QuoteGovernments alone cannot bring about changes. What brings about change is participative governance: PM Modi
QuoteThe biggest assets of any nation are Shram Shakti and Ichcha Shakti. Once the people decide to bring about change, everything is possible: PM
QuoteEssential to know the root of every problem and think about 'out of the box' ways to solve them, says PM Modi
QuoteWhat will drive innovation is IPPP- Innovate, Patent, Produce, and Prosper: PM Narendra Modi
QuoteWe want to give more autonomy to our higher education sector. Work is being done to create institutions of eminence: PM
QuoteInnovation has the power to overcome the challenges our world faces: PM Modi

Even at 8 - 8.30 in the evening, the youngsters of my country from every corner are engaged in such a great task of the country's progress. My country is transforming; it is moving ahead. 

I congratulate my young friends at different centres of the country.  I specifically congratulate HRD Minister Shri Prakash Javdekar and his whole team for organising this event of Smart India Hackathon. 

It has always been a pleasant experience to be present among the smart innovators of smart India. The efforts that you all are putting in order to find solutions to the different problems through technology are highly commendable. 

You have been engaged in your mission for the past few hours; but I can feel your enthusiasm, hope, zeal and aspirations. There is no sign of fatigue or stress. I too am relieved of my stress just by looking at you. The goals of New India are strengthened when such efforts are being made by today's generation for nation building.



I had also attended the previous Smart India Hackathon. When I was asked to attend this event again, I readily agreed without a second thought. I said that I wish to meet the youngsters, listen to your opinions and try to learn from you. 

I believe that there is no greater mistake than believing that a person knows everything. Similarly, it will also be wrong on the part of a government that believes that everything has to be done by the government alone. Therefore, I strongly insist upon participation and participative governance.  

No challenge in this world is greater than the willpower and manpower of 125 crore Indians. If the people of a country with a favourable demographic dividend that has 65% of its population below the age of 35 years become determined to achieve a goal, nothing can be impossible.  

The youngsters especially are filled with enthusiasm, zeal and hope that further boosts my confidence of building a New India. Yes, we will be able to provide India its place that it rightfully deserves in the 21st century.  

This is one of the major reasons that I never let go of any opportunity of meeting the young professionals, young CEOs, young scientists and young bureaucrats. Your enthusiasm is the main driving force of fulfilling the dream of New India. 

However, the question arises whether the dream of New India is possible with limited efforts? The answer is 'No'! It is necessary to identify the root of the problems and find out-of-the-box and modern solutions to those problems. 

This effort of our government has laid the foundation of the Smart India Hackathon. 

I have been told that half of the 60 projects that were finalized during the last Hackathon, are about to be completed and the other half will be completed by the next 2 to 3 months. I am glad that this year more than 1 lakh youngsters have taken part in this event compared to 40000 last year. This year even the state governments have participated in the programme along with the 27 ministries of the central government. I have been told that in a few months from now hardware edition will also be added along with the software in Hackathon. 

I congratulate all the youngsters, the different Ministries and the state governments for this effort. 

I have been told that you are going to find solutions to the challenges like flood management and forest fires. I believe that the path from technology to transformation will help us to reach our goal. 


In the area where knowledge is power, innovation is the driver of growth. This means that knowledge behaves like power but innovation is required to expand that Power. The greater the innovation, greater will be the country's development. Innovation is not just a word. It is neither an event nor a competition where awards are given away to the winners and everyone goes back after celebration. Innovation is a continuous process. You can innovate only when you are able to understand the problem in depth, pose questions, put forth new ideas and the government of India will implement those ideas. Therefore, I put forth the concept of IPPP which means Innovate, Patent, Produce and Prosper. These four steps can help our country to stride on the path of development at a rapid pace. With greater innovation, faster Patents and production, we can prosper more at a rapid pace. 

Therefore, our government is constantly encouraging innovation. An atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship has been created with the help of Atal Innovation Mission (AIM). Our aim is to create an ecosystem that introduces students to future techniques at a very young age so that the students do not have to wait for attending the engineering colleges in order to learn about Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain Technology, 3D and robotics.  

