CM exhorts ITIs to imbibe the mantra of “Shramev Jayate”

Published By : Admin | July 28, 2013 | 12:57 IST
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Concluding the Chintan Shibir of the officials of Labour, Employment and Training department today the Chief Minister Narendra Modi said that Gujarat has put in place the best skill development planning model and thus contributed significantly in country’s growth. Gujarat is the first State which has decided to set up Skill University.

The chintan shibir was organized under the auspices of Labour, Employment and Training department at EDI, Bhat today and inaugurated by Labour and Employment Minister Saurabh Patel today morning. The shibir saw participation of around 400 staff members of Commissionerate of Employment and Training and discussions on six different topics.

The Chief Minister congratulated the department for achieving Prime Minister’s award for Gujarat’s Kaushalya Vardhan Kendras and for making Gujarat a State with least unemployment rate in India. He attributed the successful celebration of Swami Vivekananda’s 150th birth anniversary as ‘Yuva Shakti Varsh’ to the committed efforts of the officials of Employment and Training department.

Asking to emulate the Gujarat’s skill development model for capacity building and employment Mr. Modi said, “The Prime Minister set up four different agencies for making a well-thought-out planning for skill development, but at last, had to accept the Gujarat’s model, which shows that Gujarat’s direction for skill development is right.”

Mr.Modi said the employment and training play a crucial role in strengthening country’s economy, but unfortunately these sectors have been treated indifferently in past. Gujarat has made unique moves in this direction and the outcomes of the chitan shibir like this will expand the horizons of skill development and employment with youth empowerment, he said.

Gujarat has well-understood the importance of technical education on ground level and hence the state is deliberating on up-gradation and empowerment of ITIs. The most basic unit like aanganwadi has also earned dignified status in Gujarat, said Mr. Modi. 

Gujarat, which once known as traders’ state is now getting identity as a manufacturing state. “A state like this needs skilled manpower which is why we have strengthened the ITIs to cater to the needs of industries. Entrepreneurship is already there in the blood of Gujarati people, now to make presence on the global manufacturing market, it is important to create a pool of skilled manpower”, he said.

Exhorting ITIs to imbibe the mantra of “Shramev Jayate” Mr. Modi said, “Cost effectiveness and quality control are necessary aspects in order to gain foothold in world manufacturing market. This can only be achieved by skill enhancement”. He also appealed to encourage such technology for zero defect production.

In the beginning, the Labour and Employment Minister Saurabh Patel exuded faith that this chintan shibir will be instrumental in creating a new work culture with the spirit of “main nahi, ham”.

Chief Secretary Dr. Varesh Sinha said the deliberation made in the shibir will prove path-showing for the country.

Employment and Training Commissioner Mrs. Sonal Mishra spoke of the objectives of the chitan shibir. Executive Additional Chief Secretary to Labour and Employment Asim Khurana, senior officials and staff members were present in the shibir.

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Your Excellency राष्ट्रपति धरमबीर गोकुल जी,

First Lady श्रीमती बृंदा गोकुल जी,
उप राष्ट्रपति रोबर्ट हंगली जी,
प्रधान मंत्री रामगुलाम जी,
विशिष्ट अतिथिगण,

मॉरिशस के राष्ट्रीय दिवस समारोह में मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में एक बार फिर शामिल होना मेरे लिए सौभाग्य की बात है।

इस आतिथ्य सत्कार और सम्मान के लिए मैं राष्ट्रपति जी का हार्दिक आभार व्यक्त करता हूँ।
यह केवल भोजन का अवसर नहीं है, बल्कि भारत और मॉरीशस के जीवंत और घनिष्ठ संबंधों का प्रतीक है।

मॉरीशस की थाली में न केवल स्वाद है, बल्कि मॉरीशस की समृद्ध सामाजिक विविधता की झलक भी है।

इसमें भारत और मॉरीशस की साझी विरासत भी समाहित है।

मॉरीशस की मेज़बानी में हमारी मित्रता की मिठास घुली हुई है।

इस अवसर पर, मैं - His Excellency राष्ट्रपति धरमबीर गोकुल जी और श्रीमती बृंदा गोकुल जी के उत्तम स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण; मॉरीशस के लोगों की निरंतर प्रगति, समृद्धि और खुशहाली की कामना करता हूँ; और, हमारे संबंधों के लिए भारत की प्रतिबद्धता दोहराता हूँ

जय हिन्द !
विवे मॉरीस !