The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has urged people from all walks of life to spread the message about campaign titled ‘Mera Pehla Vote Desh Ke Liye’ among first time voters.
A Campaign titled ‘Mera Pehla Vote Desh Ke Liye’ is underway to spread awareness among the first time voters and encourage young voters to exercise their democratic right.
On X handle, Union Minister, Shri Anurag Thakur shared Mera Pehla Vote Desh Ke Liye anthem and asked everyone to share it.
Responding to the X post of Union Minister, Prime Minister said;
“Let us make our electoral process even more participative. I call upon people from all walks of life to spread the message, in their own style, among first time voters - #MeraPehlaVoteDeshKeLiye!”
Let us make our electoral process even more participative. I call upon people from all walks of life to spread the message, in their own style, among first time voters - #MeraPehlaVoteDeshKeLiye!
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) February 27, 2024