 🚩Jai Shree Ram 🚩Jai Shree Ram 🚩Jai Shree Ram 🌼
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  • கார்த்திக் February 21, 2025

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माननीय अध्यक्ष जी,

मैं प्रयागराज में हुए महाकुंभ पर वक्तव्य देने के लिए उपस्थित हुआ हूं। आज मैं इस सदन के माध्यम से कोटि-कोटि देशवासियों को नमन करता हूं, जिनकी वजह से महाकुंभ का सफल आयोजन हुआ। महाकुंभ की सफलता में अनेक लोगों का योगदान है। मैं सरकार के, समाज के, सभी कर्मयोगियों का अभिनंदन करता हूं। मैं देशभर के श्रद्धालुओं को, यूपी की जनता विशेष तौर पर प्रयागराज की जनता का धन्यवाद करता हूं।

अध्यक्ष जी,

हम सब जानते हैं गंगा जी को धरती पर लाने के लिए एक भागीरथ प्रयास लगा था। वैसा ही महाप्रयास इस महाकुंभ के भव्य आयोजन में भी हमने देखा है। मैंने लालकिले से सबका प्रयास के महत्व पर जोर दिया था। पूरे विश्व ने महाकुंभ के रूप में भारत के विराट स्वरूप के दर्शन किए। सबका प्रयास का यही साक्षात स्वरूप है। यह जनता-जनार्दन का, जनता-जनार्दन के संकल्पों के लिए, जनता-जनार्दन की श्रद्धा से प्रेरित महाकुंभ था।

आदरणीय अध्यक्ष जी,

महाकुंभ में हमने हमारी राष्ट्रीय चेतना के जागरण के विराट दर्शन किए हैं। यह जो राष्ट्रीय चेतना है, यह जो राष्ट्र को नए संकल्पों की तरफ ले जाती है, यह नए संकल्पों की सिद्धि के लिए प्रेरित करती है। महाकुंभ ने उन शंकाओं-आशंकाओं को भी उचित जवाब दिया है, जो हमारे सामर्थ्य को लेकर कुछ लोगों के मन में रहती है।

अध्यक्ष जी,

पिछले वर्ष अयोध्या के राम मंदिर प्राण प्रतिष्ठा समारोह में हम सभी ने यह महसूस किया था कि कैसे देश अगले 1000 वर्षों के लिए तैयार हो रहा है। इसके ठीक 1 साल बाद महाकुंभ के इस आयोजन ने हम सभी के इस विचार को और दृढ़ किया है। देश की यह सामूहिक चेतना देश का सामर्थ्य बताती है। किसी भी राष्ट्र के जीवन में, मानव जीवन के इतिहास में भी अनेक ऐसे मोड़ आते हैं, जो सदियों के लिए, आने वाली पीढ़ियों के लिए उदाहरण बन जाते हैं। हमारे देश के इतिहास में भी ऐसे पल आए हैं, जिन्होंने देश को नई दिशा दी, देश को झंकझोर कर जागृत कर दिया। जैसे भक्ति आंदोलन के कालखंड में हमने देखा कैसे देश के कोने-कोने में आध्यात्मिक चेतना उभरी। स्वामी विवेकानंद जी ने शिकागो में एक सदी पहले जो भाषण दिया, वह भारत की आध्यात्मिक चेतना का जयघोष था, उसने भारतीयों के आत्मसम्मान को जगा दिया था। हमारी आजादी के आंदोलन में भी अनेक ऐसे पड़ाव आए हैं। 1857 का स्वतंत्रता संग्राम हो, वीर भगत सिंह की शहादत का समय हो, नेताजी सुभाष बाबू का दिल्ली चलो का जयघोष हो, गांधी जी का दांडी मार्च हो, ऐसे ही पड़ावों से प्रेरणा पाकर भारत ने आजादी हासिल की। मैं प्रयागराज महाकुंभ को भी ऐसे ही एक अहम पड़ाव के रूप में देखता हूं, जिसमें जागृत होते हुए देश का प्रतिबिंब नजर आता है।

अध्यक्ष जी,

हमने करीब डेढ़ महीने तक भारत में महाकुंभ का उत्साह देखा, उमंग को अनुभव किया। कैसे सुविधा-असुविधा की चिंता से ऊपर उठते हुए, कोटि-कोटि श्रद्धालु, श्रद्धा-भाव से जुटे यह हमारी बहुत बड़ी ताकत है। लेकिन यह उमंग, यह उत्साह सिर्फ यही तक सीमित नहीं था। बीते हफ्ते मैं मॉरीशस में था, मैं त्रिवेणी से, प्रयागराज से महाकुंभ के समय का पावन जल लेकर गया था। जब उस पवित्र जल को मॉरीशस के गंगा तालाब में अर्पित किया गया, तो वहां जो श्रद्धा का, आस्था का, उत्सव का, माहौल था, वह देखते ही बनता था। यह दिखाता है कि आज हमारी परंपरा, हमारी संस्कृति, हमारे संस्कारों को आत्मसात करने की, उन्हें सेलिब्रेट करने की भावना कितनी प्रबल हो रही है।

