Joint Statement: 6th India-Germany Inter-Governmental Consultations

Published By : Admin | May 2, 2022 | 20:28 IST



1. Today the Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and of the Republic of India, under the co-chairmanship of the Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, held the sixth round of Inter-Governmental Consultations. Besides the two leaders, the two delegations comprised Ministers and other high representatives of the line-ministries mentioned in the annex.

2. As India celebrates the 75th anniversary of its independence, the relationship between Germany and India is firmly rooted in mutual trust, joint interests in servicing the peoples of both countries and shared values of democracy, rule of law and human rights, and multilateral responses to global challenges.

3. Both Governments underlined the importance of an effective rules-based international order with the United Nations and the fundamental principles of international law as enshrined in Charter of the United Nations at its core, including respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all States. They reaffirmed their Governments’ determination to strengthen and reform multilateralism to tackle current and future challenges, to defend peace and stability globally, to bolster international law, and to defend the fundamental principles of peaceful settlement of conflicts and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.

4. Both leaders highlighted their commitment to an economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic that safeguards the planet. They underlined their firm commitment to the objective of holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°Cabove pre-industrial levels and bolstering a just transition towards renewable energies. They stressed that the economic recovery should further build a more resilient, environmentally sustainable, climate-friendly and inclusive future for all in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the national commitments by both countries under the Paris Agreement.

A Partnership of Shared Values and Regional and Multilateral Interests

5. Firmly convinced of the importance of a rules-based international order with the United Nations at its core and respect for international law, Germany and India underlined the importance of effective and reformed multilateralism. They renewed their call to reform the multilateral system in light of pressing global challenges such as climate change, poverty, global food security, threats to democracy such as misinformation, international conflicts and crises and international terrorism. As long-standing members of the "Group of Four”, the two Governments are committed to intensify their efforts to spur on an overdue reform of the UN Security Council in order to make it fit for this purpose and reflective of contemporary realities. Both Governments underline to support each other in relevant elections. Germany reiterated its steadfast support for India’s early entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

6. Both sides stressed the significance of a free, open and inclusive Indo-Pacific, recognizing the centrality of ASEAN. They acknowledged the Policy Guidelines for the Indo-Pacific of the German Federal Government, the EU Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative enunciated by India. Both sides underlined the importance of unimpeded commerce and freedom of navigation in accordance with International Law, notably the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982, in all maritime domains including in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. As an important milestone in Germany’s growing engagement with the Indo-Pacific region, both sides welcomed the port call by the German Navy Frigate ‘Bayern’ in Mumbai in January 2022. Germany also agreed to welcome an Indian Naval ship on a friendly visit to a German port next year.

7. India and Germany welcome the deepening of the strategic cooperation between India and the EU, particularly after the India-EU Leaders’ Meeting in Porto in May 2021 and agreed to further strengthen it. They look forward to the implementation of the India-EU Connectivity Partnership. The two sides expressed satisfaction on the launch of the India-EU Trade and Technology Council, which will foster closer engagement in addressing challenges at the nexus of trade, trusted technology and security.

8. Both sides emphasized the cooperation with regional organizations such as the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) as well as in multilateral fora such as the G20. In this respect, India and Germany particularly look forward to close cooperation during India’s G20 Presidency in 2023. Germany welcomed the presentation of India’s G20 priorities and agreed to work together on strong G20 action in addressing common global challenges.

9. Both sides acknowledged the close cooperation between the G7 and India during the current German G7 Presidency including on just energy transition. They agreed to establish under Germany’s G7 presidency and with other governments a dialogue to jointly work on just energy transition pathways to address the opportunities and challenges of climate-compatible energy policies, rapid deployment of renewable and access to sustainable energy. This can also include mitigation-oriented adaptation to climate change, particularly in the energy sector.

10. Germany reiterated its strong condemnation of the unlawful and unprovoked aggression against Ukraine by Russian Forces.

