PM Modi delivers key note address at the Economic Times Global Summit
True reforms are those which result in transformation in the lives of citizens: PM
We should create new opportunities for citizens to progress and also give them a choice of opportunities: PM
I am confident that despite the challenges, we can successfully go forward in a way to benefit the common people: PM
Entrepreneurship is one of India's traditional strengths, it was sad to see it neglected in the last few years but we have changed that: PM
I believe in the politics of empowerment. I believe in empowering the people to improve their own lives: PM
We have taken India to the top of global league tables of foreign investment and growth in less than 2 years: PM
When the power of the people is with us, hard challenges become huge opportunities: PM
I believe in the politics of empowerment. I believe in empowering the people to improve their own lives: PM

Shri Vineet Jain Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen

I am very happy to be here today. The global economy is going through a period of uncertainty. At a time like this I am glad that so many participants not only from India, but also from abroad have taken the time to come here. I am sure all of us in India will benefit from the experience of other countries. I will take this opportunity to present to you some of my thoughts on the progress of the Indian economy and on the business environment.

Some of you may recall what I have said before - that true reforms are those which result in transformation in the lives of citizens. As I have said before, my goal is “reform to transform”. Let me start with the basics. What should be the basic guiding principles of economic policy in any country, particularly for the developing countries? 

Firstly, we have to improve the use of our natural and human resources, to increase the value addition we can get from them. This means increasing the efficiency in allocation of resources. It means greater managerial efficiency. It means removing unnecessary controls and distortions.

Secondly, we should create new opportunities for citizens to progress and also give them a choice of opportunities. Opportunity is like oxygen to the aspirational citizen and we are keen that this is never in short supply. In simple terms, it means Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas.

Thirdly, we have to increase the quality of life of the common citizen and even more so, the quality of life of the poor. Quality of life may have an economic aspect, but it is not economics alone. If a government is progressive, and runs an honest and efficient administration, the biggest beneficiaries are the poor. I know from my experience, that poor governance hurts the poor more than it hurts others. Therefore, improved governance is as important as economic reform.

We live in a globally connected world. Actions of one country affect another. Such actions are not only based on trade and investment but also in matters of pollution and environment. A poet had said that no man is an island. Today it can be said that no country can live alone. It is often said that all politics is local. To me, all economics is global. Indeed the distinction between domestic affairs and foreign affairs is increasingly losing relevance. For a country in the modern day, it is not sufficient that its economic policies should only address its domestic priorities. To me, India’s policies must be such that they make a positive contribution to the rest of the world.

Many of you are aware of the contribution India can make to the global economy at a time of economic stagnation in many parts. For the last four quarters, India has been the fastest growing large economy in the world. In 2014-15, India contributed 7.4% of global GDP in purchasing power terms. But it contributed 12.5% of global growth. Thus its contribution to growth is 68% higher than its share of the global economy. FDI in India has increased by 39% in the last 18 months, at a time when global FDI has fallen.

But a country’s contribution goes beyond economics. Protecting our planet from climate change is one of the most important tasks for this generation. If one country reduces its environmental footprint, it creates benefits for all others. It is for this reason that in the COP 21 Summit, India made far reaching commitments towards the larger welfare of the planet. In history, every country that has grown has increased its per capita emissions footprint. We are committed to re-writing that history. We are committed to reducing the emission intensity of our GDP by 33% by 2030 even while growing at a fast pace. For a country which is already at a very low base of per capita emission, this is a very ambitious target. We have committed that by 2030, 40% of our electric power capacity will be from non-fossil fuel. We have also committed to building an additional carbon sink of over 2.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. This will be done by creating additional forest cover by 2030. This commitment is from a country with a very low per capita land availability. We have taken the lead in launching an international solar alliance, involving 121 countries falling between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. This initiative will help many developing countries, from Africa to South America, to take advantage of developments in renewable energy around the world.

Let me now return to the three policy objectives I mentioned. I will start with the performance of Indian economy. Economists talk about GDP growth, inflation, investment, and the fiscal deficit as key economic parameters. Since this Government took office, growth has increased and inflation has decreased. Foreign investment has increased and the fiscal deficit has decreased. And despite a slow-down in global trade, the balance of payments deficit has also decreased.

