Victory to Mother India!
Victory to Mother India!
Babasaheb Ambedkar will remain immortal!
Babasaheb Ambedkar will remain immortal!
Babasaheb Ambedkar will remain immortal!
My colleague of in the Council of Ministers Shri JP Nadda ji, the popular Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Dr. Raman Singh Ji, Chairman of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes Mr. Nand Kumar Sai, other Ministers of Chhattisgarh government and my dear brothers and sisters of Bijapur Bastar who have come here in large numbers.
I bow down to the gods and goddesses who have taught not only the people of Bijapur but also the people of the entire Bastar region to live in harmony with nature. From the soil of Bijapur I would like to commemorate the martyr Veer Gaind Singh who had sacrificed his life while fighting against the British about 200 years ago. Similarly, another leader was also born here about hundred years ago i.e. Veer Gundadhur.
The bravery of such heroes like Gaind Singh and Gundadhur has been mentioned in your folk songs for several generations. I salute the heroic sons and daughters of this great land. Event today new stories of heroism are being written on this land.
Several soldiers of the security forces have never cared for their lives while dealing with the local challenges, the region's development and the people's safety. These soldiers are playing an important role in constructing the roads, installing mobile towers, hospitals and schools and for strengthening Chhattisgarh's infrastructure.
Many of these security personnel involved in the development of Chhattisgarh have lost their lives. A memorial has been built in the memory of those who were martyred in Naxalite attacks. I salute them and would like to pay my tributes to them.
This day, 14th April, is extremely important for the 125 crore people of the country. Today is the birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar ji. It is a great privilege for me to have come here today and to have got an opportunity to seek his blessings. On the birth anniversary of Babasaheb Ambedkar ji, I would like you all to raise your hands and say with me loudly-
Jai Bhim Jai Bhim!
Jai Bhim Jai Bhim!
Jai Bhim Jai Bhim!
The echo of Baba Saheb's name in the air of Bijapur and Bastar is making us grateful! I salute the hope and aspiration associated with the name of Baba Saheb.
Our government had started the Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Urban Mission from the soil of Chhattisgarh. Even Pradhan Mantri Grameen Awas Yojana had started from Chhattisgarh. These schemes are expediting the countries progress at the national level. Even during this visit to Chhattisgarh, I will be launching Gram Swaraj Yojana and the first phase of 'Ayushman Bharat Yojana'. This Gram Swaraj Abhiyan is meant for ensuring that all the schemes that have been launched in the last four years for the poor, Dalits, women, tribal, backward and disadvantaged sections of the society, actually reach them. The Gram Swaraj Abhiyan will continue across the country from today till May 5th.
I believe that the schemes of the central government and the state government that were started here on the birth anniversary of Babasaheb will be successful in creating a new record for changing the path of development.
Brothers and sisters,
Baba Saheb was highly educated. He could have spent a luxurious life in the prosperous countries of the world. After studying abroad, he returned to India and devoted his life to the cause of the backward and the depressed classes and the tribals. He was determined to provide opportunities to the deprived classes of the society to lead a normal life. The classes of the society that were left behind have now become aware and conscious and are hungry for development. They have the desire to claim their rights. Everything was possible because of Babasaheb Ambedkar's contribution.
My dear brothers and sisters,
Today this son of a poor mother, who belongs to a backward community, is the Prime Minister of the country only because of Baba Saheb Ambedkar. Baba Saheb has played a very significant role in awakening the hopes and aspirations of Lakhs of people like me.
Brothers and sisters,
There are many people like farmers, service-sector employees, self-employed and probably some students present here before me. I want you to answer one question. Even if you don't speak aloud, you may think of the answer in your minds. Doesn't the person aspiring for something great in life work harder? On the other hand, when a person doesn't want to achieve anything in life, keeps sleeping all day long. Isn't it? A person with a dream keeps awake all the time and works hard. Isn't it? Ask yourselves.
