Mr. Modi reached Chennai in the morning and presented a shawl and a bouquet of flower after the swearing-in ceremony. He wished the new Council of Minister a long and eventful inning and a bright future for Tamil Nadu.
While talking to newspersons, Mr. Modi said the just concluded Assembly elections in Tamil Nadu reflect not only a change of government but also foretells far-reaching consequences for the contemporary politics in the entire country. The politics of coalition in the country today has been polarized into two camps. One is the coalition of political parties for development, while the other is the coalition of vote bank politics. He exuded confidence the Tamil Nadu results would strengthen further the politics of development.Referring to ongoing political events in Karnataka, Mr. Modi said the Congress party has polluted the office of Rajbhawan by dragging its Constitutional powers to a new low to the detriment of high traditions of democracy and the Constitution.
Mr. Modi met the film star’s family members and enquired in details about his health. The Chief Minister was accompanied by his Principal Secretary K. Kailashnathan