Yet, such broad statistics give only a partial picture of what we are attempting, and what we are achieving. It is often said “the devil is in the detail”. But I believe that God is in the proper execution of many so-called details. It is these so-called details which, when done well, add up to a big picture.

You may be interested to know that • India’s highest ever urea fertiliser production was achieved in 2015.

• India’s highest ever production of ethanol as blended fuel, benefiting sugar cane farmers, was in 2015.

• The highest number of new cooking gas connections to the rural poor was achieved in 2015.

• India’s highest ever output of coal was achieved in 2015.

• India’s highest ever generation of electricity was achieved in 2015

• India’s highest ever quantity of cargo handled by major ports was in 2015.

• India’s fastest average turnaround time in ports was in 2015. • India’s highest ever increase in railway capital expenditure was achieved in 2015.

• India’s highest ever number of new highway kilometres awarded was in 2015.

• India’s highest ever production of motor vehicles was achieved in 2015

• India’s highest ever software exports were achieved in 2015.

• India’s highest ever rank in World Bank Doing Business indicators, was achieved in 2015.

• India’s highest ever foreign exchange reserves were achieved in 2015.

When I give these figures, it is important to remember that in the preceding years, many of these indicators were moving in the opposite direction. Not only have many indicators improved, but they have improved by large margins. For example, in 2013-14, the total number of National Highway kilometres awarded was about 3500. This more than doubled in the first year of this Government to nearly 8000 kilometres, an all-time high. This year we are planning to award 10,000 kilometres.

Let me give you more examples of quantum leaps. The Shipping Corporation of India which made a loss of Rs. 275 crores in 2013-14 made a profit of Rs. 201 crores in 2014-15. This is a turnaround of Rs. 475 crores in one single year.

In 2013-14, India accounted for just 0.1% of global demand for energy efficient LED lighting. In 2015-16, it is 12%. Indian LED bulbs are now the cheapest and most competitive in the world, costing less than a dollar versus a global average of 3 dollars. In 2013-14, India commissioned 947 megawatts of solar power plants. In 2015-16, this will rise to over 2500 megawatts. It is expected to reach 12,000 megawatts in 2016-17. India’s share of the global solar energy market will rise from 2.5% in 2014 to 18% in 2016. India’s contribution here is not merely in increasing the share of clean energy. Its other contribution is that the huge increase in scale has enabled producers to cut prices benefitting the whole world. In 2013-14, 16,800 kilometres of transmission lines were added. In 2014-15 this rose to over 22,000, an increase of 32%. In the power sector as a whole, the cost of power has declined by over 30%.

Let me turn to the second aspect — improving opportunities. I believe in the politics of empowerment. I believe in empowering the people to improve their own lives. We undertook the world’s largest and most successful financial inclusion programme. It has brought over two hundred million unbanked people into the banking system. In the early days of this programme, sceptics felt that these accounts would have no balances. You will be surprised to know that today these accounts have a balance exceeding Rs. thirty thousand crores or over four billion dollars. We have also issued a record number of debit cards to them. India is now one of the few countries where the market share of an indigenous credit card brand exceeds 33%.

We have introduced a new and comprehensive program of crop insurance. This empowers farmers to give their best, with the State providing cover against risks beyond the farmer’s control.

We have introduced soil health cards to empower our farmers. The card will tell every farmer the exact character of his soil. This will enable him to increase crop yield, reduce over-use of chemical inputs and fertilizer and restore soil health.

Entrepreneurship is one of India's traditional strengths. It was sad to see it neglected in the last few years. “Business” and “profits” had become bad words. We have changed that. We need to value enterprise and hard work, not wealth. Our programs ranging from MUDRA to Start Up India and Stand-Up India provide opportunity to the hard working and to the enterprising. In so doing, we have placed special emphasis on Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and women. We are empowering them to become masters of their own destinies.

