During Mann Ki Baat, Prime Minister Modi expressed deepest respect, for the sentiment displayed by 130 crore Indians in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic. PM Modi said that to facilitate the selfless endeavour of people towards our country, the government has come up with a digital platform - covidwarriors.gov.in.
Through the covidwarriors.gov.in, the government has linked volunteers of social organisations, representatives of civil society and local administration with each other. As many as 1.25 crore people are already a part of this portal. They comprise doctors, nurses, ASHA-ANM workers, NCC and NSS cadets and professionals from myriad fields. Urging more and more people to volunteer, PM Modi said, “These people are of immense help at the local level in preparing Crisis Management Plans and implementing them. You too can join covidwarriors.gov.in to be a Covid warrior and serve the country.”