21st century India is moving ahead with the resolve of 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat' and 'Make in India': PM Modi

May 26th, 01:27 pm

Prime Minister Narendra Modi today addressed a public meeting in Hyderabad, Telangana. PM Modi started his address by recognising the sacrifice and hard work of the BJP Karyakartas.

আমাদের কাছে গোয়ার অর্থ হল প্রশাসন, সুযোগ ও আকাঙ্খা: প্রধানমন্ত্রী মোদী

February 10th, 06:18 pm

প্রধানমন্ত্রী নরেন্দ্র মোদী আজ গোয়ার মাপুসায় একটি জনসভায় ভাষণ দিয়েছেন। প্রধানমন্ত্রী মোদী তাঁর ভাষণে বলেছেন, আসলে, আপনাদের সবার মাঝে গোয়ায় আসা আমাকে এক নতুন শক্তিতে ভরিয়ে দেয়। এছাড়া বিজেপির কাছে গোয়ার অর্থ ঠিক কী সেকথা উল্লেখ করে প্রধানমন্ত্রী মোদী বলেন, আমাদের কাছে গোয়ার অর্থ হল প্রশাসন, সুযোগ ও আকাঙ্খা। একটা মডেল হিসেবে উঠে এসেছে গোয়া।

গোয়ার মাপুসায় জনসভায় ভাষণ দিয়েছেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী মোদী

February 10th, 06:17 pm

প্রধানমন্ত্রী নরেন্দ্র মোদী আজ গোয়ার মাপুসায় একটি জনসভায় ভাষণ দিয়েছেন। প্রধানমন্ত্রী মোদী তাঁর ভাষণে বলেছেন, আসলে, আপনাদের সবার মাঝে গোয়ায় আসা আমাকে এক নতুন শক্তিতে ভরিয়ে দেয়। এছাড়া বিজেপির কাছে গোয়ার অর্থ ঠিক কী সেকথা উল্লেখ করে প্রধানমন্ত্রী মোদী বলেন, আমাদের কাছে গোয়ার অর্থ হল প্রশাসন, সুযোগ ও আকাঙ্খা। একটা মডেল হিসেবে উঠে এসেছে গোয়া।

উত্তরাখণ্ডের দেরাদুনে একাধিক প্রকল্পের উদ্বোধন ও শিলান্যাস অনুষ্ঠানে প্রধানমন্ত্রীর ভাষণ

December 04th, 12:35 pm

প্রধানমন্ত্রী শ্রী নরেন্দ্র মোদী দেরাদুনে আজ ১৮ হাজার কোটি টাকা ব্যয়ে বিভিন্ন প্রকল্পের উদ্বোধন এবং শিলান্যাস করেছেন। সমাবেশে ভাষণ দিতে গিয়ে প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন যে, আমাদের পাহাড় কেবল বিশ্বাস ও সংস্কৃতির দুর্গই নয়, তারা আমাদের দেশের নিরাপত্তার দুর্গও, দেশের অন্যতম অগ্রাধিকার হলো পাহাড়ে বসবাসকারী মানুষের জীবনযাত্রা আরো সহজতর করা।

প্রধানমন্ত্রী দেরাদুনে ১৮ হাজার কোটি টাকা ব্যয়ে বিভিন্ন প্রকল্পের উদ্বোধন ও শিলান্যাস করেছেন

December 04th, 12:34 pm

প্রধানমন্ত্রী এদিন দেরাদুনে চাইল্ড ফ্রেন্ডলি সিটি প্রজেক্ট ছাড়াও দেরাদুনে পানীয় জল সরবরাহ, রাস্তাঘাট এবং ভূগর্ভস্থ ব্যবস্থার উন্নয়নে একাধিক প্রকল্পের ভিত্তিপ্রস্তর স্থাপন করেন। এছাড়াও তিনি বদ্রীনাথ ধাম এবং গঙ্গোত্রী যমুনোত্রী ধামের পরিকাঠামোগত উন্নয়ন প্রকল্প ছাড়াও হরিদ্বার মেডিকেল কলেজের শিলান্যাস করেন।

PM Modi virtually addresses of Birbhum, Kolkata, Malda and Murshidabad, West Bengal

April 23rd, 05:39 pm

PM Modi addressed today voters of Birbhum, Kolkata, Malda and Murshidabad virtually. He said, “West Bengal Elections are not just for a change in the government, I can see the rise of an aspirational and optimistic West Bengal in these polls. Be it villages or cities, I can see yearning for a better life, better education, better employment and better option everywhere.”

PM Modi addresses voters of Birbhum, Kolkata, Malda and Murshidabad via VC

April 23rd, 05:34 pm

PM Modi addressed today voters of Birbhum, Kolkata, Malda and Murshidabad virtually. He said, “West Bengal Elections are not just for a change in the government, I can see the rise of an aspirational and optimistic West Bengal in these polls. Be it villages or cities, I can see yearning for a better life, better education, better employment and better option everywhere.”

On May 2 Didi will get certificate of Bengal ex-chief minister by the people of the state: PM Modi

April 17th, 12:10 pm

PM Modi addressed two huge rallies in West Bengal’s Asansol and Gangarampur ahead of sixth phase of assembly polls today. He said, “TMC was broken after four phases of polls, `Didi' and `Bhatija' will be defeated by end of West Bengal elections. Voting of the fifth phase is also going on where people in large numbers are voting for the lotus flower to form the BJP government.”