Brothers and sisters,
When a farmer is confident that there will be a good monsoon and the monsoon actually begins well, then don't you think the farmer will put more effort? As soon as the sky is overcast, the farmer starts working hard because his dreams are associated with those clouds.
Brothers and sisters,
Today with the inspiration of Babasaheb I have come here to revive this new trust in the people of Bijapur and to ignite a new faith and a new desire in the administration of this place. I have come here to tell you that the central government is standing by your hopes, aspirations and desires.
There's is a reason behind choosing Bijapur district. I don't remember clearly but I want to tell you one incident. I was not a very good student in school. I was an average student but some of the students were weaker than me. Our teacher used to teach those students after school with a lot of patience. He used to focus on every student. As soon as the teacher used to instil confidence in the students that they are not weak and encouraged them, those students used to come up to the level of the other students in class in a few days. Some of those students even used to leave the bright students far behind.
I believe there will be several such people who might have witnessed such an incident. You might have seen in different fields that if those who are lagging behind are encouraged, they have the ability to leave everyone else behind in a very short span of time. Bijapur is not the only district that is labelled as backward. More than 100 districts are in the same position. Even after so many years of independence, these districts continue to lag behind. They are not at fault for this. What is the reason that more than 100 districts are still backward even after the Constitution of Ambedkar ji had made so many provisions?
Brothers and sisters,
Had the mothers of these districts no right to have healthy children or to have children who are devoid of Anaemia, who have a proper growth? Didn't the people of these districts have the expectation of being a part of development from this country? Didn't the daughters of these districts have the right of getting educated and skilled? Weren't they expecting these things? Even after having several things like hospitals, schools, roads and clean drinking water there are many things lacking as several districts are still lagging behind. It is ironical that the backward districts are the ones with rich natural resources. Doesn't your Bijapur district possess these things? Everything is there.
Brothers and sisters,
I have come to Bijapur to tell you and assure you that although you were labelled as a backward district, now work will start on a large scale; it will be a new beginning with a new idea. I want to congratulate Bijapur for one more thing. I had called the officers of these 100-125 districts in January and had announced that I would visit the district on 14th April that would progress at the fastest rate in three months. I want to congratulate the entire team of Bijapur for grabbing the number 1 position in the rate of progress among more than 100 backward districts. In a way, I have come here to salute your achievement and to take inspiration from it so that the 115 districts realize that if Bijapur can achieve this in 100 days, rest of the 115 districts can also make it in the coming months.
I will call these 115 aspirational districts not only aspiring but also ambitious. Now these districts will no longer be dependent or backward. They will emerge as new models of valour, transformation and outcome. We are moving ahead with this belief.
Brothers and sisters,
You might be wondering how I can claim these things with such confidence. Before coming to Bijapur, our government has studied more than 100 districts and analysed the results. Our experience of three months tells us that if all the people of the district, the administration of the district, the officials, and every village join the campaign and if you start a mass movement, then we can achieve something that could not be achieved in the last 70 years after independence.
You can never reach new heights by walking on old paths. World cannot be changed with old methods. Rules need to be changed with time. One has to use new ways to achieve new goals. Our government is working with a new approach for the 115 backward districts including Bijapur. I want to give you one example of this approach. My farmer brothers are present in large numbers. So they will easily understand this. Our farmer brothers cultivate paddy, maize and pulses. I want to ask them about the amount of water that they used for each of these crops. Do you use the same amount of water for maize that you use for vegetables or paddy? Your answer will be -no. You don't use same amount of water. Paddy needs more water. You work on different crops in different ways. Isn't it? If the requirements are different, the weaknesses as well as challenges will also be different. Keeping this in mind, every district has to plan its strategy and frame a development plan. They have to do this on the basis of their local resources.
Your administration will have to frame a plan based on your needs and decide upon how to accomplish the same. These small steps will take you to the top of this race of development. The centre, state government, blocks and villages will join hands together in this endeavour.
