Gujarat Chief Minister launches ‘Balsrishti’ monthly to commemorate World Braille Day
“ Gujarat Government to convert all books in state libraries into e-Library, to reach 2-crore household soon”
– Narendra Modi
Speaking at a function to mark the World Braille Day organized by Education Department, he said the ‘Vanche Gujarat’ campaign started last year has helped the number of readers in Gujarat libraries increase from 47-lakh to 87-lakh in a year. There are on average 20-lakh books in the library. The campaign may soon result in these books reaching 1.50-crore to 2.0-crore households in the state. He congratulated all those associated with the Vanche Gujarat campaign.
The Chief Minister on the occasion launched a monthly magazine ‘Balsrishti’ in Braille for the visually challenged. It is perhaps for the first effort of its kind in the country. The function was conducted by the blind students.
Mr. Modi also launched on the occasion an audio book prepared from the books by jail inmates.
Mr Modi now looked forward to celebrate the beginning of Swami Vivekanand 150th birth anniversary year-long celebration from January 12, 2012.
Those present on the occasion included Education Minister Ramanlal Vora, Minister of State Vasuben Trivedi, vice-chairman Harshad Shah, legislators, educationists and students.