PM Modi campaigns in West Bengal’s Asansol and Gangarampur

April 17th, 12:00 pm

PM Modi addressed two huge rallies in West Bengal’s Asansol and Gangarampur ahead of sixth phase of assembly polls today. He said, “TMC was broken after four phases of polls, `Didi' and `Bhatija' will be defeated by end of West Bengal elections. Voting of the fifth phase is also going on where people in large numbers are voting for the lotus flower to form the BJP government.”

PM Modi addresses public meetings at Siliguri and Krishnanagar, West Bengal

April 10th, 12:30 pm

PM Modi addressed two mega rallies ahead of fifth phase of election in West Bengal’s Siliguri and Krishnanagar. “The entire North Bengal has announced that TMC government is going and BJP government is coming. Today, the entire nation is proud to see the willpower of the people of Bengal. This willpower is of the ‘Ashol Poriborton’. This willpower is the strength of ‘Sonar Bangla’,” he said in Siliguri rally.

Didi has scored an own goal in football of politics, says PM Modi in Cooch Behar

April 06th, 12:01 pm

PM Modi today addressed two massive rallies in West Bengal’s Cooch Behar and Howrah. The PM said, “Not only Bengal and Nandigram, but Nandi is also openly expressing her displeasure with Didi. The situation is such that Didi's party is not getting polling agents at polling booths. Few days back, she was accusing EC & security forces of stopping her polling agent. Now she has accepted that her polling agents are revolting against her.”

PM Modi addresses public meetings in Cooch Behar and Howrah, West Bengal

April 06th, 12:00 pm

PM Modi today addressed two massive rallies in West Bengal’s Cooch Behar and Howrah. The PM said, “Not only Bengal and Nandigram, but Nandi is also openly expressing her displeasure with Didi. The situation is such that Didi's party is not getting polling agents at polling booths. Few days back, she was accusing EC & security forces of stopping her polling agent. Now she has accepted that her polling agents are revolting against her.”

Come May 2, West Bengal will have a double engine government that will give double and direct benefit to the people: PM

April 03rd, 03:01 pm

Continuing his poll campaign before the third phase of assembly election in West Bengal, PM Modi has addressed a mega rally in Tarakeshwar. He said, “We have seen a glimpse of what results are going to come on 2 May in Nandigram two days ago. I know for sure, with every step of the election, Didi’s panic will increase, her shower of abuse on me will also grow.”

PM Modi addresses public meetings at Tarakeshwar and Sonarpur, West Bengal

April 03rd, 03:00 pm

Continuing his poll campaign before the third phase of assembly election in West Bengal, PM Modi has addressed two mega rallies in Tarakeshwar and Sonarpur. He said, “We have seen a glimpse of what results are going to come on 2 May in Nandigram two days ago. I know for sure, with every step of the election, Didi’s panic will increase, her shower of abuse on me will also grow.”

Double engine BJP govt has given double benefits to Assam: PM Modi in Tamulpur

April 03rd, 11:01 am

Addressing his last rally in Assam’s Tamulpur ahead of last phase of assembly elections in the state, PM Modi said, “The 'Mahajhooth' of 'Mahajot' has been disclosed. On the basis of my political experience and audience love, I can say that people have decided to form NDA government in Assam. They can't bear those who insult Assam's identity and propagate violence.”

PM Modi addresses public meeting at Tamulpur, Assam

April 03rd, 11:00 am

Addressing his last rally in Assam’s Tamulpur ahead of last phase of assembly elections in the state, PM Modi said, “The 'Mahajhooth' of 'Mahajot' has been disclosed. On the basis of my political experience and audience love, I can say that people have decided to form NDA government in Assam. They can't bear those who insult Assam's identity and propagate violence.”

PM Modi campaigns in Kerala’s Pathanamthitta and Thiruvananthapuram

April 02nd, 01:45 pm

Ahead of Kerala assembly polls, PM Modi addressed rallies in Pathanamthitta and Thiruvananthapuram. He said, “The LDF first tried to distort the image of Kerala and tried to show Kerala culture as backward. Then they tried to destabilize sacred places by using agents to carry out mischief. The devotees of Swami Ayyappa who should've been welcomed with flowers, were welcomed with lathis.” In Kerala, PM Modi hit out at the UDF and LDF saying they had committed seven sins.

Trinamool is not cool, it is a 'shool': PM Modi in West Bengal’s Jaynagar

April 01st, 02:41 pm

PM Modi addressed public meetings in West Bengal’s Jaynagar and Uluberia today. Speaking at Jaynagar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “I can witness the wave of ‘Ashol Poribortan’ being sped up by this region. In the record-breaking turnout in the first phase, people have given massive support to the BJP. PM Modi also paid tribute to late Shova Majumdar.

PM Modi campaigns in West Bengal’s Jaynagar and Uluberia

April 01st, 02:40 pm

PM Modi addressed public meetings in West Bengal’s Jaynagar and Uluberia today. Speaking at Jaynagar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “I can witness the wave of ‘Ashol Poribortan’ being sped up by this region. In the record-breaking turnout in the first phase, people have given massive support to the BJP. PM Modi also paid tribute to late Shova Majumdar.

PM Modi addresses public meeting at Puducherry

March 30th, 04:31 pm

Addressing a public meeting in Puducherry today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “There is something special about Puducherry that keeps bringing me back here again and again.” He accused Congress government for its negligence and said, “In the long list of non-performing Congress governments over the years, the previous Puducherry Government has a special place. The ‘High Command’ Government of Puducherry failed on all fronts.”