Shri Narendra Modi’s website launched in Urdu language

Published By : Admin | April 16, 2014 | 17:31 IST
"Noted Bollywood personality Salim Khan launches Narendra Modi’s website in Urdu"
"Narendra Modi’s website in Urdu yet another effort to reach out to wide range of people across India and the world"

Today, on the morning of 16th April, the official website of the NDA’s Prime Ministerial candidate Shri Narendra Modi (, was launched in Urdu language.

Narendra Modi’s website in Urdu

Launched by noted Bollywood personality Salim Khan in Mumbai, the website in Urdu language is amongst the many focused initiatives of Shri Modi at reaching across to a cross section of people. The site contains a biography of Shri Modi’s and talks about the development initiatives in Gujarat in the last decade.

“The website in Urdu is an excellent initiative. Urdu is a beautiful language, which has evolved in India, and I am extremely happy that this innovative idea has been accepted and implemented. It is truly a praise-worthy initiative,” said Salim Khan.

Shri Salim Khan added that he inaugurated the website as a person who deeply appreciates Urdu and supports initiatives to popularize the language. He also said that he will keep contributing towards the website. Shri Khan lauded the development work in Gujarat under Shri Modi's leadership as well.

Shri Khan stressed on the message of peace and harmony in society and said that for an ordinary Muslim, what matters most is employment and education not divisions in society, which do not help anybody.

The launch of the website in Urdu is one of the many technology-oriented initiatives of Shri Modi taken towards putting across his views to the people across the borders, and his focus on soliciting their views for the Nation.

The website is already available for reading in 11 regional languages (Gujarati, Hindi, Sanskrit, Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Marathi, Punjabi and Assamese and Odia) and 4 foreign languages (Russian, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish), along with English.

Shri Narendra Modi’s website launched in Urdu language



Shri Narendra Modi’s website launched in Urdu language

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Your Excellency राष्ट्रपति धरमबीर गोकुल जी,

First Lady श्रीमती बृंदा गोकुल जी,
उप राष्ट्रपति रोबर्ट हंगली जी,
प्रधान मंत्री रामगुलाम जी,
विशिष्ट अतिथिगण,

मॉरिशस के राष्ट्रीय दिवस समारोह में मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में एक बार फिर शामिल होना मेरे लिए सौभाग्य की बात है।

इस आतिथ्य सत्कार और सम्मान के लिए मैं राष्ट्रपति जी का हार्दिक आभार व्यक्त करता हूँ।
यह केवल भोजन का अवसर नहीं है, बल्कि भारत और मॉरीशस के जीवंत और घनिष्ठ संबंधों का प्रतीक है।

मॉरीशस की थाली में न केवल स्वाद है, बल्कि मॉरीशस की समृद्ध सामाजिक विविधता की झलक भी है।

इसमें भारत और मॉरीशस की साझी विरासत भी समाहित है।

मॉरीशस की मेज़बानी में हमारी मित्रता की मिठास घुली हुई है।

इस अवसर पर, मैं - His Excellency राष्ट्रपति धरमबीर गोकुल जी और श्रीमती बृंदा गोकुल जी के उत्तम स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण; मॉरीशस के लोगों की निरंतर प्रगति, समृद्धि और खुशहाली की कामना करता हूँ; और, हमारे संबंधों के लिए भारत की प्रतिबद्धता दोहराता हूँ

जय हिन्द !
विवे मॉरीस !