Quote“Entire nation is grieving the loss of lives after the tragedy in Morbi”
Quote“Today, Banaskanta is writing its own chapter in the history of development”
Quote“Every work that enhances the pride of the nation and Gujarat, is the commitment of the double engine government”


Bharat Mata ki – Jai!

Bharat Mata ki – Jai!

Bharat Mata ki – Jai!


Today is the birth anniversary of Sardar Saheb. I will say Sardar Patel; you all have to say ‘Amar Rahe - Amar Rahe’ twice after me. My dear brothers and sisters of Banaskantha, today Gujarat is in mourning. The countrymen are also very sad. Many of our relatives and small children have lost their loved ones in the terrible mishap that happened in Morbi last evening. Our sympathies are with the bereaved families in this hour of grief. Bhupendrabhai and all his government colleagues are ensuring all possible relief measures with full force. He reached Morbi directly from Kevadia last night and has taken over the rescue operation in Morbi. I too remained in touch with him overnight and this morning as well. We are constantly in touch with different departments, ministers and officials to ensure how to mitigate the sufferings of the people in such a terrible calamity. The NDRF contingent reached Morbi yesterday. Army and Air Force personnel also joined the rescue and relief work. I want to reassure the people of Gujarat from the land of Banaskantha and Maa Ambe that no stone will be left unturned by the government in this critical situation.

I was very disturbed due to the terrible incident in Morbi yesterday. I was in a dilemma (whether to come here or not). These are development works and nobody can understand the importance of water better than the people of Banaskantha. I hardened my heart and came among you due to our affection for each other and my upbringing towards duty. These are water projects worth 8,000 crore rupees for Banaskantha and the entire North Gujarat. These projects will provide irrigation facilities to two lakh hectares of land in more than 1,000 villages of Banaskantha, Patan and Mehsana districts. The people of Gujarat have grown up in problems. We have faced drought seven out of ten years besides the severe earthquake, but it is the nature of the conscientious people of Gujarat that they have always faced problems with whatever resources available to them. They have never remained quiet. They worked tirelessly and made all efforts for better results and our Banaskantha is a living example of it. Given the situation which existed here about 20-25 years ago, the development that has taken place here is clearly visible. We cannot forget the earlier days also. And we cannot forget that if we work hard together, then we get perfect and obvious results. On the one hand, there was the desert of Kutch, and on the other hand, dusty winds used to blow at the end of February. We used to wait for the rains when summers became very unbearable. There were problems with electricity and water. A little rain would help us tide over one or two months. Even if thousands of villages in North Gujarat get water, it is full of fluoride. You know what happens after drinking that water. The teeth of everybody in North Gujarat turn yellow. It appears as if somebody is born with yellow teeth. Bones become brittle. It seems as if old age has come in youthful years. This problem of water had also put agriculture in peril. There were no buyers if somebody wanted to sell his land. Such were the days that we used to dig bore-wells to draw water from the ground. People used to agitate for electricity and burn the effigies of Modi. All of us resorted to all these agitations as people had given up hopes. But friends, when I worked with complete dedication and good intentions as your ‘sevak’ and companion, by understanding your problems we could achieve even the most difficult goals. You entrusted me with the responsibility of Chief Minister 20 years ago. We went to the root of the problem and focused on water conservation. The easier option was to draw water from ground by increasing the depth of the bore-well. But I put all my energy towards water conservation. We increased the depth of the ponds through check dams under the Sujalam Sufalam scheme so that rain water did not go into the sea. I remember the Congress leaders telling me when we launched the Sujalam Sufalam scheme that they never imagined that water would come to this region in their lifetime and that people would be able to grow two crops and there would be such good days. The people from Congress told me that they had little faith in the scheme. We designed the WASMO scheme and formed water committees in every village. Importantly, I entrusted this work to women. The result of all these efforts was that Banaskantha, Kutch or the entire North Gujarat did not have to yearn for a single drop of water. We utilized every drop of water through schemes such as drip irrigation and per drop-more crops and did wonders in the field of agriculture and tourism. There is our Banas Devi on one hand and 100 MW Ultra Mega Solar Power Plant on the other. And secondly the water from the tap! As Rishikeshbhai was saying that we have been able to prevent bone and several other diseases after water started reaching homes through pipes. On this occasion, I bow my head to Banaskantha for extending all the help and support to us.