Germany and India expressed their serious concern about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. They unequivocally condemned civilian deaths in Ukraine. They reiterated the need for an immediate cessation of hostilities. They emphasised that the contemporary global order has been built on the UN Charter, international law and respect for sovereignty and the territorial integrity of states. They discussed the destabilizing effect of the conflict in Ukraine and its broader regional and global implications. Both sides agreed to remain closely engaged on the issue.

11. On Afghanistan, both sides expressed their serious concern about the humanitarian situation, the resurgence of violence, including targeted terrorist attacks, the systemic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the hampered access of girls and women to education. They reiterated strong support for a peaceful, secure and stable Afghanistan and confirmed to continue to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan.

12. Both sides reaffirmed the importance of UNSC Resolution 2593 (2021) which, amongst others, unequivocally demands that Afghan territory not be used for sheltering, training, planning or financing terrorist acts. They also agreed to continue close consultations on the situation in Afghanistan.

13. Both leaders strongly condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including any use of terrorist proxies and cross-border terrorism. They called upon all countries to work towards rooting out terrorist safe havens and infrastructure, disrupting terrorist networks and financing in accordance with international law, including international humanitarian law. They further called for concerted action against all terrorist groups, including groups proscribed by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) 1267 Sanctions Committee. Both sides also committed to continued exchange of information about sanctions and designations against terror groups and individuals, countering radicalism, and terrorists ‘use of the Internet and cross-border movement of terrorists.

14. Both leaders also emphasized the importance of upholding international standards on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism by all countries, including in FATF which will advance and strengthen the framework for global cooperation and reinforce the fight against terrorism.

15. Both Governments expressed support for the conclusion of the negotiations, restoration and full implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Germany and India also commend the important role of the IAEA in this context.

16. With a view to deepening the security cooperation, both sides agreed to begin negotiations on an Agreement on the exchange of classified information. Both sides acknowledged the need to further deepen bilateral security and defence cooperation as strategic partners to jointly address global security challenges. They agreed to intensify bilateral exchanges on security and defence issues. Furthermore, both sides are actively seeking to enhance research, co-development and co-production activities bilaterally, under EU and with other partners. In this regard, both sides agreed to continue to hold regular bilateral Cyber Consultations and reconvene the Defence Technology Sub-Group (DTSG) meeting. The two Governments expressed support for enhancing high-technology trade, including defence goods, between the two countries.

A Partnership for Green and Sustainable Development

17. Both Governments acknowledged their joint responsibility for the protection of the planet and for shared, sustainable and inclusive growth, leaving no-one behind. Both leaders highlighted that Indo-German Cooperation on Sustainable Development and Climate Action is guided by the commitments of India and Germany under the Paris Agreement and the SDGs, including pursuing efforts to holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. They look forward to accelerate the implementation of these commitments and welcomed, in this respect, the Joint Declaration of Intent establishing the Indo-German Partnership for Green and Sustainable Development. The Partnership will aim to intensify bilateral, triangular and multilateral cooperation and link it with the strong commitment of both sides on the implementation of the Paris Agreement and SDGs. Considering that the timeline for the realisation of SDGs and some of the climate targets declared by India and Germany during COP26 in Glasgow culminate in 2030, they will work together to learn from each other and to facilitate the achievement of their respective objectives. Germany intends to strengthen its financial and technical cooperation and other assistance to India with a long-term goal of at least 10 billion Euros of new and additional commitments till 2030 under this Partnership. This will support inter alia the achievement of their ambitious goals in the climate action and sustainable development space, further promote German-Indian research and development (R&D), encourage private investment and thus aim at leveraging further funding. India and Germany stress the importance of swift implementation of existing and future commitments.

18. Both sides agreed to create a biennial Ministerial Mechanism within the framework of the Intergovernmental Consultations (IGC) that will provide high-level political direction to this Partnership. All existing bilateral formats and initiatives in the fields of climate action, sustainable development, energy transition, development cooperation and triangular cooperation will contribute to the Partnership and report on progress to the Ministerial Mechanism.