Creating opportunities for cities and towns to grow is very crucial. Urban areas are an engine of growth. A key initiative for urban transformation is the Smart City Mission. The Mission has several ‘firsts’. It is the first time that certain areas in cities will be comprehensively developed in a systematic and qualitative way. These areas will act as ‘light houses’ which will eventually influence the rest of the city. It is the first time that there has been such extensive citizen consultation. Nearly 2.5 million people participated through contests, discussions, polls, blogs and talks on the MyGov platform. This is a major break from the top-down approach to urban planning. It is the first time that allocation of funds in a government scheme is done not by decisions of Ministers or officers but on the basis of competition. This is a good example of competitive and cooperative federalism.

As I mentioned earlier, the role of a Government does not end with the economy alone. There are many non-economic dimensions which are vital for ensuring the welfare of the citizens. Good governance is crucial. We have taken numerous steps which have transformative potential. We have ended the era of high level corruption. This is a fact acknowledged by Indians and foreigners, and by critics and supporters of this Government. This is not an easy achievement. We have ended political interference and crony capitalism in nationalized banks. We have for the first time appointed several heads of public sector banks from the private sector. Transparent auctions have cleaned up the natural resources sector which was riddled with scandals.

Many experts have commented on the need to reduce subsidies. The new universal access to banking through the Jan Dhan Yojana, has enabled plugging of huge leakages in subsidies. In developing countries, fuel subsidies are generally very difficult to tackle. We have successfully decontrolled cooking gas prices. We are now operating the world’s largest direct benefit transfer scheme for cooking gas. Subsidies are transferred to the bank account of households. Through electronic verification, multiple and bogus connections are eliminated. This enables genuine beneficiaries to get what they deserve while eliminating those who are not eligible. This has substantially reduced the subsidy.

Another subsidized fuel is kerosene, used by the poor for cooking and lighting, and distributed by state governments. There is clear evidence that a large quantity of subsidized kerosene is misused and diverted. We have begun a pilot in thirty three districts where kerosene will be sold at market prices. The difference between market price and the subsidized price will be transferred directly to bank accounts of those who are poor. The poor will be properly identified through bank accounts and biometric identification through Aadhaar. This will eliminate duplicate, non-eligible and bogus consumers. This elimination will reduce the total subsidy. We have decided that 75% of the savings from this will be passed on to the states. Thereby, we have encouraged state governments to implement this in all districts.

The experience of Chandigarh, shows that this is possible. In April 2014, there were 68,000 beneficiaries of subsidized kerosene in Chandigarh. A campaign was launched to issue gas connections to all eligible families. 10,500 new gas connections were issued. Kerosene quotas were stopped for 42,000 families who already had gas connections. By 31st March, 2016, Chandigarh will be declared kerosene-free. Believe it or not, till date, the saving achieved in kerosene consumption through this initiative is 73%!

Two days ago at a meeting with Chief Secretaries of the States, I was reviewing implementation of various pension schemes. I was pleasantly surprised to see that there had been noteworthy reduction in leakage, simply by eliminating those who were double counted and who were ineligible. In some states, a reduction of 12% in subsidies has been achieved without any harm to the poor.

Another major subsidy is on fertilizer. A substantial quantity of subsidized urea is diverted illegally to use in the production of chemicals. We have introduced a simple but effective technical solution: neem-coating of urea. The organic neem coating makes the fertilizer unsuitable for diversion. We have now achieved 100% neem coating in both domestic and imported urea. A significant side benefit has also happened. The collection of neem leaves for urea has become a new income earning opportunity for rural women.

I know that several of you are economists. Economists generally believe that human beings are rational. They believe people will not give up a benefit for which they are entitled. Last year, I gave a call to citizens. I asked them to give up their cooking gas subsidies, if they felt they were not poor enough to get it. We also made a promise. Every connection given up, would be used to give a new gas connection to a poor family. Poor women in rural India use firewood or biomass and suffer greatly because of smoke. This scheme is entirely voluntary. You may be surprised to learn that nearly 6.5 million people in India have responded to my call. It warms my heart, to see that so many of them have come forward, with no compulsion to benefit the poor and give up their subsidies. Already, over 5 million new connections have been given to the poor. It is a sign of the public spirit and the self-respect which prevails among Indians and shows the potential of citizen action. Another example where citizens have responded is in the case of Khadi. In October 2014, I had appealed to all Indians to buy at least one Khadi garment. In response, Khadi sales have increased substantially.

