Babasaheb’s Vision, Our Governance Mission

Babasaheb’s Vision, Our Governance Mission

April 13th, 07:24 pm

Our nation is privileged to have been graced by the presence of many great men. Babasaheb Dr. B R Ambedkar stands tall as one of the greatest and most influential leaders. Babasaheb Dr. Amebdkar devoted his life and efforts towards bringing a positive difference in the lives of the poor, marginalised and lesser privileged.

PM expresses joy on crossing of 10 crore mark, in the number of enrollments under the recently launched 3 social security schemes

PM expresses joy on crossing of 10 crore mark, in the number of enrollments under the recently launched 3 social security schemes

June 05th, 09:33 pm

Text of Prime Minister’s ‘Mann ki Baat’ on All India Radio

Text of Prime Minister’s ‘Mann ki Baat’ on All India Radio

May 31st, 11:36 am

ജൻ ധൻ മുതൽ ജൻ സുരക്ഷ വരെ

May 26th, 01:41 pm

India creates world records: For opening maximum number of bank accounts and for the largest cash transfer scheme

PM expresses happiness over the tremendous response among the people, generated by the recently launched Social Security Schemes

May 13th, 08:03 pm

Text of PM's remarks at launch of Social Security Schemes

May 09th, 10:12 pm

PM's remarks at launch of Social Security Schemes

May 09th, 08:30 pm

Union Budget 2015-16: At a Glance

February 28th, 02:40 pm

Union Budget 2015-16: At a Glance