প্রধানমন্ত্রী শ্রী নরেন্দ্র মোদী আজ শিক্ষক দিবসের প্রাক্কালে, ২০১৭-র জাতীয় শিক্ষক পুরস্কারপ্রাপকদের সঙ্গে মিলিত হন। কেন্দ্রীয় মানবসম্পদ উন্নয়নমন্ত্রী শ্রী প্রকাশ জাভড়েকর-ও এই অনুষ্ঠানে উপস্হিত ছিলেন। দেশে শিক্ষার মানোন্নয়নের ক্ষেত্রে তাঁদের অবদানের জন্য প্রধানমন্ত্রী জাতীয় পুরস্কারপ্রাপক শিক্ষকদের অভিনন্দন জানান। শিক্ষার জন্য এবং একে তাঁদের জীবনের মন্ত্র করে তোলায়, তিনি তাঁদের নিষ্ঠার প্রশংসা করেন। তিনি বলেন, একজন শিক্ষক সারাজীবন ব্যাপি শিক্ষকই থাকেন।
শিক্ষকদের সঙ্গে আলাপচারিতায় প্রধানমন্ত্রী পুরস্কারপ্রাপ্ত শিক্ষকদের প্রতি জনগোষ্ঠীকে সমবেত করে তাদের বিদ্যালয় উন্নয়নে অংশ করে নেওয়ার আহ্বান জানান। এছাড়াও তিনি ছাত্রছাত্রীদের, বিশেষ করে দরিদ্র এবং গ্রামাঞ্চলে বসবাসকারীদের মধ্যে নিহিত শক্তির প্রকাশের লক্ষ্যে কাজ করার জন্য শিক্ষকদের প্রতি আহ্বান জানান।
প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, ছাত্র এবং শিক্ষকদের মধ্যে যোগাযোগের অভাবকে দুর করতে হবে। ছাত্রছাত্রীরা যাতে সারাজীবন শিক্ষকদের কথা মনে রাখেন, সেই কাজ তাঁদের করতে হবে। তিনি স্কুলগুলি ও পারিপার্শিক অঞ্চলে ডিজিটাল পরিবর্তন আনার জন্য শিক্ষকদের উসাহ দেন।
প্রধানমন্ত্রীর সঙ্গে আলাপচারিতায় পুরস্কারপ্রাপক শিক্ষকরা তাঁদের স্কুলগুলিকে জ্ঞান ও উৎকর্ষের কেন্দ্র হিসাবে পরিণত করার অনুপ্রেরণামূলক কাহিনী বর্ণনা করেন। তাঁরা নতুন অনলাইন পদ্ধতিতে শিক্ষকদের জাতীয় পুরস্কারের মনোনয়ন প্রক্রিয়া চালু করা এবং ডিজিটাল ভারতের মতো কর্মসূচি চালু করার জন্য প্রধানমন্ত্রীকে ধন্যবাদ জানান। তাঁরা বলেন, সারা দেশজুড়ে স্কুল শিক্ষার ক্ষেত্রে ডিজিটাল ভারত কর্মসূচি গুনমানের ক্ষেত্রে এক বিরাট পরিবর্তন আনছে।
এবছর মানবসম্পদ উন্নয়ন মন্ত্রক জাতীয় পুরস্কারের জন্য শিক্ষকদের নির্বাচন সংক্রান্ত নীতি-নির্দেশিকা সংশোধন করেছে। নতুন এই পদ্ধতিতে কোনো শিক্ষক নিজের জন্য মনোনয়ন পাঠাতে পারেন। নতুন এই পদ্ধতিটি স্বচ্ছ এবং অবাধ। এর মাধ্যমে উৎকর্ষ ও ভালো কাজকে পুরস্কৃত করা সম্ভব।
On the eve of #TeachersDay, interacted with those who have been conferred the National Award to Teachers. pic.twitter.com/rKVWiLp8LR
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Great meeting Shri Amitava Misra from West Bengal’s Purulia district. The transformation he has brought about in his school by mobilising people is remarkable. Glad to know that he even teaches students from marginalized communities during out of school hours and holidays. pic.twitter.com/atvvTq90yz
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Students really like Shri Arvind Raj Jajware's joyful teaching methods. He has made a significant contribution in enhancing enrolment and attendance in his school in Jharkhand. He also shares best practices of teaching with others. More power to him! pic.twitter.com/V2JqQTlNxT
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri Pari Baldevpari Javerpari, from Junagadh, Gujarat, makes learning mathematics enjoyable for students. He has developed several Mobile Apps that help students learn the subject. His classroom videos are also widely watched. May his kind increase. pic.twitter.com/Ssb51pN20Q
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri Bandari Ramesh, from Warangal, Telangana, has worked on innovative teaching methods for mathematics. As a prolific developer of teaching-learning material, he has helped ensure excellent results in his school. I wish him all the best for continuing his good work. pic.twitter.com/tsYkQWz1Dw
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri Basruddin Khan from Haryana, is a Headmaster who has played a key role in promoting the education of girls. He has also made a significant contribution towards identification and enrolment of out-of-school children. Congratulations to him for the National Award for Teachers. pic.twitter.com/Y18toZY3S1
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Encouraging group discussions in classrooms, ensuring regular use of science and computer labs in teaching, and improving school infrastructure are some of the laudable things Shri B S Ravi has done in his school in Gadwal, Telangana. We are proud of his work. pic.twitter.com/bQy5YWKpnz
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Even though she heads a school in Delhi’s Rohini, Ms. Geeta Gangwani continues to teach Chemistry and has developed innovative methods to make the subject more popular. As an administrator, her emphasis on IT has benefitted the school greatly. Congratulations to her! pic.twitter.com/WDvL0hyn6z
