Krishi Mahotsav 2012 marches ahead with full steam! This year, the Gujarat Government has altered the format of the Krishi Mahotsav whereby the Krishi Rath spends more time at a particular village giving the farmers more time to interact with agriculture department officials and agricultural scientists.
As a part of the Krishi Mahotsav, Shri Narendra Modi would be interacting with lakhs of farmers on a daily basis! During his interaction through video conferencing, Shri Modi focuses of different facets of agriculture and Gujarat’s efforts towards agriculture growth. These inspiring interactions are indeed a treat to hear!- 15th May 2012- Know about Gujarat’s growth in organic farming in the words of Shri Narendra Modi.
- 14th May 2012- Gujarat’s milk production has grown by 68%! Hear the story behind this record growth in the last decade.
- 12th May 2012- Shri Modi at the zonal Krishi Mahotsav in Petlad, Anand district.
- 11th May 2012- Gujarat will never let lack of credit affect a farmer’s growth. Know about Gujarat’s mammoth financial assistance so that our hardworking farmers attain record success.
- 10th May 2012- Shri Modi speaking about the stress on agriculture and training in the filed of agriculture.
- 10th May 2012- Speech of Shri Modi when he attended zonal Krishi Mahotsav in North Gujarat, a land transformed by Gujarat’s agrarian turnaround.
- 9th May 2012- Learn more about Gujarat’s advances in horticulture in this talk by Shri Modi.
- 8th May 2012- Gujarat cares as much for its 2.5 crore animal population as it does for its vibrant people. Here, Shri Modi is speaking on animal husbandry.
- 7th May 2012- Shri Narendra Modi talking about soil health cards and efforts to take Krishi Mahotsav across the length and breadth of Gujarat.
- 6th May 2012- Shri Narendra Modi kick off Krishi Mahotsav in Junagadh.