We have taken a creative approach to tackling the problem of loss making power distribution companies. Under the UDAY programme, short term debt relief is given by state governments taking over bank loans. But this is accompanied by strong long term conditions to hold both the distribution companies and the states. This will create the conditions for rolling out 24x7 power supply.

Our country suffers from an excess of old and unnecessary laws which obstruct people and businesses. We began the exercise of identifying unnecessary laws and repealing them. 1,827 Central laws have been identified for repeal. Out of these, 125 have already been repealed. Bills for repealing another 758 have been passed by the Lok Sabha and are awaiting the approval of the Upper House.

I have given just a few examples of the potential of improved governance. The benefits of improved governance and reduced corruption are lasting and profound. If our policies are studied closely, you will find that many are popular, but none are populist. Every one of the changes we have made is in the direction of good governance and rationality.

I have been referring to cooking gas, fertilizer and kerosene subsidies. I must confess that I am surprised by the way words are used by experts on this matter. When a benefit is given to farmers or to the poor, experts and government officers normally call it a subsidy. However, I find that if a benefit is given to industry or commerce, it is usually called an “incentive” or a “subvention”. We must ask ourselves whether this difference in language also reflects a difference in our attitude? Why is it that subsidies going to the well-off are portrayed in a positive manner? Let me give you an example. The total revenue loss from incentives to corporate tax payers was over Rs. 62,000 crores. Dividends and long term capital gains on shares traded in stock exchanges are totally exempt from income tax even though it is not the poor who earn them. Since it is exempt, it is not even counted in the Rs. 62,000 crores. Double Taxation avoidance treaties have in some cases resulted in double non-taxation. This also is not counted in the Rs. 62,000 crores. Yet these are rarely referred to by those who seek reduction of subsidies. Perhaps these are seen as incentives for investment. I wonder whether, if the fertiliser subsidy is re-named as “incentive for agricultural production”, some experts will view it differently.

I am not arguing that all subsidies are good. My point is that there cannot be any ideological position on such matters. We have to be pragmatic. We have to eliminate bad subsidies, whether or not they are called subsidies. But some subsidies may be necessary to protect the poor and the needy and give them a fair chance to succeed. Hence my aim is not to eliminate subsidies but to rationalize and target them.

In 19 months, much has been achieved. Much more is expected of us. And there are challenges ahead. Yet, I am now confident • that we can successfully go forward, • that we can successfully go faster, • and that we can do so in a way that will benefit the common people.

When the people of a nation make up their minds to go forward and when the power of the people is with us, hard challenges become huge opportunities. This confidence of mine is not formed in a vacuum, but founded on my experience over the last 19 months.

We inherited a struggling economy, just recovering from a currency crisis. In less than two years, we have taken India to the top of global league tables of foreign investment and growth. Friends, we have a long way to go but I feel ours is a journey well begun. Like all long journeys, there may be obstacles on the way, but I am confident we will reach our destination. We have created a platform for a new future and for a new India:

An India where every child is born safely and maternal and infant mortality are below world averages,

An India where no person is houseless,

An India where every town and every village, every school and every train, every street and every house, are clean and sanitary,

An India where every citizen has access to good health care,

An India where every village has 24x7 electricity,

An India where every city is vibrant and livable,

An India where girls are educated and empowered,

An India where every boy and every girl is skilled and ready for productive employment,

An India where agriculture, industry and services provide well-paying jobs to all who need them,

An India where farmers know the nature of their soil, have the best inputs and reach global levels of productivity,

An India where enterprises, large and small, have access to capital and credit,

An India where start-ups and other businesses provide innovative solutions,

An India which is at the forefront of a global digital economy,

An India which leads the world in clean energy,

An India where every citizen has basic social security and a pension in old age,

An India where citizens trust Government and are trusted by Government.