अध्यक्ष जी,

मैं ये भी देख रहा हूं कि पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी हमारे संस्कारों के आगे बढ़ने का जो क्रम है, वह भी कितनी सहजता से आगे बढ़ रहा है। आप देखिए, जो हमारी मॉडर्न युवा पीढ़ी है, ये कितने श्रद्धा-भाव से महाकुंभ से जुड़े रहे, दूसरे उत्सवों से जुड़े रहे हैं। आज भारत का युवा अपनी परंपरा, अपनी आस्था, अपनी श्रद्धा को गर्व के साथ अपना रहा है।

अध्यक्ष जी,

जब एक समाज की भावनाओं में अपनी विरासत पर गर्व का भाव बढ़ता है, तो हम ऐसे ही भव्य-प्रेरक तस्वीरें देखते हैं, जो हमने महाकुंभ के दौरान देखी हैं। इससे आपसी भाईचारा बढ़ता है, और यह आत्मविश्वास बढ़ता है कि एक देश के रूप में हम बड़े लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। अपनी परंपराओं से, अपनी आस्था से, अपनी विरासत से जुड़ने की यह भावना आज के भारत की बहुत बड़ी पूंजी है।

अध्यक्ष जी,

महाकुंभ से अनेक अमृत निकले हैं, एकता का अमृत इसका बहुत पवित्र प्रसाद है। महाकुंभ ऐसा आयोजन रहा, जिसमें देश के हर क्षेत्र से, हर एक कोने से आए लोग एक हो गए, लोग अहम त्याग कर, वयम के भाव से, मैं नहीं, हम की भावना से प्रयागराज में जुटे। अलग-अलग राज्यों से लोग आकर पवित्र त्रिवेणी का हिस्सा बने। जब अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों से आए करोड़ों-करोड़ों लोग राष्ट्रीयता के भाव को मजबूती देते हैं, तो देश की एकता बढ़ती है। जब अलग-अलग भाषाएं-बोलियां बोलने वाले लोग संगम तट पर हर-हर गंगे का उद्घोष करते हैं, तो ‘एक भारत श्रेष्ठ भारत’ की झलक दिखती है, एकता की भावना बढ़ती है। महाकुंभ में हमने देखा है कि वहां छोटे-बड़े का कोई भेद नहीं था, यह भारत का बहुत बड़ा सामर्थ्य है। यह दिखाता है कि एकता का अद्भुत तत्व हमारे भीतर रचा-बसा हुआ है। हमारी एकता का सामर्थ्य इतना है कि वो भेदने के सारे प्रयासों को भी भेद देता है। एकता की यही भावना भारतीयों का बहुत बड़ा सौभाग्य है। आज पूरे विश्व में जो बिखराव की स्थितियां हैं, उस दौर में एकजुटता का यह विराट प्रदर्शन हमारी बहुत बड़ी ताकत है। अनेकता में एकता भारत की विशेषता है, ये हम हमेशा कहते आए हैं, ये हमने हमेशा महसूस किया है और इसी के विराट रूप का अनुभव हमने प्रयागराज महाकुंभ में किया है। हमारा दायित्व है कि अनेकता में एकता की इसी विशेषता को हम निरंतर समृद्ध करते रहे।

अध्यक्ष जी,

महाकुंभ से हमें अनेक प्रेरणाएं भी मिली हैं। हमारे देश में इतनी सारी छोटी बड़ी नदियां हैं, कई नदियां ऐसी हैं, जिन पर संकट भी आ रहा है। कुंभ से प्रेरणा लेते हुए हमें नदी उत्सव की परंपरा को नया विस्तार देना होगा, इस बारे में हमें जरूर सोचना चाहिए, इससे वर्तमान पीढ़ी को पानी का महत्व समझ आएगा, नदियों की साफ-सफाई को बल मिलेगा, नदियों की रक्षा होगी।

अध्यक्ष जी,

मुझे विश्वास है कि महाकुंभ से निकला अमृत हमारे संकल्पों की सिद्धि का बहुत ही मजबूत माध्यम बनेगा। मैं एक बार फिर महाकुंभ के आयोजन से जुड़े प्रत्येक व्यक्ति की सराहना करता हूं, देश के सभी श्रद्धालुओं को नमन करता हूं, सदन की तरफ से अपनी शुभकामनाएं देता हूं।