The elders present here know very well that I would discuss the issue of water with them when I became the Chief Minister about 17-18 years ago. I would urge them to adopt drip irrigation scheme as fields would submerge under water during rains. At that time, they wondered what I knew about farming. What does a person who has sold tea know about farming? They used to say this. But I was adamant and kept on urging them. It is a matter of satisfaction that the elders yielded to my request and today Banaskantha has earned a name in the entire country in the matter of micro irrigation, i.e., drip irrigation. Today, the entire country is attracted to Banaskantha for what it has done. This is an example of how vast the path of truth is. We have been rewarded by many organizations of the world for these efforts and today this region is writing a new story of development. Today, a drip irrigation scheme is underway in four lakh hectares of land of Banaskantha. As a result, we have succeeded in preventing the water level from going down further. It is not only that we have saved our lives. We have also done the noble work of saving the lives of children who would be born in the future. Therefore, I feel bowing down respectfully to Banaskantha, Patan or Mehsana. The then Chief Minister of Rajasthan and who continues to be the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, who had recently visited you for votes, had written a letter to me opposing the Sujalam Sufalam scheme. At that time I told him that Banaskantha was battling the problem of water and I would implement the Sujalam Sufalam scheme no matter what. I also told him that he could continue with his protests. Under the Sujalam Sufalam scheme about 19-20 years ago, hundreds of kilometers of recharge canal was built and as a result the ground water level also improved. Pipelines were laid to save water. The pipelines used to carry water to fill the ponds. And now two pipelines will be made in such a way that ponds of more than 1000 villages will be filled. Kadmawa pond will be connected with Mukteshwar Dam through pipelines for water, brothers. The upper reaches of the region also need water. We would install big electric pumps to carry the water to the upper reaches and distribute among all, my brothers. It is very difficult to ensure a network of canals in the upper reaches like Wau and Sumishri villages. Now the problem of Sui village will also be overcome due to the network of the main water canal. As a result, dozens of tehsils and villages including Sui village will have abundant water. The Kathra-Dantewada pipeline will also benefit greatly the six tehsils of Patan and Banaskantha, my brothers.


Very soon, Maa Narmada water will flow to Mukteshwar Dam and Kadmawa pond. As a result, the water problem in Banaskantha, Vadgam, Kheralu, Patan, Sidhpur and Mehsana will be greatly reduced. The people of Gujarat know the importance of water. Our people of Gujarat and Rajasthan know it better. If someone offers water here, it is also considered a virtue. If someone builds a drinking water tank, then the whole village considers him to be a person dedicated to service. If someone has placed an earthen pot under a tree at the gate of the village and fills the pot with water every day, villagers proudly say that it is an act of service. We have heard about Rudradham when it comes to water. One does not need to go far. Who can forget our Lakha Vanzara who undertook several water projects here? Nobody has seen Lakha Vanzara or is aware of his village. People have only heard of Lakha Vanzara that he built small water wells. People are not even ready to forget Lakha Vanzara even after hundreds of years. A person is considered virtuous if he offers water. And I think that if Lakha Vanzara contested an election today, no power in the world could defeat him. This is the power of water. He who brings water brings nectar. The one who brings nectar makes the whole society invincible. One is blessed who provides water.

Brothers and sisters,

Today, water has firmed up possibilities in all fields from agriculture to animal husbandry. Apart from fruits and vegetables, the food processing industry is flourishing. I went to Banas Dairy recently and a huge potato processing unit has been started there. Now the Government of India is also helping a lot in food processing. We help Sakhi Mandals, Farmers’ Industries Association and all those who are part of the food processing industry. Whether it is to build a cold storage or to set up a food processing plant, the Government of India is working to boost the potential of farmers by helping even small organizations. Today, the way share of small animal husbandry is increasing in the dairy business, we are helping farmers growing fruits and vegetables in the same way. The pomegranate juice factories are flourishing and farmers have a stake in that too. The members of ‘Sakhi Mandals’ working in such factories also benefit. Many products such as pickles, ‘murabbas’ (fruits preserve) and chutneys are being made at home, labeled and sold in the market. The government has doubled the limit of loans available to the ‘Sakhi Mandals’ of villages to develop it as an industry. These sisters of mine will work double if they earn more. Moreover, we have opened Van Dhan Kendras in tribal areas where sisters have been employed largely. We are ensuring that they get the best price of the forest produce which is sold either to shops or Ayurveda centres.


Many farmer brothers have written to me about its benefits. The PM Samman Kisan Nidhi is another such attempt to help farmers. Farmers in North Gujarat own barely two bighas of land. In a way, they are marginal farmers. Even though they have not taken any loan from banks, they continue to get 2,000 rupees thrice a year under the PM Samman Kisan Nidhi which helps them in farming. There is no involvement of corruption even for a rupee. One click from New Delhi ensures money in the accounts of the farmers. Recently, we have undertaken an important initiative for our farmer brothers. This initiative is regarding fertilizer. Farmers used to face many challenges due to different brands of urea or other fertilizers and their varying prices. Now, it has been taken care of. There will only be a single brand of fertilizer which has been named ‘Bharat’. ‘Bharat’ fertilizer will ensure a complete end to corruption and unfair practices. It costs the government more than 2,000 rupees when it imports a sack of urea from foreign countries. The price of urea has increased exponentially due to Corona and the ongoing war. However, the government is providing a sack of imported urea to farmers at Rs. 260 so that they are not overburdened. We are concerned about the produce of the farmers. Therefore, we are giving the sack of urea at only Rs. 260 even though we are spending 2,000 rupees on it.

