Quote"“নালন্দা ভারতের জ্ঞানকেন্দ্র এবং সাংস্কৃতিক আদান-প্রদানের প্রতীক” "
Quote“নালন্দা শুধুমাত্র একটি নাম নয়। নালন্দা একটি পরিচয়, একটি সম্মান, একটি মন্ত্র”
Quote“নতুন নালন্দা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভারতের স্বর্ণ যুগের সূচনা করবে”
Quote“নালন্দা শুধু ভারতের অতীতের নবজাগরণ নয়। নালন্দা সারা বিশ্ব, এশিয়া এবং বহু দেশের ঐতিহ্যের প্রতীক”
Quote“ভারত বহু শতাব্দী ধরে একটি আদর্শ হিসাবে বেঁচে আছে এবং স্থায়িত্ব প্রদর্শন করেছে। আমরা একসঙ্গে অগ্রগতি ও পরিবেশ নিয়ে এগিয়ে চলেছি”
Quote“আমার লক্ষ্য হল, ভারত যেন বিশ্বের জন্য শিক্ষা ও জ্ঞানের কেন্দ্র হয়ে ওঠে। আমার লক্ষ্য হল ভারতকে আবার বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে বিশিষ্ট জ্ঞান কেন্দ্র হিসাবে স্বীকৃতি দেওয়া উচিত”
Quote“আমাদের প্রচেষ্টা হল ভারত ও ভারতে বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে ব্যাপক ও সম্পূর্ণ দক্ষতা ব্যবস্থা গড়ে তোলা, যাতে বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে উন্নত গবেষণা-ভিত্তিক উচ্চ শিক্ষা ব্যবস্থা গড়ে তোলা যায়”
Quote“আমি বিশ্বাস করি যে নালন্দা সারা বিশ্বের প্রেক্ষাপটে একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কেন্দ্র হয়ে উঠবে”

Governor of Bihar, Shri Rajendra Arlekar ji, diligent Chief Minister of this state, Shri Nitish Kumar ji, our Foreign Minister, Shri S. Jaishankar ji, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Shri Pabitra ji, Excellencies and Ambassadors from various countries, Vice-Chancellor, professors and students of Nalanda University and all friends present in the event!

Within the first 10 days after taking the oath for my third term, I have got the opportunity to visit Nalanda. This is indeed my good fortune, and I see it as an auspicious sign for Bharat’s development journey. Nalanda is not just a name. Nalanda is an identity, a respect. Nalanda is a value, a mantra, a pride, a saga. Nalanda is the declaration of this truth that even though books may burn in the flames, the flames cannot extinguish knowledge. The destruction of Nalanda filled Bharat with darkness. Now, its restoration is about to mark the beginning of Bharat’s golden era.


The renaissance of Nalanda near its ancient ruins, this new campus, will introduce the world to the capabilities of Bharat. Nalanda will demonstrate that nations built on strong human values know how to revive history and lay the foundation for a better future. And friends, Nalanda is not just a revival of Bharat’s past. It is connected to the heritage of many countries in the world, especially in Asia. The presence of so many countries at the inauguration of a university campus is unprecedented. Our partner countries have also participated in the reconstruction of Nalanda University. On this occasion, I extend my greetings to all the friendly countries of Bharat and all of you. I also congratulate the people of Bihar. The way Bihar is advancing on the path of development to reclaim its pride, this Nalanda campus is an inspiration of that journey.



We all know that Nalanda once used to be a vibrant centre of Bharat’s tradition and identity. Nalanda means ‘न अलम् ददाति इति 'नालंदा' i.e., a place where the flow of education and knowledge is uninterrupted. This has been Bharat’s perspective on education. Education transcends boundaries and is beyond the perspective of profit and loss. It is education that shapes us, gives us ideas, and moulds them. In ancient Nalanda, children were admitted not based on their identity or nationality. Youth from every country and every class used to come here. We must strengthen that ancient system in a modern form in this new campus of Nalanda University. I am pleased to see that students from many countries around the world are coming here. Students from more than 20 countries are studying at Nalanda. This is a beautiful symbol of the spirit of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' (the world is one family).


I believe that Nalanda University will once again become a major centre for our cultural exchange in the coming times. A significant amount of work is being done here on the documentation of the artwork of Bharat and Southeast Asian countries. A Common Archival Resource Centre has also been established here. Nalanda University is also working towards creating the ASEAN-India University Network. In such a short time, many leading global institutes have come together here. At a time when the 21st century is being called the century of Asia, these collective efforts will give new energy to our shared progress.


