Quoteಇದು ನಿರ್ಣಯಗಳನ್ನು ನವೀಕರಿಸುವ ದಿನ
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Quoteಭಾರತವು ಇಂದು ವಿಶ್ವದ ಅತಿದೊಡ್ಡ ಪ್ರಜಾಪ್ರಭುತ್ವ ಮತ್ತು ಅತ್ಯಂತ ವಿಶ್ವಾಸಾರ್ಹ ಪ್ರಜಾಪ್ರಭುತ್ವವಾಗಿ ಹೊರಹೊಮ್ಮುತ್ತಿದೆ
Quoteಸಮಾಜದಲ್ಲಿನ ಅನಿಷ್ಟ ಮತ್ತು ತಾರತಮ್ಯವನ್ನು ಕೊನೆಗೊಳಿಸಲು ನಾವು ಪ್ರತಿಜ್ಞೆ ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಬೇಕು

Siyavar Ramchandra ki Jai

Siyavar Ramchandra ki Jai

I extend my heartfelt wishes to all fellow Indians on the auspicious occasion of Navaratri, the festival of worshiping Shakti, and Vijaya Dashami, the festival of victory. This festival of Vijaya Dashami signifies the triumph of justice over injustice, humility over arrogance, and patience over aggression. It is a celebration of the victory of Lord Rama over the tyrant Ravana. Every year, we symbolize this victory by burning effigies of Ravana, but this festival is not only about that. This festival for us is the festival of resolutions and the festival to reaffirm our resolutions.


My dear countrymen,

This year, we are celebrating Vijaya Dashami when our triumph on the moon has completed two months. Vijaya Dashami also involves the worship of weapons. The worship of weapons in Bharat is not about dominance over land; it is a ritual performed for the defence of the land. When we begin the worship of Shakti during Navaratri, we say,

या देवी सर्वभूतेषू, शक्तिरूपेण संस्थिता, नमस्तस्यै, नमस्तस्यै, नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:

(O’ Goddess, who resides in all beings in the form of strength, we bow to you).

And when the worship is complete, we say,

देहि सौभाग्य आरोग्यं, देहि मे परमं सुखम, रूपं देहि, जयं देहि, यशो देहि, द्विषोजहि! (Grant me fortune, health, supreme happiness, beauty, victory, and glory. Eliminate enemies!)

Our worship for Shakti is not just for ourselves but for the well-being, health, happiness, victory, and glory of the entire creation. This is the essence of Bharat. We are familiar with the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, and we also know how to build INS Vikrant and Tejas. We also know the dignity of Shri Rama and also know how to protect our boundaries. We understand the principles of power worship, and we believe in the mantra 'Sarve Santu Niramaya' (May all be free from illness) in the era of COVID. This is the spirit of Bharat, and the victory of Vijaya Dashami in Bharat represents this ideology.


Today, we are fortunate to witness the construction of the grand temple of Lord Rama. The next Ram Navami in Ayodhya will resonate with the chants in the temple, bringing joy to the entire world. The chants that have been echoed here for centuries -

भय प्रगट कृपाला, दीनदयाला...कौसल्या हितकारी ।

(The lord who exhibits his mercy and compassion to the suffering, appeared before Kausalya) will resound in the Ram temple. The construction of the Ram temple symbolizes the victory of the perseverance of the Indian people after centuries of patience. The consecration ceremony of Lord Rama in the Ram temple is just a few months away. Lord Rama is coming. And friends, envision the joy when the idol of Lord Rama will be consecrated in the temple after centuries. The celebration of Rama's arrival began with Vijaya Dashami. Tulsidas wrote in the Ramcharitmanas - -

सगुन होहिं सुंदर सकल मन प्रसन्न सब केर। प्रभु आगवन जनाव जनु नगर रम्य चहुं फेर।

It means that when Lord Rama's arrival was imminent, auspiciousness started spreading throughout Ayodhya. Everyone became content, and the entire city became charming. Such auspiciousness is happening even now in our country. Bharat has emerged victorious on the moon. We are on the verge of becoming the world's third-largest economy. A few weeks ago, we entered the new Parliament building. In a significant move to represent women's empowerment, the Parliament passed the Nari Shakti Vandana Adhiniyam.


Bharat is emerging today as the world's largest and most trusted democracy. The world is witnessing this Mother of Democracy. Amidst these joyful moments, Lord Rama is about to grace the Ram temple in Ayodhya. In a way, Bharat is on the verge of a new destiny after 75 years of independence. However, it is also the time when Bharat must remain vigilant. We must remember that today's burning of Ravana should not just be the burning of an effigy; it should be the burning of every distortion that disrupts the harmony of society. It should be the burning of those forces that attempt to divide Mother India in the name of casteism and regionalism. It should be the burning of the mindset where the progress of Bharat is overshadowed by personal gain. The festival of Vijaya Dashami is not just about the victory of Rama over Ravana; it should become a celebration of patriotism's victory over every evil in the nation. We need to take a resolution to eradicate the evils and discrimination in society.