19. Both sides will work towards identifying deliverables in the priority areas of energy transition, renewable energy, sustainable urban development, green mobility, circular economy, climate action inter alia on mitigation, climate resilience and adaptation, agro-ecological transformation, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, environment protection & sustainable use of natural resources and take stock of progress on the objectives of the Partnership on a regular basis.

20. As deliverables of the Indo-German Partnership for Green and Sustainable Development, both sides agreed to:

i. Develop an Indo-German Green Hydrogen Roadmap based on the inputs by the Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Forcesupported by the Indo-German Energy Forum (IGEF).

ii. Establish an Indo-German Renewable Energy Partnership focusing on innovative solar energy and other renewables, including the associated challenges for electricity grids, storage and market design to facilitate a just energy transition. The partnership would also support creation of a circular economy for solar technologies. Germany expressed its intention to provide financial and technical cooperation including concessional loans of up to 1 billion EUR from 2020 to 2025 depending on high quality project preparation and the availability of funds.

iii. Establish a lighthouse cooperation on "Agroecology and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources” to benefit the rural population and small-scale farmers in India in terms of income, food security, climate resilience, improved soil, biodiversity, forest restoration and water availability and to promote Indian experience globally. Germany expressed its intention to provide financial and technical cooperation including concessional loans of up to 300 million EUR until 2025 depending on high quality project preparation and the availability of funds.

iv. Further examine collaboration on Green Energy Corridors, e.g. the Leh-Haryana transmission line and the project of a carbon neutral Ladakh.

v. Deepen cooperation in restoring forest landscapes under the Bonn Challenge as an important measure to fight poverty, preserve and restore biodiversity and prevent and attenuate climate change, acknowledging also the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030 as a framework for intensified political partnership and dialogue and accelerated action to increase the area of healthy ecosystems and end their loss, fragmentation and degradation.

vi. Deepen cooperation on the creation of suitable conditions for the successful and sustainable use of green technologies, including in the area of reduction of air pollution.

vii. Work together on Triangular Cooperation, based on individual strengths and experiences in development cooperation and offer sustainable, viable and inclusive projects in third countries to support the achievement of SDGs and climate targets.

21. In addition and in the context of the Indo-German Partnership for Green and Sustainable Development, both sides welcomed the progress of existing initiatives including:

i. The Indo-German Energy Forum launched in 2006 and flagship cooperation programs initiated under this partnership. They agreed to further enhance its strategic dimension and private sector involvement.

ii. The cooperation within the Indo-German Environment Forum (IGEnvF), which held its last meeting in February 2019 in Delhi. They strive to encourage the participation of provincial and municipal authorities taking into account the federal structure of both countries.

iii. The meetings of the Joint Working Group on Biodiversity last held virtually in February 2021, where both sides underlined their support to adopt an ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework with strong targets at CBD COP15 and expressed their intention to work towards the establishment of tangible cooperation.

iv. The good opportunities created by the Joint Working Group on Waste and Circular Economy, in particular to further intensify the cooperation and exchange of experiences between both countries. They agreed to continue and intensify the Indo-German Environment Cooperation by supporting the effective and efficient implementation of ambitious objectives and policies in order to prevent litter, especially plastics, entering the marine environment as set in SDG target 14.1 and to especially focus on the implementation of SDG target 8.2 (technological upgrading and innovation), 11.6 (municipal and other waste management) and 12.5 (recycling and reduction of waste).India and Germany agreed to closely cooperate in the UNEA towards establishing a global legally binding agreement on plastic pollution.

v. The Indo-German Partnership on Green Urban Mobility launched in 2019 and the substantive development cooperation portfolio that has been developed. Accelerated action and collaboration is envisaged to support the integration of sustainable modes of transport, such as metros, light metros, fuel efficient low-emission and electric bus systems, non-motorized transport, and facilitate early integrated planning for sustainable mobility for all with a view to work on concrete targets for the joint work in the partnership until 2031.

vi. The collaboration between NITI Aayog and BMZ in developing the country’s first SDG Urban Index & Dashboard (2021-22) aimed at strengthening SDG localization at the city level and for fostering data-driven decision making as well as plans for further SDG implementation at state and district level.