Education in Bharat is considered a means of contributing to humanity. We learn so that we can use our knowledge for the betterment of humanity. Look, just two days from now, it will be International Yoga Day on June 21st. Today, there are hundreds of forms of yoga present in Bharat. Our sages must have done extensive research on it! However, no one claimed exclusivity over yoga. Today, the entire world is embracing yoga, and Yoga Day has become a global celebration. We have also shared our Ayurveda with the entire world. Today, Ayurveda is seen as a source of healthy living. Another example of a sustainable lifestyle and sustainable development is before us. For centuries, Bharat has lived sustainability as a model. We have progressed while taking the environment along with us. Based on those experiences, Bharat has given the world a humane vision like Mission LiFE. Today, platforms like the International Solar Alliance are becoming a hope for a secure future. This Nalanda University campus also advances this spirit. It is the country's first campus to operate on the model of Net Zero Energy, Net Zero Emissions, Net Zero Water, and Net Zero Waste. Following the mantra of "Appo Deepo Bhava" (Be a light unto yourself), this campus will show a new path to the entire humanity.


When education develops, the roots of the economy and culture also become stronger. If we look at developed countries, we will find that they became economic and cultural leaders when they became education leaders. Today, students and bright minds from all over the world want to go to those countries to study. Once, this was the situation in our own Nalanda and Vikramshila. Therefore, it is no coincidence that when Bharat was ahead in education, its economic power also reached new heights. This is a basic roadmap for the development of any nation. This is why Bharat, working towards the goal of becoming developed by 2047, is transforming its education sector for this purpose. My mission is for Bharat to become a centre of education and knowledge for the world. My mission is for Bharat to be recognized once again as the most prominent knowledge centre globally. For this, Bharat is connecting its students with the spirit of innovation from a very young age. Today, over one crore children are benefiting from exposure to the latest technology in Atal Tinkering Labs. On the other hand, missions like Chandrayaan and Gaganyaan are increasing students' interest in science. Bharat started the Start-up India mission a decade ago to promote innovation. At that time, there were only a few hundred start-ups in the country. But today, there are more than 130,000 start-ups in India. Compared to before, Bharat is now filing a record number of patents, and research papers are being published. Our focus is on giving young innovators as many opportunities as possible for research and innovation. For this, the government has announced the creation of a one lakh crore rupees research fund.



Our effort is for Bharat to have the world's most comprehensive and complete skilling system, and the world's most advanced research-oriented higher education system. The results of these efforts are also visible. In the past few years, Indian universities have started performing much better in global rankings. Ten years ago, there were only 9 educational institutions from Bharat in the QS ranking. Today, this number has increased to 46. A few days ago, the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings were also released. Until a few years ago, there were only 13 institutions from Bharat in this ranking. Now, nearly 100 educational institutions from Bharat are included in this global impact ranking. Over the past 10 years, one university has been established in Bharat every week on an average. A new ITI (Industrial Training Institute) has been established every day in Bharat. Every third day, an Atal Tinkering Lab is opened. Two new colleges have been established in Bharat every day. Today, there are 23 IITs in the country. Ten years ago, there were 13 IIMs; today, this number is 21. Compared to 10 years ago, there are now approximately three times as many AIIMS, i.e., 22. In 10 years, the number of medical colleges has nearly doubled. Today, significant reforms are taking place in the education sector. The National Education Policy has expanded the dreams of the youth of the country. Indian universities have also started collaborating with foreign universities. Additionally, international universities like Deakin and Wollongong are opening their campuses in Bharat. All these efforts are making the best educational institutions available to Indian students for higher education within the country itself. This is also saving money for our middle class.



Today, our premier institutes are opening campuses abroad. This year, IIT Delhi has opened a campus in Abu Dhabi. IIT Madras has also started a campus in Tanzania. This is just the beginning of Indian educational institutions going global. Institutions like Nalanda University also need to reach every corner of the world.


Today, the entire world's attention is on Bharat and its youth. The world wants to walk shoulder to shoulder with the land of Buddha, with the mother of democracy. Look, when Bharat says "One Earth, One Family, and One Future," the world stands with it. When Bharat says "One Sun, One World, One Grid," the world sees it as a direction for the future. When Bharat says "One Earth, One Health," the world respects and accepts it. The land of Nalanda can give a new dimension to this spirit of global brotherhood. Therefore, the responsibility of the students of Nalanda is even greater. You are the future of Bharat and the entire world. These 25 years of Amrit Kaal are very crucial for the youth of Bharat. These 25 years are equally important for every student of Nalanda University. Wherever you go from here, the human values of your university should be evident. Always remember the message of your logo. You call it the Nalanda Way, right? The harmony between individuals and the harmony between individuals and nature is the basis of your logo. Learn from your teachers, but also try to learn from each other. Be Curious, Be Courageous, and above all, Be Kind. Use your knowledge to bring about positive change in society. Build a better future with your knowledge. The pride of Nalanda, the pride of our Bharat, will be determined by your success. I believe that your knowledge will guide all of humanity. I believe that our youth will lead the world in the future, and I believe that Nalanda will become an important centre for the global cause.


With this hope, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you. I welcome Nitish ji's call for full support from the government. The Indian government will also never lag in providing as much energy as possible to this journey of thought. With this spirit, I extend my best wishes to all of you. Thank you!

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