Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi performed Shashtra Puja (Worship of weapons) today at his home in the presence of police and security personnel on the occasion of Vijaya Dashmi. He called upon the security personnel to imbibe the significance of the worship of weapon as preaches by the age-old tradition.
Mr. Modi, like every year, worshiped the weapons such as sword, bows and arrows etc which received as gift during public programmes.
On the occasion Mr. Modi said the festival of Vijaya Dashmi, following to Navratri, celebrate the triumph of godly powers against the evil forces. While the weapons are integral part of the lives of security personnel, its worship keeps them distant from its misuse, he said.
Relating the example of Ravana he said the culture of the times of Ramayana teaches us that we can keep away from the ego of power and possession with the wisdom and virtues. This is evident by the triumph of the virtuous life of Lord Rama against the fall of egoistic Ravana.
Mr. Modi exhorted the security personnel to maintain their physical and mental health and practice the stress-free life in the midst of hard work. He said, “We should add sacred element in all the activities of life be it religious or existential”. He extended wishes for Vijaya Dashmi to the families of security personnel.
Chief Security Officer to the Chief Minister Premvir Singh and senior security officials remained present on the occasion and felicitated Mr. Modi.