22. Both sides reiterated their intention to continue their successful cooperation on urban development within the International Smart Cities Network. In order to promote multilateral experience sharing and learning on the subject of Smart Cities they agreed on a mutual Smart City Online-Symposium in 2022.

23. Both sides agreed to continue the regular meetings of the Joint Indo-German Working Group on sustainable urban development, acknowledging the significant role of sustainable and resilient cities to achieve the objectives laid out by the Paris Agreement and the Agenda 2030.

24. Both sides reaffirmed the constructive role of the Joint Working Group on Agriculture, Food Industry and Consumer Protection, which held its last meeting in March 2021. They expressed satisfaction about the achieved results and continued willingness of cooperation based on existing MoUs in the fields of sustainable agricultural production, food safety, agricultural training and skilling, post-harvest management and agricultural logistics.

25. Both Governments appreciated the final stage of the successful flagship project in the Indian seed sector in order to contribute to promoting farmers’ access to high quality seeds as a fundamental basis for sustainable agricultural production. They noted the second bilateral cooperation project started in August 2021, which aims to support ongoing reform efforts to strengthen and modernize India’s agricultural market development.

26. Both sides expressed willingness to develop cooperation activities in the field of food safety based on existing cooperation agreements.

27. Both sides acknowledged the MoU signed between the German Agribusiness Alliance (GAA) and Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI) on establishment of "Indo-German Centers of Excellence in Agriculture” aimed at promoting practical skill development in agriculture in India by bridging gaps and upgrading skill of farmers and wage workers.

28. Both sides agreed that the technology and knowledge transfer in the food and agriculture sector is key to more sustainable food systems and that tailored research cooperation projects in the area of food safety by the "Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung” (BfR) and FSSAI can be considered.

29. The International Solar Alliance (ISA): Both sides agreed to deepen collaboration and support by building on the synergies of Indian and German strategic priorities and associated global cooperation effortsin the field of solar energy.

30. The InsuResilience Global Partnership and the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure: Both sides agreed to strengthen collaboration on risk finance and insurance solutions against climate and disaster risks as well as capacity building via the Global Initiative for Disaster Risk Management. Germany welcomed the Indian announcement to become a member of the InsuResilience Global Partnership.

31. Both sides agreed to enhance collaboration with the Indian and German private sector in the context of public-private partnerships for innovation and investments in SDGs and climate goals in particular through DeveloPPP and structured funding mechanisms to mobilise the private sector.

32. Both sides expressed their appreciation for the preparation for the UN 2023 Water Conference and underlined their support for SDG 6 and other water-related goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

A Partnership for Trade, Investment and Digital Transformation

33. Appreciating the continued adherence to and underlining the importance of rules-based, open, inclusive, free and fair trade, Germany and India highlighted the importance of the WTO as the center of the multilateral trading system and central pillar of integrating developing countries into the global trading system. Both Governments committed to reforming the WTO with the objective of strengthening its principles and functions, especially, preserving the two-tier Appellate Body, along with the autonomy of the Appellate Body.

34. Germany and India are important trade and investment partners. Both sides expressed their strong support for the upcoming negotiations between the European Union and India on a Free Trade Agreement, an Investment Protection Agreement and an Agreement on Geographical Indications, and underlined the enormous potential of such Agreements for expanding bilateral trade and investment.

35. Germany and India stressed the importance of implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises as an essential part of a sustainable and inclusive economic recovery. Both Governments aim to make supply chains more resilient, diversified, responsible, and sustainable. Both Governments highlight the need to work together to ensure that supply chains can continue to bring economic benefits while upholding international environmental, labour and social standards.

36. Against the backdrop of one of the biggest global jobs and social crises in decades, both sides recognised the importance of working together to build back sustainable labour markets and of aiming to facilitate a resilient, inclusive, gender-responsive and resource efficient recovery. The goal is to promote employment and decent work, the introduction of re- and upskilling policies that enable all people of working-age to do the work of tomorrow and responsive social protection systems that can fight poverty and reduce inequalities, while contributing to a sustainable future.