I am happy that Banas Dairy in Gujarat is spreading its wings to states like Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand. Not only does Banas Dairy make its own arrangements for fodder, it has also created a huge market for milk and milk-related products. We have taken several initiatives to strengthen the dairy and animal husbandry sectors. We are also concerned about the health and respect for our animals. Apart from the milk, the government is also ensuring that farmers make money from cow dung. The government has also launched Govardhan Yojana so that you do not need to abandon milking animals once they stop giving milk.

Our Governor Saheb in Gujarat has created an awareness regarding natural farming and our farmer brothers have also taken it up enthusiastically. It has not only led to chemical-free farming but the dung of animals is also being used. Banaskantha has taken several initiatives to produce bio gas and bio CNG from animal dung and wastes. It is not only producing electricity but vehicles are also run. Thousands of such plants are being installed in this direction to save foreign exchange. Our dairies, dung and gas produced from it are leading to economic growth and the welfare of the common people. We are also ensuring organic fertilizers for farmers because they also do not want to damage Mother Earth by pouring chemicals into it. They are prepared for lesser yield, but they do not want to damage Mother Earth. Therefore, it is necessary that they get organic fertilizers. We are working in the direction of setting up ‘Gobar’ (animal dung) factories so that they get organic fertilizers for farming.

Brothers and sisters,

This region, which has been in a state of plight for decades, is becoming a shield of security for the country today. I got an opportunity to attend a program in Deesa through video conferencing. The Air Force has a major center in Deesa. Its foundation stone has been laid and it will result in investment worth thousands of crores of rupees. Very soon, the entire region will be an important center of security which will create opportunities for many new jobs. Recently, a border viewing point has been inaugurated at Nadabet. You can visit Nadabet to see how a border village of India is developed. We have also introduced several schemes such as Vibrant Villages in the border villages. The Indian government has sanctioned a special budget for these border villages. Brothers and sisters, the double engine government is laying special focus on the development of border villages. We have announced the setting up of vibrant border villages during the budget presentation. Now villages are being connected with this scheme. It will benefit almost all the regions of Banaskantha. I have to share one more thing with you. I came to Bhuj not long ago. We created ‘Smriti Van’ at Bhujio Dungar in Kutch in the memory of those who died during the earthquake in Bhuj. About 13,000 people died across Gujarat. The people from Banaskantha and Patan also lost their lives. Their names have also been inscribed there. A sapling in the memory of each of the people who died in the earthquake has been planted there. A memorial has also been built there so that people from across the world can visit it. I have a special request to the people of Banaskantha and Patan districts that those who lost their dear ones in the earthquake should visit it. Banas Dairy can organize it. You should visit it and offer flowers at the memorial. The government has not forgotten them and has taken several steps in their memory even after 20 years. There are several such initiatives undertaken by the double engine government for the pride of the nation and gaining the trust of the people.

Our only slogan is ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas’. We have to work for the development of all, be it poor, oppressed, Dalits, deprived or tribal communities. Gujarat is moving ahead with this mantra from the beginning. Development of Gujarat is for the development of India. To make India developed, Gujarat also has to be developed. We have to move forward by becoming a developed state. We are doing this work. You must have seen yesterday that the foundation stone for an aircraft manufacturing plant was laid in Vadodara. There was a time when even bicycles were not manufactured in Gujarat. Today, airplanes will be manufactured. Is it a matter of happiness or not? Do you feel proud or not? Whether it will be good for your children or not? Therefore, don’t let this development journey stop. However, some people have problems. Though I did not see all the newspapers, I saw only two newspapers which have carried advertisements of the Congress party. Just imagine, the Congress advertisement does not mention anything about Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel on his birth anniversary. Sardar Saheb was the home minister in the cabinet of Nehru Saheb. He was such a tall leader of the Congress party. But there is no mention, no picture of Sardar Saheb when you publish advertisements in newspapers on the occasion of his birth anniversary. On top of it, you say that you are going to unite everyone. It’s a huge insult to Sardar Saheb. What is the problem of the Congress party with Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel? Gujarat will never tolerate insults to Sardar Saheb, friends. But they care less. They have so much aversion for Sardar Saheb that they are resorting to such things.

Brothers and sisters,

We have to take Gujarat forward with the guidance and blessings of Sardar Saheb. May Gujarat move ahead with full vigour and our future generations become strong! We have to create such a Gujarat. Speak with me -

Bharat Mata ki – Jai!

Bharat Mata ki – Jai!

Bharat Mata ki – Jai!

Thanks a lot!


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