Textile, Tourism & Technology will be key drivers of India's developed future: PM at Global Investors Summit in Madhya Pradesh
February 24th, 10:35 am
At the Global Investors Summit in Bhopal, PM Modi declared a new era of growth, stating, The world’s future lies in India. Emphasizing 'Viksit Madhya Pradesh se Viksit Bharat,' he highlighted MP's vast potential in agriculture, minerals and industry. He further noted that with soaring global confidence and booming investments, India is rapidly advancing towards economic supremacy and clean energy leadership.
প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰী শ্ৰী নৰেন্দ্ৰ মোদীয়ে মধ্যপ্ৰদেশৰ ভূপালত বিশ্ব বিনিয়োগকাৰী সন্মিলন, ২০২৫ উদ্বোধন কৰে
February 24th, 10:30 am
প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰী শ্ৰী নৰেন্দ্ৰ মোদীয়ে আজি মধ্যপ্ৰদেশৰ ভূপালত বিশ্ব বিনিয়োগকাৰী সন্মিলন (GIS), ২০২৫ উদ্বোধন কৰে। ইয়াত সমবেতসকলক সম্বোধনেৰে তেখেতে এই কাৰ্য্যসূচীলৈ অহাত পলম হোৱাৰ বাবে ক্ষমা বিচাৰে। দশম আৰু দ্বাদশ শ্ৰেণীৰ ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীসকলৰ ব’ৰ্ড পৰীক্ষাৰ পৰিপ্ৰেক্ষিতত তেখেতৰ নিৰাপত্তা ব্যৱস্থাই যাতে ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীসকলৰ অসুবিধা নকৰে, সেই কথা অনুধাৱন কৰা হৈছে বুলি তেখেতে কয়। শ্ৰী মোদীয়ে কয় যে ৰজা ভূজৰ ভূমিত বিনিয়োগকাৰী আৰু ব্যৱসায়িক নেতাসকলক আদৰণি জনাবলৈ পোৱাটো অসীম গৌৰৱৰ কথা। তেখেতে লগতে কয় যে আজিৰ এই অনুষ্ঠান গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ, কিয়নো এখনি বিকশিত মধ্যপ্ৰদেশ বা উন্নত মধ্যপ্ৰদেশ এখনি বিকশিত ভাৰতৰ অভিমুখে যাত্ৰাত অতিশয় প্ৰয়োজনীয়। তেখেতে এই সন্মিলনৰ সুন্দৰ আয়োজনৰ বাবে মধ্যপ্ৰদেশ চৰকাৰক অভিনন্দন জ্ঞাপন কৰে।
Serving the people of Andhra Pradesh is our commitment: PM Modi in Visakhapatnam
January 08th, 05:45 pm
PM Modi laid foundation stone, inaugurated development works worth over Rs. 2 lakh crore in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The Prime Minister emphasized that the development of Andhra Pradesh was the NDA Government's vision and serving the people of Andhra Pradesh was the Government's commitment.প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰী শ্ৰী নৰেন্দ্ৰ মোদীয়ে অন্ধ্ৰ প্ৰদেশৰ বিশাখাপট্টনমত ২ লাখ কোটি টকাৰো অধিক মূল্যৰ উন্নয়নমূলক কামৰ আধাৰশিলা স্থাপন, উদ্বোধন কৰে
January 08th, 05:30 pm
প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰী শ্ৰী নৰেন্দ্ৰ মোদীয়ে অন্ধ্ৰ প্ৰদেশৰ বিশাখাপট্টনমত আজি ২ লাখ কোটি টকাৰো অধিক মূল্যৰ উন্নয়নমূলক কামৰ আধাৰশিলা স্থাপন, উদ্বোধন কৰে। ভগৱান সিমহাচলম বৰাহা লক্ষ্মী নৰসিংহ স্বামীক যথাযথ সন্মান জনাই, শ্ৰী মোদীয়ে কয় যে ৬০ বছৰৰ ব্যৱধানৰ অন্তত ৰাইজৰ আশীৰ্বাদত দেশত একেৰাহে তৃতীয়বাৰৰ বাবে এখন কেন্দ্ৰীয় চৰকাৰ নিৰ্বাচিত হৈছে। তেওঁ লগতে কয় যে চৰকাৰ গঠনৰ পিছত অন্ধ্ৰ প্ৰদেশত এয়া তেওঁৰ প্ৰথম আনুষ্ঠানিক কাৰ্যসূচী। শ্ৰী মোদীয়ে, অনুষ্ঠানৰ পূৰ্বে ৰোডশ্ব’ৰ সময়ত তেওঁক জনোৱা এক বৃহৎ আদৰণিৰ বাবে ৰাইজক ধন্যবাদ জনায়। তেওঁ লগতে কয় যে শ্ৰী চন্দ্ৰবাবু নাইডুৰ ভাষণৰ সময়ত তেওঁৰ প্ৰতিটো শব্দ আৰু অনুভূতিৰ ভাবনাক তেওঁ সন্মান জনায়। প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰীয়ে অন্ধ্ৰপ্ৰদেশ আৰু ভাৰতৰ জনসাধাৰণৰ সহযোগত শ্ৰী নাইডুৱে নিজৰ ভাষণত উল্লেখ কৰা সকলো লক্ষ্যত উপনীত হ’ব বুলি বিশ্বাস ব্যক্ত কৰে।Developing Indian Railways is key to achieving the resolve of Viksit Bharat: PM