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Interacted with Dr. Gopal Jee, the Principal of a school in Bihar’s Sitamarhi. His work on environmental conservation is outstanding. He has also worked hard to improve literacy rates in his district and always inspires students to study harder so that they can fight poverty. pic.twitter.com/L2pEDjhDa6
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Meet my friend Shri GS Zaithantluanga from Mizoram. Along with developing a scientific temper among students, he is helping students excel in cultural competitions. He has initiated the adoption of vocational education and skill training in the school too. Proud of him. pic.twitter.com/p6j6ZKsvyN
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri Harinder Singh Grewal is an example of how teachers can master technology and benefit students. His innovative use of technology for teaching and experiments on learning aids are laudable. I wish him all the best for the future. pic.twitter.com/2pUg5RbKGf
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Generations of students will thank Shri Hydros CK based in Wayanad, Kerala for his determined focus on learning outcomes. He gave students innovative projects on areas such as robotics, which contributed to the building of a scientific temper among young minds. Proud of him. pic.twitter.com/lfVWGwGrbq
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Met Shri Mohammad Imran Khan Mewati from Alwar. I appreciate him for developing educational e-content including videos, website and even Mobile Apps. His Apps cover a range of subjects at primary and secondary level as well as for competitive examinations. Congrats to him. pic.twitter.com/xFE9S9bbYx
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Meet Shri Ishwari Kumar Sinha from Chhattisgarh. He has made science teaching more meaningful and effective through use of experiments and and through field activities. He has also been devoting out of school hours for supporting children with learning difficulties. pic.twitter.com/YVO2Lw8GbO
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Met Ms. Jayanthi Sheshadri, who has shown tremendous passion towards improving rural education. She has created innovative modules and conducted workshops to spread the joys of learning. Congratulations to her. pic.twitter.com/s3udSRW2TO
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Heading a school in North Sikkim, Ms. Karma Chomu Bhutia devoted attention to every aspect of education ranging from enrolment, proper mid day meals, using technology and new learning methods. Delighted that she is receiving a prestigious award for educators. pic.twitter.com/iB3hEln9iQ
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri Khangembam Indrakumar Singh from Manipur, worked hard to spread the message of the importance of primary education. He has also worked on special residential programmes to help students pick up key concepts. He is an inspiration to students and other teachers. pic.twitter.com/NTUNJFI5VO
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri Kirandeep Singh, who teaches in Ludhiana, has done excellent work in popularising Mathematics among youngsters. He has set up a Maths hub, maths park, created interesting modules…all so that students enjoy the subject and excel in it. Glad that he got the teachers award. pic.twitter.com/actkfmtUtm
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
As the Headmaster of a school in Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh, Shri Lutni Perme has not only helped the school improve its academic performance but has also laid emphasis on holistic education through gardening, sports and other activities. The nation is proud of him. pic.twitter.com/6spTGFSiha
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Pleasure meeting Shri Shivakumar Ji from Karnataka’s Chikkaballapura district. It was great to know that using technology, he has simplified Mathematical queries for his students. Many of his classroom videos are available on the internet and are widely appreciated. pic.twitter.com/QdEwWbghW2
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Starting from basics…Ms. Mamta Awasthy from Sikkim developed innovative teaching practices at the primary school level. She also compiled her best practices, which are being disseminated and helping several other youngsters study. pic.twitter.com/b2UesX2xB0