And above all, a transformed India where all citizens have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Thank you.

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Our government's intentions, policies and decisions are empowering rural India with new energy: PM
January 04, 2025
Our vision is to empower rural India by transforming villages into vibrant centres of growth and opportunity: PM
We have launched a campaign to guarantee basic amenities in every village: PM
Our government's intentions, policies and decisions are empowering rural India with new energy: PM
Today, India is engaged in achieving prosperity through cooperatives: PM

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman ji, Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Chaudhary ji, esteemed members of NABARD's senior management present here, members of Self-Help Groups, Cooperative Banks, Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), all other distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year 2025. The grand celebration of the Gramin Bharat Mahotsav at the beginning of 2025 reflects the progress of Bharat’s developmental journey and establishes a distinct identity. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to NABARD and all other collaborators for organizing this remarkable event.


Those of us who are connected to villages, who have grown up in villages, understand the true strength of Bharat’s villages. For someone who resides in a village, the village also resides within them. Those who have lived in a village know how to truly embrace village life. I consider myself fortunate that my childhood was spent in a small town in a modest environment! And later, even when I stepped out of my home, most of my time was spent in the villages and rural areas of the country. As a result, I have experienced the challenges of village life firsthand and have also recognized the immense potential of our villages. Since childhood, I have seen how hard people in villages work, but due to the lack of capital, they don't get adequate opportunities. I have witnessed the incredible diversity of talent and abilities that people in villages possess! Yet, this potential often gets consumed in the basic struggles of life. Sometimes, crops fail due to natural calamities; other times, they have to discard their harvest due to the lack of access to markets. Having seen these hardships so closely, I was inspired to serve the villages and the underprivileged. It instilled in me a resolve to find solutions to their problems.

The work being carried out in the rural areas of the country today is also shaped by the lessons and experiences learned from villages. Since 2014, I have been continuously dedicated, every moment, to serving rural Bharat. Providing a life of dignity to the people in villages is a priority for this government. Our vision is to empower the people of Bharat’s villages, ensuring they have ample opportunities to progress within the village itself, without having to migrate elsewhere. We aim to make village life easier. To achieve this, we have launched a campaign to guarantee basic amenities in every village. Through the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, we built toilets in every household. Under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, we provided millions of families in rural areas with pucca houses. Today, through the Jal Jeevan Mission, clean drinking water is reaching every household in thousands of villages.


Today, people are getting access to better healthcare services in over 1.5 lakh Ayushman Arogya Mandirs. With the help of digital technology, we have connected the best doctors and hospitals in the country to villages, leveraging the benefits of telemedicine. Millions of people in rural areas have already availed telemedicine services through the e-Sanjeevani platform. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the world doubted how Bharat’s villages would cope with such a crisis. But we ensured that vaccines reached even the last person in every village.


To strengthen the rural economy, it is crucial to formulate economic policies that consider every segment of the village population. I am glad that over the past 10 years, our government has created special policies and made decisions for every section of rural society. Just a few days ago, the Cabinet approved the extension of the PM Fasal Bima Yojana for another year. The price of DAP (Di-Ammonium Phosphate) fertilizer is skyrocketing globally. If our farmers had to buy it at international prices, they would be burdened so heavily that they could never recover. But we decided that no matter the global circumstances or the burden on us, we would not let that burden fall on our farmers. Even if we had to increase subsidies on DAP, we did so to stabilize its price for farmers. The intent, policies, and decisions of our government are infusing new energy into rural Bharat. Our goal is to provide maximum economic assistance to rural people so that they can not only farm but also find new opportunities for employment and self-employment in villages. With this vision, around 3 lakh crore rupees has been provided as financial assistance to farmers under the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi. In the past 10 years, the amount of agricultural loans has increased by 3.5 times. Now, even livestock farmers and fish farmers are being issued Kisan Credit Cards. More than 9,000 Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) across the country are also being provided financial assistance. Additionally, we have consistently increased the Minimum Support Price (MSP) for several crops over the last decade.