The coming 25 years are of utmost importance for Bharat. The entire world is now focusing on Bharat, observing our capabilities. We cannot afford to rest. As written in the Ramcharitmanas -

राम काज कीन्हें बिनु, मोहिं कहां विश्राम meaning there is no rest for me until we build a Bharat based on the thoughts of Lord Rama. We have to build a developed Bharat, which is self-reliant, a developed Bharat which contributes to global peace, a developed Bharat where everyone has equal rights to fulfil their dreams, and a developed Bharat where people experience prosperity and contentment. This is the vision of Ram Raj: राम राज बैठे त्रैलोका, हरषित भये गए सब सोका meaning when Rama sits on his throne, there should be joy in the whole world and everyone's suffering should end. But how will this happen? Therefore, I urge every citizen to take 10 resolutions on Vijaya Dashami.


First Resolution - Keeping in mind the upcoming generations, we will save as much water as possible.

Second Resolution - We will inspire more and more people to adopt digital transactions.

Third Resolution - We will lead our villages and cities in cleanliness.

Fourth Resolution - We will follow the mantra of "Vocal For Local" more than ever and use Made in India products.

Fifth Resolution - We will focus on quality work and produce quality products, ensuring that our country's honour is not compromised due to poor quality.

Sixth Resolution - We will explore our entire country, travel, embark on pilgrimages, and only think about going abroad if there is time after seeing the whole country.

Seventh Resolution - We will raise awareness among farmers about natural farming.

Eighth Resolution - We will incorporate superfood millets – Shri Anna -- into our lives, benefiting our small farmers and our health.

Ninth Resolution - We will prioritize yoga, sports, and fitness for our individual health.

And Tenth Resolution - By becoming a member of at least one poor family, we will elevate their social status.

As long as there is even one poor person in the country who lacks basic amenities, has no access to home, electricity, gas, or water, and doesn't have access to healthcare, we cannot sit in peace. We need to reach every beneficiary and provide assistance. Only then will poverty be eradicated, and development for all will occur. Only then will Bharat become developed. May we fulfil these resolutions, invoking the name of Lord Rama, and on this auspicious occasion of Vijaya Dashami, I extend my heartfelt wishes to all the citizens of the country.


As mentioned in the Ramcharitmanas - बिसी नगर कीजै सब काजा, हृदय राखि कोसलपुर राजा meaning By keeping Lord Rama's name in our hearts and striving to fulfil our resolutions, we will undoubtedly achieve success. Let us all progress on the path of development with the resolutions of Bharat, and together, let's lead Bharat to the goal of ‘Shreshtha Bharat’. With these wishes, I extend heartfelt greetings to everyone on this holy occasion of Vijaya Dashami.

Siyavar Ramchandra ki Jai

Siyavar Ramchandra ki Jai


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The World This Week On India
March 05, 2025

India is seeing a week of intense engagement with global partners while making headway in important domestic sectors. The European Commission leadership visited India, trade discussions with Latin America moved forward, and international businesses expanded their presence in the country. Meanwhile, India’s logistics, healthcare, and aviation sectors are undergoing changes that could have lasting economic effects.


India and the European Union: Deepening Ties Amid Global Trade Shifts

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, along with 21 members of the College of Commissioners, visited India this week. The visit shows the EU's intent to strengthen its relationship with India, especially in light of potential global trade realignments. Both parties are eager to finalize a free trade agreement by the end of the year, aiming to improve cooperation in trade, technology, and defense.

Salil Gupte on India's Robust Talent Pool

President of Boeing India Salil Gupte, has praised the country's strong talent base, emphasizing its role in the aerospace giant's growth. In a recent interview, Gupte noted that India's skilled workforce has been instrumental in scaling Boeing's operations, reinforcing the company's commitment to "Make in India" initiatives.

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Japanese air conditioner manufacturer Daikin Industries plans to replicate its successful Indian business model in Africa. Aiming to become the leading player in the African market, Daikin's strategy reflects the scalability of business models proven in India and their applicability in other emerging markets.

Merck's Commitment: Doubling Workforce in India

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India: Emerging Hub for Clinical Trials

India is on the verge of becoming a global hub for clinical trials, with the market estimated to reach $1.51 billion by 2025. Factors such as a diverse population and cost-effective research capabilities are attracting global pharmaceutical companies to conduct trials in India, strengthening the country's position in the global healthcare landscape.

Strengthening Ties with Latin America

Under its policy of "strategic autonomy," India is expanding its presence in Latin America. Countries in the region have welcomed this push, leading to diversified trade and stronger bilateral relations. This move is part of India's effort to build economic partnerships beyond its traditional allies.

Bengaluru's New Cargo Terminal: Boosting Domestic Logistics

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India’s economic, diplomatic, and industrial engagements are moving at a steady pace. Discussions with the EU on trade, expansions by global firms, and structural developments in logistics and healthcare all point to a country positioning itself for long-term gains.