Today, on this platform, a great scheme to end social inequality and to ensure social justice is being launched. The first phase of 'Ayushman Bharat' is being launched from the soil of Chhattisgarh, Bijapur district, on 14th April, the birth anniversary of Ambedkar. In the first phase, efforts will be made to make major changes in the issues related to Primary Health in the country. Under this scheme, sub-centres and Primary Health centres will be developed into Health and Wellness centres in the country's major Panchayats i.e. in 1.5 Lakh villages. I tell the youngsters to suggest simple words for these Health and Wellness centres by logging into mygov.in. I will definitely study those suggestions. Today 'Health and Wellness Centre' is very popular but I want to use a simple word for it so that in the future even an illiterate person of the village should be able to identify with it. But I want to use your suggestions, the suggestions of the people of the villages.
The goal of the government is to complete this work by 2022. You can imagine the magnitude of the work. By the time the country will be celebrating 75 years of Independence, a network of Health and Wellness centres will already be in place across the country. Priority will be given to those 115 districts which are still behind in the race towards development.
Brothers and sisters,
Why are these Wellness centres needed? I want to explain this thing to you in detail. When we talk about Health and Wellness centres our motive is not only to cure the disease but also to prevent the diseases. In our country we can find a large number of patients with blood pressure and diabetes. 60% of the health related deaths occur due to these 4 diseases viz. cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory problems and cancer. But these diseases can be prevented if detected on time.
Through these Health and Wellness centres efforts are being made to provide free diagnosis of the diseases.
I will also give you an example of how timely diagnosis is beneficial. Suppose a 35 year old person gets diagnosed with high blood pressure then he can avoid serious diseases in the future. If he gets diagnosed for any disease and with timely intervention takes medicines and does exercises, he can avoid greater expenditure and risks in the future. Today while I was inaugurating the Wellness Centre, I came across a sister of 30-35 years age. She was unaware about her diabetes. She told the doctors that she had the frequent urges of drinking water and felt dizzy and tired all the time. After the doctor examined her, it was diagnosed that she had high diabetes. A 30-32 year old sister did not know that she had diabetes. After coming to the wellness centre, she got to know about her disease. She will follow the diet and everything henceforth. She will be able to save herself from other diseases by controlling it. The Health and Wellness centres will spread the idea of this preventive treatment in every village.
These Health and Wellness centres will in a way work as family doctors for the poor. Earlier there used to be a family doctor in middle class and upper class families. These Wellness Centres will now become the extension of your families. These will be associated with your day to day lives.
The idea of Ayushman Bharat is not limited to service but is also a call for public participation so that we can build a healthy, capable and satisfied new India. The next target is to provide a financial security of up to 5 lakh rupees to 50 crore poor people for serious illnesses per year. The work is going on at a very fast pace.
Brothers and sisters,
Transformation can happen only when resources are used in a right way with inspiration. Today on this stage we have talked about an aspirational Bijapur along with an aspirational Chhattisgarh. Walking on the path shown by Atal ji for the past 14 years, the popular Chief Minister of the state, Mr Raman Singh, with the help of the people and a lot of hard work, is taking forward the developmental schemes for the welfare of the public. After the formation of the NDA government 4 years ago, the resolution of development got a further boost in Chhattisgarh. Here the governance has reached the people. The Chhattisgarh government has set new records by successfully developing tribal areas and implementing many popular schemes. A new revolution is visible in the form of University of Bastar and Surguja, medical colleges, engineering colleges and excellent Institutions of schools and skill development in the other districts.
I met one daughter named Lakshmi here. She has built a drone. Can anyone imagine that in a tribal region of Chhattisgarh-Rewa, a child of class 10th named Lakshmi has made a drone? She was telling me that she flies it at the height of 50 metre. I was delighted!
