QuoteGovt is working for the benefit of all citizens without any discrimination: PM
QuoteWomen's empowerment is fundamental towards taking any nation forward: PM
QuoteNew National Education Policy prioritizes the aspirations of youth: PM
QuoteDevelopment and progress of the nation must not be viewed from a political lens: PM

Namaskar, Aligarh Muslim University Chancellor, His Holiness Doctor Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb, Education Minister Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishankji, Minister of State for Education Shri Sanjay Dhotreji, Vice-Chancellor Tariq Mansoorji, all professors, staff, thousands of students of AMU present in this programme, lakhs of alumni of AMU, other dignitaries and friends.

At the outset, I would like to thank all of you. You have given me the opportunity to be part of your happiness on this historic occasion of AMU’s centenary celebrations. I was looking at the pictures of the beautifully decorated buildings of Century Gates, Social Science departments, Mass Communication and other departments. These are not just buildings, but the history of education that is associated with them is India's invaluable heritage.

Today, all the people who have passed out from AMU are spread not only in the best places and institutions of India, but in hundreds of countries across the world. I often meet the alumni of AMU during my trips abroad who proudly tell me that they have studied from AMU. The alumni of AMU carry with them a unique style of jest and Sher-o-Shayari. They represent the culture of India, wherever they are in the world.


Proud Aligs, this is what you say partners.  This is also the reason for your pride. In its hundred years of history, AMU has chiseled and carved out millions of lives, has given a modern and scientific temper. It has evoked inspiration to do something for the society and the country. If I take the names of all, the time will probably be very short. The identity of AMU, the basis of this recognition, is the values on which this institution has been established by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. I also congratulate every student, teacher and professor who has served the country through AMU in these hundred years.

Even during Corona crisis, the way AMU helped society is unprecedented. Getting free tests for thousands of people, building isolation wards, creating plasma banks and contributing a huge amount to PM CARES Fund reflects the seriousness of fulfilling your obligations towards society. Just a few days ago, I also received a letter from Chancellor Dr. Syedna Saheb. He has offered support at all levels in the vaccination drive. India is today combating the global epidemic like corona successfully due to such concerted efforts of keeping the country’s interests paramount.


So many people tell me that AMU Campus is like a town in itself. A Mini India is also seen among many departments, dozens of hostels, thousands of teachers, professors and lakhs of students. If on the one hand, Urdu is taught in AMU, then Hindi and Arabic is also taught. There is also a century-old institution of Sanskrit education. If there is a manuscript of the Quran in the library, the translations of the Gita-Ramayana have also been preserved. This diversity is not only the strength of a prestigious institution like AMU, but of the country also. Neither we have to forget this power, nor allow it to weaken. We have to work together to strengthen the spirit of Ek Bharat – Shreshtha Bharat (One India – Best India) day-by-day.


In the past 100 years, AMU has also worked to strengthen India's relations with many countries in the world. The research on Urdu, Arabic and Persian languages and the research on Islamic literature provides new energy to India's cultural relationship with the entire Islamic world. I am told that about one thousand foreign students are studying here now. AMU also has the responsibility to see to it that these students carry with them the memories of what is good, best in the country and which is the strength of the country to their countries. Because they would connect India's identity as a nation on the basis of whatever things they experience in AMU. So, your institution has a double responsibility in a way. 

You have to enhance your respect and discharge your responsibility perfectly. You have to refine the soft power of your university on the one hand, and continuously fulfill your obligation of nation building on the other. I am sure everyone associated with AMU will move forward keeping in mind their duties. I would like to remind you of one thing that Sir Syed has said. He said, "The first and foremost duty of those who worry about our country is to work for the welfare of all people, regardless of the caste, belief or religion of the people.”


While expanding it, Sir Syed also gave an example. He said, "Just as every part of the body needs to be healthy for human life and its good health, the development of the country at all levels is necessary for its prosperity.”


Today, the country is also moving on a path where every citizen gets the benefit of development in the country without any discrimination. The country is moving today on a path where every citizen is assured of his rights from the Constitution, and about his future. The country is moving today on a path where no one is left behind because of religion, everyone has equal opportunities to move forward and everybody can fulfill his dreams. 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas' is the basis of it. This resolution is reflected in the country's intentions and policies. The schemes that the country is formulating for the poor today are reaching every section without any religion or belief.