We have selected nearly 2400 Schools to create a mind-set of innovation among the children at an early age. Our government wants to increase the number of schools to 30000 in the near future. The students of classes 6th to 12th are being focused upon in Atal Tinkering Labs. Modern technology is being introduced to children by implementing the concept of education and learning in these Labs. The job will be half done if a mind-set of innovation is developed during the teenage. Thereafter, we are also focusing upon strengthening and encouraging research work in higher technical education and important announcements have been made regarding this in this Budget. 

The government has announced the PMRF i.e. Prime Minister's Research Fellowship and I would like you all to take advantage of it. Under this scheme, Prime Minister Fellowship will be offered to the best students pursuing BTech, MTech or MSc in the institutions like IIT, IISc or NIT. Every year 1000 students will be selected for this. The students will be given financial assistance of Rs.70000 to Rs. 80000 per month for 5 years. A research grant of Rs. 2 lakh will also be provided by the government for producing research paper in international conferences and seminars. 

One thing was common among the countries that progressed rapidly after the Second World War. A greater emphasis was placed on the development of higher educational institutions in those countries. Innovations in large Institutions also form the base for economic growth. 

Therefore, the government is emphasising on giving greater autonomy to the higher educational institutions of the country. The government is also trying to create 20 world class 'Institutions of Eminence' in the country. Out of these, 10 public sector institutes will be given a financial assistance of 10000 crore rupees by the government.  

On one hand we are developing an ecosystem for the future while on the other hand we are working towards preparing the ground for entrepreneurs through schemes like Start-up India. I wish to inform you that since the launch of this scheme about 6000 start-ups have been approved. The government is providing financial assistance to these start-ups. 


It is essential for us to adapt to the culture of innovation looking at the world challenges. It was a painful time for us when other countries got items like turmeric, neem and basmati patented. Therefore, our government has taken steps to improve the system of patent and copyright. Consequently, till February of this year more than 11300 patents have been registered as compared to 4000 in the year 2013-14. I believe you are proud to hear this. Compared to the previous government, nearly threefold increase in the patent registration is seen in the period of the present government. Trademark registrations have also increased three-fold in 3 years. In 2013-14 about 68000 Trademarks were registered which has now gone up to two and a half lakh. 

Our government is emphasising on not only innovation and patenting but also on production. Today 'Make in India' has become a brand, which the entire world is talking about. You will get a clear picture with this example.  Friends, about 4 years ago there were only two factories in our country for manufacturing mobile phones. You all are in the same field; so you will be glad to know that within 4 years the factories that are operating in the country for manufacturing mobile phones have gone up from 2 to 120 with the rapid pace of 'Make in India'.


As soon as innovation, patent and production start working at their maximum pace, prosperity also gains momentum. However, another question is also connected with it. Innovation is for whom? Is it for us or for the country or for the poor in our country? Is it to fulfil our needs or for meeting the requirements of the country? 

I am deliberately posing these questions in front of my young friends. The research paper may get published in the International Gazette or in magazines or in the field of scientific Technology but we can be satisfied only when the invention becomes helpful for the people of the country. Therefore, this should also be taken into consideration. What should be the innovation? It should be something that provides solutions to the country's challenges. 

Organising multiple hackathons in the country can also be one of the steps. For example: Health-Hackathon, Law-Hackathon, Architecture-Hackathon, Agricultural-Hackathon and Rural-Hackathon. We can find several such areas. Our country needs different and innovative brains, agriculturists, architects, doctors, lawyers and managers. 

I hope these hackathons will prove to be a medium for providing new platforms to new talents. We will be able to bring new innovations in sanitation and waste management and public transportation through them. This will reduce the day to day challenges faced by the people of the country and make their lives easier. Besides, your innovations will also serve the country. 

I have been told that you are using drones to produce high resolution images in the Hackathon. Now any innovation related to it will be a huge service to the country. 