We have also launched initiatives like the Svamitva Yojana, through which village residents are receiving property ownership papers. Over the past 10 years, several policies have been implemented to promote MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises). These businesses have benefited from the Credit Guarantee Scheme, which has directly supported over one crore rural MSMEs. Today, village youth are receiving significant support through schemes like Mudra Yojana, Start-up India, and Stand Up India.


Cooperatives have played a significant role in transforming the landscape of villages. Today, Bharat is on the path to achieving prosperity through cooperatives. With this goal in mind, a new Ministry of Cooperation was established in 2021. Nearly 70,000 Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) across the country are being computerized to ensure that farmers and villagers receive better prices for their products and to strengthen the rural economy.


Apart from agriculture, many people in our villages are engaged in traditional arts and skills. For example, blacksmiths, carpenters, and potters—most of them have lived and worked in villages. These artisans have made a significant contribution to the rural and local economy. However, in the past, they were often neglected. To address this, we have launched the Vishwakarma Yojana to empower them. This scheme provides affordable assistance to help them acquire new skills, create innovative products, and enhance their capabilities. The Vishwakarma Yojana is giving lakhs of traditional artisans across the country opportunities to progress and thrive in their trades.


When intentions are noble, the results are equally satisfying. The hard work of the past 10 years is beginning to bear fruit for the nation. Just a few days ago, a major survey was conducted in the country, revealing several significant insights. Compared to 2011, consumption in rural Bharat—or the purchasing power of villagers—has almost tripled. This means that rural people are now spending more on items of their choice. Earlier, the situation was such that villagers had to spend more than 50% of their income on food and basic necessities. For the first time since independence, the expenditure on food in rural areas has fallen below 50%, and spending on other essential items has increased. This indicates that people are now buying things for their comfort, desires, and needs, investing more in improving their quality of life.


Another important finding from the survey is that the gap in consumption between urban and rural areas has reduced. In the past, there was a significant difference between the amount spent by an urban family and a rural person, but now, gradually, rural people are catching up with their urban counterparts. Through our continuous efforts, this gap between rural and urban areas is narrowing. Rural Bharat is filled with many success stories that inspire us.


When I look at these successes today, I often wonder why these things couldn't have been done during previous governments—why did we have to wait for Modi? For decades after independence, millions of villages across the country were deprived of basic needs. Tell me, where do the highest number of Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and Other Backward Classes (OBC) live? These communities predominantly live in rural areas. Most of the people from these SC, ST and OBC communities live in villages. The previous governments did not address the needs of these communities adequately. As a result, there was continuous migration from villages, poverty continued to rise, and the gap between rural and urban areas widened. Let me give you another example. You know, what was the perception about our border villages in the past? They were called the last villages of the country. We stopped calling them the last village and instead said, "When the first rays of the sun emerge, they fall on the first village and it is not the last village, and when the sun sets, the last ray also falls on the first village in that direction." So, for us, these villages are not the last—they are the first. We have given them the status of being the "first village." To develop these border villages, we launched the Vibrant Villages Scheme. Today, the development of these villages is increasing the income of their people. This means that those who were never asked about their needs, Modi has honoured them. We have also launched the PM JANMAN Yojana to develop tribal areas. The regions that were deprived of development for decades are now receiving equal rights. In the last 10 years, our government has corrected many of the previous governments' mistakes. Today, we are advancing with the mantra that the development of villages leads to the development of the nation. The result of these efforts is that nearly 25 crore people in the country have come out of poverty in the past 10 years, and the largest number of these are people from our villages.

Just yesterday, a significant study by the State Bank of India was released. The report from the State Bank of India states that in 2012, rural poverty in Bharat was around 26%. But by 2024, rural poverty has reduced drastically to less than 5% from 26%. For decades, some people kept chanting slogans like "eradicate poverty." If you ask those in your village who are 70-80 years old, they will tell you that they have been hearing these slogans of “eradicate poverty” since they were 15-20 years old. Now, these people are in their 80s. But today, the situation has changed. Poverty is genuinely starting to decline in our country.