Bank accounts of more than 40 crore poor were opened without any discrimination. More than 2 crore poor were given pucca houses without any discrimination. More than 8 crore women got gas connections without any discrimination. During corona pandemic, 80 crore countrymen were ensured free food without any discrimination. Under the Ayushman Yojana, 50 crore people were able to get free treatment up to Rs. 5 lakhs without any discrimination. What belongs to the country is for every citizen and every citizen should get its benefit. Our government is working with this spirit.


A few days ago, I met an alumnus of Aligarh Muslim University. He is also an Islamic scholar. He told me a very interesting thing, which I want to share with you also. When more than 10 crore toilets were built in the country under the Swachh Bharat Mission, it benefited everyone. These toilets were also made without discrimination. But there is one aspect that has neither been discussed in detail, nor has the academic world been so attentive to it. I want every student of the Aligarh Muslim University to look into it.

My friends,

There was a time when the drop-out rate of Muslim daughters in our country was more than 70 per cent. It has always been a big hurdle in the progress of the Muslim society for daughters to drop out in the middle.  But for 70 years, we had a situation where more than 70 per cent of Muslim daughters could not complete their studies. In these conditions, the Swachh Bharat Mission began; toilets were built in the villages. The government built separate toilets in mission mode for school going girl students.  What is the situation before the country today? The school drop-out rate of the Muslim daughters, which was more than 70 per cent, has now come down to about 30 per cent.

Earlier, lakhs of Muslim daughters left their studies because of lack of toilets. Now things are changing. The central government is making continuous efforts to minimize the drop-out rate of Muslim daughters. A "bridge course" is being run for school-drop-out students at your Aligarh Muslim University. And now I have been told another thing which is very good. The number of female students in AMU has now increased to 35 per cent. I would like to congratulate all of you. The Government is paying a lot of attention on the education of Muslim daughters and their empowerment. In the last six years, about one crore Muslim daughters have been given scholarships by the government.


One of the priorities behind establishment of AMU was that there is no discrimination on the basis of gender, everyone gets equal rights and everybody should get the benefits of the development of the country. Even today, AMU has this distinction that Begum Sultan took over the responsibility of its founder chancellor. One can imagine how big a job it was in the circumstances a hundred years ago. The effort to build a modern Muslim society which started at that time has been taken forward by the country by ending the evil practice of triple talaq. 


Earlier, it was said that if a woman is educated, the whole family becomes educated. That is true. But it has deeper meaning even beyond family education. Women have to be educated so that they can make proper use of their rights and decide their own future. Education brings with it employment and entrepreneurship. Employment and entrepreneurship bring with it economic independence. Economic independence leads to empowerment. An empowered woman contributes as much to every decision as anyone else's at every level. Whether it is to give direction to the family or to give direction to the country! Today, when I am talking to you, I would also ask other educational institutions in the country to secure more and more daughters with education and give them higher education and not just education.


AMU has drawn the attention of many for its contemporary curriculum in higher education. Interdisciplinary topics are already taught in your university. If a student is good in science and enjoys history also, why should there be a compulsion to choose one subject only? This is the spirit of the new national education policy. It has taken into account the needs of students and their interests in 21st century India. The youth of our country is committed to advancing the country with the call of the Nation First. He is addressing the challenges of the country through new start-ups. Rational thinking and scientific outlook are their first priority.

The new national education policy gives priority to these aspirations of the youth of India. We are also trying to make India's education eco-system one of the modern education systems in the world. The multiple entry and exit points in the new National Education Policy will make it easier for students to make decisions about their education. They will also be given appropriate certificates after each exit option. These students will have the freedom to take their decision without worrying about the entire course fee.


The government is also continuously working to increase the number of enrollments and increase seats in higher education. In 2014, there were 16 IITs in our country. Today there are 23 IITs. In 2014, there were 9 IIITs in our country. Today there are 25 IIITs. In 2014, we had 13 IIMs. Today there are 20 IIMs. A lot of work has also been done on medical education. Till 6 years ago, there were only 7 AIIMS in the country, today there are 22 AIIMS in the country. Education, whether online or offline, should reach everyone, equally and change the lives of all. We are working with this goal.


I have some more expectations from all of you young partners on completion of the 100 years of AMU. Why not AMU’s 100 hostels prepare an extra-curricular task on this occasion of 100 years? These tasks should be linked to the completion of 75 years of independence of the country. As AMU has such a huge innovative and research oriented talent, why not the hostel students research on the freedom fighters and bring about facts about their lives in front of the country about whom there is not much information? Some students could visit the birthplace of these great men and contact their families. Some students could explore online resources. For example, 75 hostels can work on each and every tribal freedom fighter and can prepare research documents. Similarly, 25 hostels can research female freedom fighters. 