You must be aware that the work of Nagarnar Steel Plant is about to get over. Soon the Plant will be operational. I am confident that your state is moving ahead in the right direction as I see that the youngsters of Bastar are qualifying for medical colleges, engineering colleges, UPSC and PSC. There has been a revolutionary change in the health sector since the formation of BJP government in this state. There was a time when there used to be just 2 medical colleges in this state and I was told that today it has increased to 10. The seats of the medical colleges have also been increased manifold. I am glad to see that the health facilities are being upgraded continuously in Bijapur and its surrounding areas. Highly qualified specialists are now offering their services in District hospitals. I congratulate their devotion to service from the core of my heart. I just met some of the doctors from Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and other states who are devoting their entire time in these forests.
I am confident that in a country where we have such young dedicated doctors, the poor will not have to suffer from diseases.
Sometime back I got the opportunity to inaugurate the dialysis unit of the district hospital. I want to inform you all that under Pradhan Mantri dialysis Yojana, more than 500 hospitals of the country will be offering free dialysis services. About 2.5 lakh patients have already used this facility, with almost 25 lakh sessions. A network of development has been laid down in the most backward districts of Chhattisgarh like Sukma, Dantewada and Bijapur. I congratulate the government for this. The central government is working on a dual strategy to carry Chhattisgarh further on the path of development. First, the effort towards maximum development in this region and the second strategy is to bring back the deviated youngsters into the mainstream of development. In the last 4 years several important schemes have been started for the development of Chhattisgarh in general and Bastar in particular. A network of more than 400 km long roads has been laid in the Naxal affected areas of Bastar. The villages where Jeeps could not reach before are now connected with regular bus services.
Under the Saubhagya scheme, every household of Bastar is being provided with electricity connection. It will brighten the lives of the farmers, students, shopkeepers, small entrepreneurs and everyone. Thousands of solar pumps are being distributed in Bastar. These solar pumps are helping the farmers to a great extent. Several facilities like schools, hospitals, Health Care Centres, Public Distribution System, banks, ATMs and so on are being provided in these regions. New mobile towers are being erected. Bastar is now getting connected to Raipur through railways.
Today the work of one railway section has been started. It will reach up to Jagdalpur in 2 years. A new Steel Plant will also start operating in Jagdalpur this year. This will provide the youngsters of Bastar with new employment opportunities. A new airport will come up in Jagdalpur and the work will begin in a few months. Air connectivity will take this region's economy to new heights.
Bastar is transforming. The decade-old identity associated with Bastar is also changing. Bastar will now be known as an economic hub in the future. It will be connected not only to Raipur but also to Hyderabad, Nagpur and Visakhapatnam.
Along with a New India, New Bastar will make life easier for lakhs of people here. They will come out of the darkness that was in their lives for the past several decades. The new Bastar will be a Bastar of new hope and new aspirations. It is said that sun rises in the east but that day is not far when Chhattisgarh's sun will rise from the South, from Bastar. If all these areas remain bright then the state will keep shining. If this region prospers, the entire state will prosper.
Brothers and sisters,
It has always been a great challenge to extend the government schemes and services to the actual beneficiaries. This is one of the reasons for the regional imbalance and backwardness. I am glad that the government of Raman Singh ji is sensitive to this matter and is taking good initiatives.
A while ago, I got the opportunity to visit the Jangla Development Centre. A major objective of this centre is that all the government services will be found at one place and the people will not have to waste time by going to multiple places. Providing all the facilities like office of the Gram Panchayat, the government ration shop, the Patwari, hospitals and schools at one place will be a great service.
I have been told that 14 such centres will be set up in the state. The centres of development can also work as models for other states of the country.
One way of ending regional imbalances in the country is to increase connectivity. Therefore emphasize is being placed on different levels of connectivity like Highways, Railways, Airways and I-ways or Information ways. At a time when internet and communication has become the greatest requirements of the people, it is indispensable to have a good communication system in place. This is the reason for the inauguration of Phase 1 of Bastar Net project to improve the connectivity of Bastar. Under this scheme, about 400 km of Optical Fibre network has been laid in 6 districts.