Women have always had a significant role in Bharat’s rural economy, and our government is expanding that role further. Today, we are witnessing women redefine rural life as Bank Sakhi and Bima Sakhi. I once met a Bank Sakhi, and while speaking with all the bank sakhis, one of them told me that she handles daily transactions worth 50-60-70 lakh rupees. When I asked how, she replied, “I leave in the morning with 50 lakh rupees." In my country, a young woman walking around with 50 lakh rupees in her bag is a new face of our country. Across villages, women are creating a revolution through Self-Help Groups. We have made 1.15 crore women ‘lakhpati didis’. And being a ‘lakhpati didi’ doesn't mean just earning 1 lakh rupees once—it means earning more than 1 lakh rupees annually. Our resolve is to make 3 crore women ‘lakhpati didis’. We are also running special schemes for women from Dalit, backward, and tribal communities to empower them.


Today, the focus on rural infrastructure in the country is greater than ever before. Most villages in the country are now connected to highways, expressways, and railways. Under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, nearly 4 lakh kilometres of roads have been constructed in rural areas over the past 10 years. In terms of digital infrastructure, our villages are becoming modern hubs of the 21st century. The people in our villages have disproven those who thought rural residents would not be able to adopt digital technology. I see here, everyone is recording videos on mobile phones—these are all villagers. Today, over 94% of rural households in the country have access to telephones or mobile phones. Banking services and world-class technologies like UPI are now available in villages. Before 2014, our country had fewer than 1 lakh Common Service Centres (CSCs). Today, the number has increased to over 5 lakh. These centres provide access to dozens of government services online. This infrastructure is driving progress in villages, creating job opportunities, and making rural areas an integral part of the country's growth.


Here, we have the senior management of NABARD. You have played a crucial role in the success of many initiatives, from Self-Help Groups to Kisan Credit Cards. Going forward, your role will continue to be vital in fulfilling the country's objectives. You are all familiar with the strength of FPOs (Farmer Producer Organizations). With the establishment of FPOs, our farmers are now getting better prices for their crops. We should think about creating more FPOs and move forward in that direction. Currently, milk production is providing the highest returns to farmers. We need to work towards creating 5-6 more cooperatives like Amul, which have a presence across the country. The nation is now advancing Natural Farming as a mission. We need to involve more farmers in this initiative to promote Natural Farming. We should also connect our Self-Help Groups with small and micro industries (MSMEs). The products made by them are in demand all over the country, but we need to focus on their branding and marketing. Additionally, we must pay attention to the quality, packaging, and branding of our GI products.


We need to work on ways to diversify rural income. How can we make irrigation affordable in villages? We must focus on expanding micro-irrigation systems and making the mantra "One Drop More Crop" a reality. We also need to create more simple rural enterprises in rural areas. Additionally, we must ensure that the opportunities from Natural Farming benefit the rural economy as much as possible. I urge you to work towards these goals in a time-bound manner.


The Amrit Sarovars built in your village must be taken care of by the entire community collectively. At the same time, there is a national campaign called "Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam" (One Tree for Mother). It is important to inspire every individual in the village to be a part of this initiative, ensuring that as many trees as possible are planted in our village. Another crucial aspect is that the identity of our village is tied to its unity, harmony, and love. Unfortunately, there are individuals who are trying to spread poison in society in the name of caste, attempting to weaken our social fabric. We must thwart these conspiracies and preserve and strengthen our ‘Sanjhi Virasat’ (shared heritage) and ‘Sanjhi Sanskriti’ (shared culture).

Brothers and sisters,

Our resolutions must reach every village, and this celebration of Gramin Bharat should spread across all villages. We need to work together continuously to ensure that our villages become stronger and more empowered. I am confident that the commitment to the development of villages will lead to the fulfilment of the vision of a ‘Viksit Bharat’ (Developed India). Today, I had the opportunity to visit the stall displaying GI-tagged products brought by villagers. Through this event, I urge the people of Delhi—who may not have the chance to visit villages regularly—to take at least one visit and see the potential of my village. There is so much diversity and potential in our villages, and I am sure those who have never visited a village will be amazed at what they see. This work has been done by you, and you all deserve congratulations. I extend my heartfelt wishes to each one of you and thank you all very much.