You will be surprised to know that our government has linked the photographs taken from the drones to the schemes of the government for monitoring. 

Geo-tagging and mapping play significant roles in monitoring the schemes like Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana for houses, Pradhan Mantri Sinchai Pariyojana for the completion of incomplete projects and MGNREGA. 

Last month during the PRAGATI meeting, the reconstruction of Kedar Ghati was being monitored live with the help of drone cameras. Although there was a little disturbance in the connectivity because of snowfall but I could see a broad picture. 

I could monitor the entire work from Delhi. If you bring innovation in everything then the use of such things will be very common in the future. 

I want to inform the young friends who are not aware about the PRAGATI meetings. Our government has developed a modern system for monitoring. Under this, we sit in the Prime Minister's office and the officers of the states connect with us through satellite and real time monitoring of the schemes is conducted. Different issues like the delay in completion of the plan, the root problem in the schemes and the amount of work done are assessed. 


In the changing times, the economic progress of any country now depends on its innovation quotient. There is no shortage of resources in our country. The strength of the youngsters is immense. I have one request. You may have a number of dreams but also take the needed steps to fulfil them. Do not let any dream die. If you have the desire to go to any extent to achieve your dreams then you will definitely be able to achieve that dream. 

Remember, your generation as well as mine are those people who did not get the opportunity to fight for the country's independence, to spend the life in the prisons or to die for the country. However, we have got the opportunity to live for the country. We have got the opportunity to live for the poor and the common man of the country. Therefore put your talent and strength to use for the country. Make efforts and try to think of different ways by which technology can be better utilised for the country's welfare. 


I know that you are sitting here since morning and will be engaged till tomorrow night. 36 hours is a lot of time. I would like to hear your experience today. In such a stressful situation, you should also relax by doing Pranayama, taking deep breaths and stretching. A little relaxation will help you to get new ideas. I am also doing the seeding of the task that you are engaged in. Since I am present in front of you, first of all I would like to hear your experiences. I will go to different areas. I was told that probably I will get the opportunity to talk to the youngsters of Panipat first.

  • krishangopal sharma Bjp January 17, 2025

    नमो नमो 🙏 जय भाजपा 🙏🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹
  • krishangopal sharma Bjp January 17, 2025

    नमो नमो 🙏 जय भाजपा 🙏🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷
  • krishangopal sharma Bjp January 17, 2025

    नमो नमो 🙏 जय भाजपा 🙏🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌷
  • Anju Sharma March 29, 2024

    Jai hind
  • Babla sengupta December 23, 2023

    Babla sengupta
  • January 13, 2022

    भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के गुमनाम नायक परिचय - आज हम स्वतंत्र भारत में रहते हैं। जहाँ हम शांति और आजादी से पढ़ लिख सकते है , मनचाही व्यवसायों को कर सकते हैं , शांति से खा सकते हैं और अपना जीवन अपने तरीके से जी सकते हैं, लेकिन यह शांति और आजादी हमें ऐसे ही नहीं मिल गई, इसके लिए ऐसे कई स्वतंत्रता सेनानी हुए , जिन्होंने भारत को कड़ा संघर्ष करके अंग्रेजों के गुलामी से मुक्त करवाया । गुमनाम नायकों को जानने की आवश्यकता - बात यह है कि जितने भी स्वतंत्रता सेनानी हुए उनमें से आज हम सिर्फ कुछ प्रमुख नामों के बारे में ही जानते है। जिनमें से प्रमुख नाम हैं- महात्मा गाँधी जी, भगत सिंह जी, पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू जी आदि । इनके वीर गाथाओं के बारे में हम में से सभी को पता है , परंतु ऐसे और भी कई नाम है जिन्हें हमारे भारतवासी भूल गए हैं। आज देश की भावी पीढी को देश के सम्पूर्ण इतिहास को जानने की आवश्यकता है । आज हम
  • January 12, 2022