37. Germany welcomed the ratifications of the ILO conventions 138 and 182 by India in 2017. Both sides underlined the importance of fighting child and forced labour in line with the SDG 8.7 and intend to strengthen their cooperation in these areas. They welcomed a further exchange on national and international policies to ensure and promote decent work and adequate social protection in new forms of work, such as the platform economy.

38. Both sides acknowledged the importance of digital transformation as a key driver for technological, economic and societal change. The Indo-German Digital Dialogue is an important instrument to facilitate cooperation on digital topics such as Internet Governance, emerging technologies and digital business models. At the same time, they expressed their support to benefit from synergies with other existing initiatives like the industry-driven Indo-German Digital Experts Group.

39. In the field of taxation, both sides welcomed the agreement on the two-pillar-solution reached at the OECD Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) on 8 October 2021. Both Governments expressed their common understanding that the solution should be simple, the process will be inclusive and will contribute to the stabilisation of the international tax systems by establishing a fair level playing field for all businesses that will stop the harmful race to the bottom, end aggressive tax planning and guarantee that multinational enterprises will finally pay their fair share of taxes. Germany and India shared a willingness to support a swift and effective implementation of both pillars. India and Germany expressed their commitment to complete the protocol amending the double tax avoidance agreement quickly.

40. In the field of bilateral trade and investment, both sides underlined their readiness to continue the successful format of the Indo-German Fast Track Mechanism, which has proven to be an important reference for current and future investors. Further to the half-yearly meetings of the Fast Track Mechanism, both sides will regularly engage with each other to discuss sector specific general issues of companies and investors on both sides with regard to ease of doing business.

41. Both sides reaffirmed their readiness to continue to promote bilateral economic relations by implementing the training programme for corporate managers ("Manager Programme"). In this context, both sides welcomed the signing of a Joint Declaration of Intent by which they arranged to continuously work together in implementing the training programme for industry executives. Both sides noted with satisfaction that this cooperation has contributed to achieving tangible results in the development of their bilateral commerce and trade, to strengthening personal and business contacts among business executives, and to deepening mutual understanding between both countries.

42. India acknowledged the technical expertise of German companies in the railway sector. Building on the Joint Declaration of Intent signed in 2019 between the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy and the Indian Ministry of Railways on future cooperation in railways, both sides underline their continued interest in cooperating further in high speed and energy efficient technologies in support of Indian Railways’ ambition to turn net zero by 2030.

43. Germany and India expressed their appreciation for the Indo-German Working Group within the Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI) for their continued efforts to strengthen cooperation in the fields of standardisation, accreditation, conformity assessment and market surveillance. Both sides noted the Work Plan for 2022 signed during the 8th Annual Meeting of the Working Group that identifies new areas of collaboration in the areas of digitalisation, smart and sustainable farming/agriculture and circular economy.

44. Both Governments expressed their wish to further strengthen the start-up cooperation and in this context appreciate the ongoing cooperation between Start-up India and the German Accelerator (GA). They welcomed GA’s intention to further increase its support by offering an India Market Access program from 2023 onwards and Start-up India's proposal to develop a common engagement model in partnership with GA for enhanced support to both start-up communities.

A Partnership for Political and Academic Exchange, Scientific Cooperation, Mobility of Workforce and People

45. Both Governments welcomed active people-to-people exchanges including among students, academia and professional work force. Both sides agreed to support each other’s efforts to expand the internationalisation of their higher education systems, to interlink further the innovation and research landscapes of both countries, and to strengthen dual structures for Vocational Education and Training.

46. Germany and India expressed their satisfaction at the growing exchanges between the two countries in the field of education and skill development and intend to engage in further cooperation. Both Governments expressed their appreciation for setting up Digital preparatory courses (Studienkolleg) to enable selected Indian students to pursue undergraduate courses in German Universities. The Indian Government will encourage exchange of students and facilitate admission of German students in Indian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) under programmes like Study in India. Both Governments also welcomed efforts at university level to explore collaboration between Indian and German universities, e.g. in the form of joint degrees and dual degrees.

