Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a new state-of-the-art ‘J.B. Auditorium’ at Ahmedabad Management Association (AMA) today evening. This 400-seat theatrical AC hall is extended building of AMA in ATIRA campus on IIM Ahmedabad road.
The hall has a state-of-the-art multimedia and video conferencing facility. The auditorium has been built at a cost of Rs three crores. Of this Rs. 50 lakh are contributed by Rajiv Vastupal, Past President, AMA.
The Chief Minister also inaugurated Navdeep-AMA Centre for Entrepreneurship Development and released the book “Yes, You can be a Business Leader” written by Mr. N.K.Patel, Mamata Group on this occasion.
Zydus Cadila’s Pankaj Patel, Mamata group’s Mahendrabhai Patel etc. were present on this occasion.