    Nss volunteer ankita chauhan, bsc(hons) agriculture student Dr. Khem singh gill akal college of agriculture baru sahib Dear honourablr PM sir as India is the developing country so its very important to expand brain research and work with leading scientists. For this there should be value based education for the students so that only they forward their mind. There should be some interesting activities in school or in college level so that the students come up with innovative ideas.
  • January 12, 2022

    NSS Volunteer Mohini Thakur ,Eternal University, Baru Sahib Bsc Agriculture 3td year
  • January 12, 2022

    NSS Volunteer Eternal University ,Baru Sahib Manisha Thakur BS19BSME002 BSc medical 3rd year
  • January 12, 2022

    Drama can be played based on the above
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78ನೇ ಸ್ವಾತಂತ್ರ್ಯ ದಿನಾಚರಣೆಯ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ಕೆಂಪು ಕೋಟೆಯಿಂದ ಪ್ರಧಾನಮಂತ್ರಿ ಶ್ರೀ ನರೇಂದ್ರ ಮೋದಿ ಅವರು ಮಾಡಿದ ಭಾಷಣದ ಕನ್ನಡ ಅನುವಾದ
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India's Q3 GDP grows at 6.2%, FY25 forecast revised to 6.5%: Govt
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PM Modi addresses the post-budget webinar on agriculture and rural prosperity
March 01, 2025
QuoteOur resolve to move towards the goal of Viksit Bharat is very clear: PM
QuoteTogether we are working towards building an India where farmers are prosperous and empowered: PM
QuoteWe have considered agriculture as the first engine of development, giving farmers a place of pride: PM
QuoteWe are working towards two big goals simultaneously - development of agriculture sector and prosperity of our villages: PM
QuoteWe have announced 'PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana' in the budget, under this, focus will be on the development of 100 districts with the lowest agricultural productivity in the country: PM
QuoteToday people have become very aware about nutrition; therefore, in view of the increasing demand for horticulture, dairy and fishery products, a lot of investment has been made in these sectors; Many programs are being run to increase the production of fruits and vegetables: PM
QuoteWe have announced the formation of Makhana Board in Bihar: PM
QuoteOur government is committed to making the rural economy prosperous: PM
QuoteUnder the PM Awas Yojana-Gramin, crores of poor people are being given houses, the ownership scheme has given 'Record of Rights' to property owners: PM

The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi addressed the post-budget webinar on agriculture and rural prosperity today via video-conferencing. Emphasizing the importance of participation in the post-budget webinar, the Prime Minister thanked everyone for joining the program and highlighted that this year's budget is the first full budget of the Government's third term, showcasing continuity in policies and a new expansion of the vision for Viksit Bharat. He acknowledged the valuable inputs and suggestions from all stakeholders before the budget, which were very helpful. He stressed that the role of stakeholders has become even more crucial in making this budget more effective.

“Our resolve towards the goal of Viksit Bharat is very clear and together, we are building an India where farmers are prosperous and empowered”, exclaimed Shri Modi and highlighted that the effort is to ensure no farmer is left behind and to advance every farmer. He stated that agriculture is considered the first engine of development, giving farmers a place of pride. “India is simultaneously working towards two major goals: the development of the agriculture sector and the prosperity of villages”, he mentioned.


Shri Modi highlighted that the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, implemented six years ago, has provided nearly ₹3.75 lakh crore to farmers and the amount has been directly transferred to the accounts of 11 crore farmers. He emphasized that the annual financial assistance of ₹6,000 is strengthening the rural economy. He mentioned that a farmer-centric digital infrastructure has been created to ensure the benefits of this scheme reach farmers across the country, eliminating any scope for intermediaries or leakages. The Prime Minister remarked that the success of such schemes is possible with the support of experts and visionary individuals. He appreciated their contributions, stating that any scheme can be implemented with full strength and transparency with their help. He expressed his appreciation for their efforts and mentioned that the Government is now working swiftly to implement the announcements made in this year's budget, seeking their continued cooperation.