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Ms. Manju Balasubramanyam heads the DPS in Bengaluru. Her work towards increasing diversity and focussing in opportunity as well as inclusion for Divyang children are commendable. Congratulated her on being conferred the prestigious award for teachers. pic.twitter.com/GlAUJvdP8w
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Teaching is about educating students, and mentoring other teachers too. Ms. Manu Gulati is a shining beacon in this. She has also developed innovative methods of teaching through technology, music and dance. Delighted that she wins the National Award for Teachers. pic.twitter.com/EGEER7G8Ba
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Ms. Meka Susatya Rekha, a teacher of Mathematics and Science in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, has successfully ensured that students find classroom interactions absorbing. She has worked on the creation and dissemination of e-content. I wish her well in all her future endeavours. pic.twitter.com/TfXO0WpVac
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Glad to have met Shri Motilal Koirala of Sikkim. His efforts towards enhancing academic level through the use of IT are commendable. As the Principal of his school, his extensive outreach to parents and guardians are appreciable and augurs well for the students. Congrats to him. pic.twitter.com/ajh8fHIXMp
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri Murugan is a mathematics and science teacher in Nagaland. Through his innovative approach, he has helped students develop keen interest in these subjects. His efforts to organise the District Science Congress and teacher training workshops are highly appreciable. pic.twitter.com/qx0ar3eftl
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
It was good meeting Shri Narendra Kumar Tiwari from Chhattisgarh. His school has high levels of student participation and good performance of students in the examinations. He mobilised substantial support for his school from the community. Congratulations for the Teachers Award. pic.twitter.com/LJwfEj4wTy
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri Narra Rama Rao, Headmaster of a school in Nizamabad, Telangana, played the lead role in significantly enhancing the enrolment of children in his school. He has also popularized science among students. I appreciate Shri Rao for his commitment and wish him all the best. pic.twitter.com/gjtV9GKVuf
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Met Shri Omprakash Mishra Ji from Jeypore in Koraput district of Odisha. I salute him for his sheer determination to educate students in one of the remotest areas of our country. His effective use of school labs and technology in teaching of science and mathematics is noteworthy. pic.twitter.com/EKG0RRHbiO
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri Rakeshkumar Chandrakant Patel is a teacher well-known in Nadisar for increasing enrolment through his community linkages and effective use of social media. Also a blogger on education techniques, he is an asset to his students and our nation. pic.twitter.com/HLrWBSykHt
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Ms. Pragya Nopany of Birla Vidya Niketan, Delhi has taught Physics to thousands of students. She has also participated actively in developing national level curriculum and in developing teacher training programmes. We are proud of her contribution. pic.twitter.com/XaaBodx4qW
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
As the Headmistress of a school in Coimbatore, Ms. R Sathy adopted several community mobilisation activities to increase enrolment. Her innovative strategies helped her local village in becoming ODF. She is also passionate about co-curricular activities. Congratulations to her. pic.twitter.com/P2XOZLnXpY
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
When students are fit, India is fit! As the Physical Education teacher of a school in rural Bengaluru, Dr. Rameshappa popularises Yoga and sports among students. His work towards gender sensitivity and welfare of Divyang students is noteworthy. Congrats and best wishes to him. pic.twitter.com/6ZW6gve3o8