I have also been shown how the rural BPO of Jangla will help in increasing the income of its people and make their lives easier. The work of Bharat net project is underway in Chhattisgarh. I have been told that till date about 4000 Gram Panchayats out of 10000 Gram Panchayats have been connected to the Bharat net project and the work will get over by the next year.
Railway is another medium of connectivity.
Today Dalli Rajhara Bhanupratap Express has been flagged off. You will be happy to know that the new train that has been flagged off today have all women employees - ranging from the driver to the guards. The people of the country will also be happy to know that our daughters are plying the trains in the forests of Chhattisgarh. The Dalli Rajhara- Raigarh line and Raigarh-Jagdalpur rail lines were proposed about 23 years ago but the work had not been started for a long time. Even after it was started the progress was at a snail's pace.
This new project was envisaged by our government which led to this new railway line in the Northern region of Bastar.
Today the foundation stone of roads worth nearly Rs. 1700 crore has been laid. It will create a network of modern roads in villages of Bijapur, Kanker, Kondagaon, Sukma, Dantewada, Bastar, Narayanpur and Rajnand gaon. Under Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojana, roads more than 2700 km long will be created. Airports are also being developed to connect large tribal areas of Bastar and Sarguja. These regions will also be linked to the Udaan scheme in the future.
Brothers and sisters,
Foundation-stone has also been laid today to solve the problems of drinking water of Bijapur. Besides, efforts are being made to build bridges over Indravati River.
Brothers and sisters,
This government is for the poor, the Dalits, the oppressed and the tribal people. It is evident from the decisions, laws and the schemes made for the welfare of the poor and the tribal people in the past 4 years. Today the Van Dhan Yojana has been launched in this context. Under this scheme, Van dhan development centres are being opened. The government has ensured that the forest produces should get the right prices as soon as they reach the market. The forest products will be promoted with value addition through these centres. A new market will be created.
Today I have seen the importance of value addition here. The raw tamarind is sold at rupees 17-18 per kg. If the same tamarind is sold in a good packing after removing the seeds it will fetch 50-60 rupees per kilo. This means that the price increases 3 times.
Brothers and sisters,
Today we have started the Van Dhan Yojana. You must have heard about the Gobardhan Yojana announced in this year's budget and along with this we have two more schemes - Jan Dhan yojana and Van Dhan Yojana. The trio will change the face of the villages. I assure you that.
The Forest Rights Act is being implemented strictly considering the interests of the tribals.
Recently the government has taken another decision related to the old law of bamboo under which bamboo was placed in the category of trees. As a result, chopping of bamboo drew legal obstacles.
However, the central government has modified the Forest Act and has taken out bamboo from the list of trees. Now you can easily carry out your business in bamboo, grow bamboo and sell them in the market.
Brothers and sisters,
The water, the land and the forests belong to you. You have the right over these things. Government has understood this and has made efforts to change the 60 year old system. We have also made changes in the previous laws related to mining. As per the rules, it will be mandatory to spend a part of the amount derived from the minerals for the local dwellers. Therefore the District Mineral Foundation has been established in every district of mining.
After this modification in the law, Chhattisgarh has benefited with an amount of more than rupees 3000 crores. The government has also decided that 60% of the amount under Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana will be spent on environmental protection, pollution control, Healthcare, education and women and child welfare.
Brothers and sisters,
The government is also working towards developing the education sector of the tribals along with prioritising their means of income. We have announced several major schemes in this year's budget. As per the government's target, Ekalavya Model Residential schools will be developed in every block by the year 2022, where the population of the tribals is more than 50% or the number of tribal people is more than 20000.
Moreover, another major task of the government is associated with the tribal honour and pride. The tribals had played a crucial role in the country's freedom struggle. For the first time a government is honouring that contribution of the tribals. The government has decided that in order to honour the tribal freedom fighters in the different states, a world-class Museum will be established so that the future generation is informed about the sacrifices made by their tribal brothers and sisters. That fight was for their self-respect.
