Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi today said that spiritualism is at the core of India's basic strength. "By invoking the resolve for spiritualism and through intellectual movement, not only Gujarat would benefit, but India can guide the world," Modi said. He was speaking on the occasion of the Bodh Diwas celebrations in Tankara, a place in Gujarat, where Swami Dayanand Saraswati was born. The festival of Shivratri is also celebrated as Bodhotsav. "Swami Dayanand Saraswati's preachings and Arya Samaj movement has impacted the nation bringing about a change in the lives of lakhs of people for the better," he said.
Meanwhile, Narendra Modi also sought blessing of a renowned Jain monk Tapagachchhadhipati Shri Premsurishwarji Maharaj. "It was divine to get blessings of Tapagachchhadhipati Shri Premsurishwarji Maharaj Saheb amidst soul-stirring satsang," Narendra Modi wrote on his twitter account.