There is another task that AMU students can do for the country. AMU has such precious ancient manuscripts in the country. These are our cultural heritage. I would like you to bring them to the whole world in digital or virtual format through technology. I also call upon AMU's vast alumni network to further enhance its participation in building a new India. To make the Self-Reliant India campaign a success, to make the Vocal for Local a success, much remains to be done. I will be very happy if I get suggestions from AMU and AMU alumni in this regard. 


Today, the focus of the whole world are on India. The century that is being described as India's century, and, therefore, there is curiosity all over the world how India moves towards that goal. So, today, the only and single most goal of all of us should be how to make India self-reliant. It does not matter where we were born, in which family we were born, in which religion we grew up. What is more important how the aspirations of every citizen and his efforts should be linked to the aspirations of the country? When a strong foundation is laid for this, it will be easier to reach the goal. 


There are ideological differences in society, it is natural also. But when it comes to achieving national goals, every difference should be put aside. When all of you young colleagues move forward with this mindset, there is no destination that we cannot achieve. Whether it is education, economic development, better living, opportunities, women's rights, security, nationalism, these are the things that are necessary for every citizen. These are some of the issues on which we cannot disagree citing our political or ideological compulsions. It is also necessary for me to talk about these issues at Aligarh Muslim University because many freedom fighters have been from here. They are from this soil. These freedom fighters also had their own family, social, ideological upbringing and they had their own views. But when it came to freedom from slavery, all ideas merged together for the goal of freedom.


What our ancestors did for freedom, now the same work you the young generation has to do for building a new India. Just as freedom was a common ground, we have to work on a common ground for a new India. If the new India is self-reliant in all respects, the benefit will also be for more than 130 crore countrymen. How these discussions should reach every part of the society, you can do it; the young companions can do it. 


We have to understand that politics is an important part of the society. But there are other issues in society apart from politics. The society of any country is very big, very comprehensive than politics and power. There is also a lot of space to take the society forward above politics. It is very important to explore that space as well. These things can be done by campuses like AMU, all you all can do.  


When we talk about the vision of new India, it is also at its core that the development of the nation and the society should not be seen with political prism. Yes, when we come together for this big purpose, some elements may be disturbed by it. Such elements can be found in every society in the world. These are some people who have their own interests. They will adopt every gimmick to realize their personal interests and spread all kinds of negativity. But when the creation of a new India is supreme in our minds, the space of such people will shrink automatically.


Politics can wait, the society cannot. The development of the country cannot wait. The poor from any class of the society cannot wait. The women, deprived, victims, exploited, cannot wait for development. Most importantly, our youth, all of you, wouldn't want to wait. In the last century, precious time has already been lost on differences. Now, there is no time to lose, everybody has to build a new India, a self-reliant India, together with one goal.


The youth in 1920, one hundred years ago, had the opportunity to fight for the freedom of the country, to dedicate and sacrifice themselves. With the efforts and sacrifice of that generation, the country had gained independence in 1947. You, the young generation, have the opportunity to do a lot to meet the goal of a self-reliant India, a new India. That time was 1920, this time is 2020. The country became independent after 27 years of 1920. These 27 years after 2020, which is 2020 to 2047, are very important years of your life.

In the year 2047, when India completes 100 years of its independence, you will also be a witness to that historic moment. Not only that, in these 27 years, you will be partners in creating modern India. You have to think for the country every moment, think of the country in every decision, every decision you take should be on the basis of the country's interest.

I am confident that together we will fulfill the dreams of a self-reliant India; together we will take the country to new heights of development. I congratulate all of you once again on the 100 years of AMU. I also pay respects to the great men, who have made constant efforts to take the glory of this institution to a new height in these 100 years. And, once again, I convey many best wishes for the future from this sacrosanct occasion today. I also wish the alumni spread all over the world all the best, I wish them all the best for their future. And with many good wishes for the bright future of AMU, I assure you that this government will never lag behind in your development and realizing your dreams.

With this belief, many many thanks.

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In separate posts on X, he wrote:

“I had decided that after the Maha Kumbh at Prayagraj, I would go to Somnath, which is the first among the 12 Jyotirlingas.

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आज सोमनाथ दादा की कृपा से वह संकल्प पूरा हुआ है। मैंने सभी देशवासियों की ओर से एकता के महाकुंभ की सफल सिद्धि को श्री सोमनाथ भगवान के चरणों में समर्पित किया। इस दौरान मैंने हर देशवासी के स्वास्थ्य एवं समृद्धि की कामना भी की।”