One major way of economic empowerment and eliminating regional imbalances is Bank. Today banks have essentially become a part and parcel of our lives. Today I got an opportunity to inaugurate the new branch of State Bank of India here. I was told that people had to travel 20-25 km to get access to the bank. Moreover the problem aggravated due to lack of staff. With this new branch you will be highly benefited.
We have also entrusted the post offices with the work of banks. All the banking operations will also be available in post offices. We have appointed Bank Mitras for facilitating banking operations. We have framed new schemes after Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana for spreading banking systems in every village. Every citizen can make banking transactions with the help of Bhim app on their mobile phones.
Brothers and sisters,
People with Jan Dhan accounts very well know the importance of opening bank accounts. Today more than 31 crore bank accounts have been opened up due to the efforts of this government. Even in Chhattisgarh more than 1lakh 30 thousand bank accounts have been opened. These accounts belong to those poor, dalit, tribals and backward people.
I got the opportunity of riding the E-rickshaw driven by Chhattisgarh’s daughter Savita sahuji. I was told that Savita ji had to face a lot of difficulties in her family. Yet she managed to earn her livelihood by driving e-rickshaw. She had chosen the path of member committee. With the help of the government she is now living a respectful life.
This government is empowering the daughters and the sisters through several schemes like Swachh Bharat, Swasth Bharat Mission, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Mission, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana and so on.
The women of Chhattisgarh have also benefited out of the Ujjwala scheme. Till date about 18 lakh women have been given free gas connection in this state. The government is trying to bring the deviated youngsters to the mainstream with the help of self-employment schemes. Therefore, bank loans without guarantee are being provided under Mudra Yojana. I would like to urge the youngsters of this region to take advantage of the government schemes as much as possible. I would also like to appeal to the administration, the officers and the staff associated with the state to take the resolution of carrying forward the work of development and accomplishing them in their districts at a faster pace.
Brothers and sisters,
The government is not only framing new schemes but also making efforts to take the schemes to the people in need so that they can take advantage of those schemes. I request you all to take active initiative along with the government in empowering the marginal people of this country. Your participation is the strength of the Government and the strength will help in fulfilling the resolution of building a new India by 2022 at 75 years of India's Independence. It will fulfil the dreams of the great personalities like Babasaheb Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi. I once again offer my gratitude for your presence here. On the occasion of birth anniversary of Babasaheb Ambedkar I would like to tell the youngsters who are deviated to the path of violence that Babasaheb Ambedkar has given us the Constitution. He has taken care of your rights in the Constitution. It is the responsibility of the government to think about your rights. You don't have to take up arms and resort to violence. I would also like to tell the mothers and the fathers that some of your sons and daughters have meandered to this path. However, just think about who their leader is? Not a single leader belongs to your area. The leader was not born among you. They are outsiders. The leaders do not die. They go and hide in the forests and are safe while your children are the ones who are dying in this violence. Do you want to spoil your children's life like this? These people are not even from your state but are complete outsiders. You will realise this if you read their surnames and names. You will understand from where they come. Why are you giving them the rights to kill your children?
Therefore I would urge you that the government is committed to protecting your interests. We have to traverse the path of development. We are making efforts so that your children can get better education, your produce gets the right price and you all get a respectable life. The security forces are working day and night to ensure that your needs are fulfilled in terms of medicines, education, income etc. They are sacrificing their lives to ensure that the teachers are able to teach, roads are properly built, and telephone towers are erected. They are trying to ensure development in this region by sacrificing their lives.
Come brothers and sisters, let's move on to the path of development and take the country to new heights. Let us take the pledge to bring transformation in these 115 aspirational districts and let us promise to fulfil the dream of Ayushman Bharat.
With this hope I once again congratulate you all for organising this great programme in the forests.
Jai Bhim, Jai Bhim, Jai Hind!!