47. Recognising that academia-industry cooperation is key to catalyse Indo-German strategic research and development partnerships, both sides welcomed the recent initiatives of Indo-German Science and Technology Centre (IGSTC) to support industrial fellowships aimed at industrial exposure of young Indian researchers in a German industrial ecosystem, the Women Involvement in Science and Engineering Research (WISER) program to facilitate lateral entry of women researchers into ongoing S&T projects and paired early career fellowships creating an inclusive ecosystem for the Indo-German S&T cooperation.

48. They particularly expressed their support for the realization of the international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt as one of the cornerstones of bilateral science cooperation.

49. Both Governments welcomed the finalization of the negotiations on the bilateral agreement between Germany and India on a comprehensive Migration and Mobility Partnership as documented by today’s initialling of the draft agreement in the English language. They agreed to take action to swiftly sign the agreement and bring it into force. They highlighted the importance of this agreement in facilitating two-way mobility of students, professional and researchers as well as addressing the challenges of illegal migration.

50. Both Governments welcomed the signing of the placement agreement by the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) and the State of Kerala regarding the migration of skilled health and care workers. By applying a holistic "triple-win approach”, the aim is to benefit the country of origin and the host country as well as the individual migrants themselves. They further welcomed the goal of expanding their cooperation beyond the placement agreement with the state of Kerala with other states in India across various occupational groups while giving appropriate consideration to the interest of the labour markets in Germany and India as well as of the migrants themselves.

51. Both Governments also welcomed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding by the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) and the National Safety Council (NSC) of India in the field of safety and health at work and social protection that will enable the reduction of work-related accidents and diseases and the Memorandum of Understanding by the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) and Directorate General Factory Advice Service & Labour Institutes (DGFASLI) of India concerning collaboration in the field of occupational safety & health and social protection.

52. Both Governments also appreciated substantial cultural exchanges and educational cooperation between Germany and India and the important role of the Goethe-Institut, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), University Grants Commission (UGC), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and other relevant institutions in this regard. They recognized the role of the German political foundations in facilitating such contacts through educational and dialogue formats.

A Partnership for Global Health

53. Recognizing that the Covid-19 pandemic continues to present a critical test to prove the resilience of open societies and multilateral cooperation and that it requires a multilateral response, both Governments agreed to cooperate in ensuring security of medical supply chains, strengthening global preparedness for health emergencies and reducing future zoonotic risks, taking a One-Health-Approach. Both sides underscored their commitment to reforming and strengthening WHO as directing and coordinating authority on international health work and its capacity to respond to future pandemics. They acknowledged the importance of facilitating free movement of people for business and tourism to support economic recovery and agreed to enhance cooperation on mutual recognition of Covid19 vaccines and vaccination certificates.

54. Both sides welcomed the collaboration between National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) of India and Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) of Germany in providing technical support for the establishment of Bio-safety level IV laboratory (BSL-4) in Banda, UP for testing of highly pathogenic organisms.

55. Both Governments expressed their intent to strengthen the cooperation in the field of medical products regulation by signing a Joint Declaration of Intent between the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the Republic of India, and the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices of the Federal Republic of Germany (BfArM) and the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut of the Federal Republic Germany (PEI).

56. Both leaders expressed satisfaction at the deliberations held at the 6th IGC and reaffirmed their full commitment to further expand and deepen the Indo-German Strategic Partnership. Prime Minister Modi thanked Chancellor Scholz for his warm hospitality and for hosting the Indian delegation for the 6th IGC. India looks forward to host the next IGC.



  • krishangopal sharma Bjp March 03, 2025

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  • krishangopal sharma Bjp March 03, 2025

    मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹मोदी 🌹🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🙏🌷🙏🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷
  • krishangopal sharma Bjp March 03, 2025

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  • krishangopal sharma Bjp March 03, 2025

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  • krishangopal sharma Bjp March 03, 2025

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