Underlining that India's agricultural production has reached record levels, the Prime Minister said that 10-11 years ago, agricultural production was around 265 million tons, which has now increased to over 330 million tons. Similarly, horticultural production has exceeded 350 million tons. He attributed this success to the Government's approach from seed to market, agricultural reforms, farmer empowerment, and a strong value chain. Shri Modi emphasized the need to fully utilize the country's agricultural potential and achieve even bigger targets. In this direction, the budget has announced the PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana, focusing on the development of the 100 least productive agricultural districts, he added. The Prime Minister mentioned the positive results seen from the Aspirational Districts program on various development parameters, benefiting from collaboration, convergence, and healthy competition. He urged everyone to study the outcomes from these districts and apply the learnings to advance the PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana, which will help increase farmers' income in these 100 districts.

Prime Minister underscored that efforts in recent years have increased the country's pulse production, however, 20 percent of domestic consumption still relies on imports, necessitating an increase in pulse production. Heremarked that while India has achieved self-sufficiency in chickpeas and mung, there is a need to accelerate the production of pigeon peas, black gram, and lentils. To boost pulse production, it is essential to maintain the supply of advanced seeds and promote hybrid varieties, he stated, stressing on the need to focus on addressing challenges such as climate change, market uncertainty, and price fluctuations.


Pointing out that in the past decade, ICAR has utilized modern tools and cutting-edge technologies in its breeding program, and as a result, over 2,900 new varieties of crops, including grains, oilseeds, pulses, fodder, and sugarcane, have been developed between 2014 and 2024, the Prime Minister emphasized the need to ensure that these new varieties are available to farmers at affordable rates and that their produce is not affected by weather fluctuations. He mentioned the announcement of a national mission for high-yield seeds in this year's budget. He urged private sector participants to focus on the dissemination of these seeds, ensuring they reach small farmers by becoming part of the seed chain.

Shri Modi remarked that there was a growing awareness about nutrition among people today and underscored that significant investments have been made in sectors such as horticulture, dairy, and fishery products to meet the increasing demand. He mentioned that various programs were being implemented to boost the production of fruits and vegetables, and the formation of the Makhana Board in Bihar has been announced. He urged all stakeholders to explore new ways to promote diverse nutritional foods, ensuring their reach to every corner of the country and the global market.

Recalling the launch of the PM Matsya Sampada Yojana in 2019, aimed at strengthening the value chain, infrastructure, and modernization of the fisheries sector, the Prime Minister stated that this initiative had improved production, productivity, and post-harvest management in the fisheries sector, while the investments in this sector had increased through various schemes, resulting in a doubling of fish production and exports. He underlined the need to promote sustainable fishing in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone and open seas, and a plan will be prepared for this purpose. Shri Modi urged stakeholders to brainstorm ideas to promote ease of doing business in this sector and start working on them as soon as possible. He also stressed the importance of protecting the interests of traditional fishermen.


“Our Government is committed to enriching the rural economy”, said the Prime Minister and highlighted that under the PM Awas Yojana-Gramin, crores of poor people are being provided with homes, and the Swamitva Yojana has given property owners 'Record of Rights.' He mentioned that the economic strength of self-help groups has increased, and they have received additional support. He noted that the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana has benefited small farmers and businesses. Reiterating the goal to create 3 crore Lakhpati Didis, while efforts have already resulted in 1.25 crore women becoming Lakhpati Didis, Shri Modi emphasized that the announcements in this budget for rural prosperity and development programs have created numerous new employment opportunities. Investments in skilling and technology are generating new opportunities, he added. The Prime Minister urged everyone to discuss how to make the ongoing schemes more effective. He expressed confidence that positive results will be achieved with their suggestions and contributions. He concluded by stating that active participation from everyone will empower villages and enrich rural families. He expressed confidence that the webinar will help ensure swift implementation of the schemes of the budget. He urged all the stakeholders involved to work in unison to achieve the targets of the budget.