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri GH Rasool Mir Ji’s efforts to mobilise parents and local community in Srinagar for increasing student enrolment and reduce absenteeism from school are laudable. His active participation to set up a school library and upgrade labs are praiseworthy. Glad to have met him! pic.twitter.com/hwFlYJqzpm
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri Santosh Gaonkar is the Principal of Poira High School in Goa. Under his leadership, the school saw a significant improvement in Class X results. He also worked to make the sciences popular among pupils, with his students even taking part in the Children’s Science Congress. pic.twitter.com/hm56aHsV4L
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri Sarvest Kumar Ji’s efforts have led to a huge increase in his school’s enrolment count in Basti district of Uttar Pradesh. Great to meet him! He even shared how introduction of ICT in his school is enhancing the teaching-learning process and benefitting the students. pic.twitter.com/mcgSS7fpke
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri Sashanka Hazarika, from Darrang, Assam, has encouraged computerization and development of software for classrooms. He has taken education to more and more children through his work in increasing enrolment. I wish him success in his noble endeavours. pic.twitter.com/iMJMvns1Vd
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Ms. Shaila R.N worked very hard to improve the overall infrastructure of a school that she is heading in Bengaluru North. Her work has made a positive difference in the lives of several students, particularly those belonging to poor families. Proud of teachers like her! pic.twitter.com/QPaa0YMYOm
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Known for developing unique tools for the teaching of English, Ms. Shesha Prasad from Kendriya Vidyalaya in Begumpet, Hyderabad has endeared herself to both students and fellow teachers. I wish her all the best in her continued endeavour of educating our new generation. pic.twitter.com/T2ogCl7DBV
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Dr. Suman Jakhar is the Principal of a school in Churu, Rajasthan. It is heartening to know that, in her leadership, enrolment of girls increased substantially. It is such teachers who add great strength to the 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao' movement. pic.twitter.com/DJ9fVN3R3w
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Met Shri Sunil Kumar from Kangra district in HP. Great to know about his efforts to enhance learning experience of students. His innovations and promotion of health and hygiene are truly appreciable. Congratulations for the National Award for Teachers. pic.twitter.com/EF1tVUqRE9
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Ms. Sushila Rupji Pasaria of Central Primary School, Dadra and Nagar Haveli is an inspirational teacher. From mobilising local communities and parents to increase enrolment to encouraging a range of extra-curricular activities, Ms. Sushila's work is admirable. Congrats to her. pic.twitter.com/EMPdqSq0ij
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Ms. Sutapa Sur from Tripura is an inspiration for everyone. Her approach to the overall development of students of her school has shown demonstrable success in the results of the students. She has focused on education through co-curricular as well as cultural activities. pic.twitter.com/822BSsesmX
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
The Principal of a school in Jahangirabad, Madhya Pradesh, Dr. Usha Khare established an e-library in her school and also ensured an increase in enrolment and retention of girls. Community-oriented work is her strength. Glad that she has been conferred the award for teachers. pic.twitter.com/BoQt4ERqHL
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Shri Vidhu K.P. from Kerala has taken initiatives to make his school a Smart School. He is leveraging technology to manage the school’s functioning and for better teaching and learning. India is proud of him. pic.twitter.com/Wc4Pm8Q6jH
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018
Innovation and technology can enhance one’s learning experience. Delighted to meet Shri Vikram Sonba Adsul from Ahmednagar who adapted innovative teaching practices using outdoor activities. His work led to higher enrolment and lower dropout rates. pic.twitter.com/MyqiCGFdWO
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 4, 2018