On his visit to Kerala ahead of the Lok Sabha Elections, 2024, PM Modi held a massive roadshow with Palakkad's people welcoming him. The roadshow symbolized unparalleled support and affection for PM Modi across people from all sections.
On his visit to Kerala ahead of the Lok Sabha Elections, 2024, PM Modi held a massive roadshow with Palakkad's people welcoming him. The roadshow symbolized unparalleled support and affection for PM Modi across people from all sections.
The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his death anniversary. Shri Modi also paid tributes to all those martyred for our nation and recalled their service as well as sacrifices.
The Prime Minister posted on X;
“Tributes to Pujya Bapu on his Punya Tithi. His ideals motivate us to build a developed India. I also pay tributes to all those martyred for our nation and recall their service as well as sacrifices.”
Tributes to Pujya Bapu on his Punya Tithi. His ideals motivate us to build a developed India. I also pay tributes to all those martyred for our nation and recall their service as well as sacrifices.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 30, 2025