January 06th, 01:00 pm
PM Modi inaugurated key railway projects in Jammu, including the new Jammu Railway Division, and launched the Charlapalli Terminal Station in Telangana. He also laid the foundation for the Rayagada Railway Division Building in Odisha. These initiatives aim to modernize railway infrastructure, improve connectivity, create jobs, and promote regional development, with special emphasis on enhancing passenger facilities and boosting economic growth.বিভিন্ন ৰে'ল প্ৰকল্পৰ উদ্বোধন আৰু আধাৰশিলা স্থাপন প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰী শ্ৰী নৰেন্দ্ৰ মোদীৰ
January 06th, 12:30 pm
শ্ৰী গুৰু গোবিন্দ সিংজী জয়ন্তী উপলক্ষে শুভেচ্ছা জ্ঞাপন কৰি প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰীয়ে দৃঢ়তাৰে কয় যে তেওঁৰ শিক্ষা আৰু জীৱনে এক শক্তিশালী আৰু সমৃদ্ধিশালী দেশৰ দৃষ্টিভংগীক অনুপ্ৰাণিত কৰে। সংযোগৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত ভাৰতৰ দ্ৰুতগতিত অগ্ৰগতিৰ প্ৰশংসা কৰি শ্ৰী মোদীয়ে কয় যে ২০২৫ চনৰ আৰম্ভণিৰ পৰাই ভাৰতে মেট্ৰ’ ৰে’ল নেটৱৰ্ক ১০০০ কিলোমিটাৰতকৈও অধিক সম্প্ৰসাৰণ কৰি নিজৰ পদক্ষেপ ত্বৰান্বিত কৰি আহিছে। তেওঁ কালি দিল্লী মেট্ৰ’ প্ৰকল্প আৰম্ভ কৰাৰ লগতে দিল্লী-এনচিআৰত শেহতীয়াকৈ নমো ভাৰত ৰে’ল উদ্বোধনৰ কথা উল্লেখ কৰে।১৭ ডিচেম্বৰত ৰাজস্থান ভ্ৰমণ কৰিব প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰী
December 16th, 03:19 pm
প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰী নৰেন্দ্ৰ মোদীয়ে ১৭ ডিচেম্বৰত ৰাজস্থান ভ্ৰমণ কৰিব। প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰীয়ে ৰাজস্থানৰ জয়পুৰত ‘এক বৰ্ষ-পৰিনাম উৎকৰ্ষ’: ৰাজস্থান চৰকাৰৰ প্ৰথম বৰ্ষপূৰ্তি’ শীৰ্ষক কাৰ্যসূচীত অংশগ্ৰহণ কৰিব য’ত তেওঁ ৪৬,৩০০ কোটি টকাৰো অধিক মূল্যৰ শক্তি, পথ, ৰে’ল আৰু জল সম্পৰ্কীয় ২৪টা প্ৰকল্পৰ উদ্বোধন আৰু আধাৰশিলা স্থাপন কৰিব।Ensuring a better life for Jharkhand’s sisters and daughters is my foremost priority: PM Modi in Bokaro
November 10th, 01:18 pm
Jharkhand’s campaign heats up as PM Modi’s back-to-back rallies boost enthusiasm across the state. Ahead of the first phase of Jharkhand’s assembly elections, PM Modi today addressed a mega rally in Bokaro. He said that there is only one echo among the people of the state that: ‘Roti, Beti, Maati ki pukar, Jharkhand mein BJP-NDA Sarkar,’ and people want BJP-led NDA to come to power in the assembly polls.”PM Modi captivates crowds with impactful speeches in Jharkhand’s Bokaro & Gumla
November 10th, 01:00 pm
Jharkhand’s campaign heats up as PM Modi’s back-to-back rallies boost enthusiasm across the state. Ahead of the first phase of Jharkhand’s assembly elections, PM Modi today addressed two mega rallies in Bokaro and Gumla. He said that there is only one echo among the people of the state that: ‘Roti, Beti, Maati ki pukar, Jharkhand mein BJP-NDA Sarkar,’ and people want BJP-led NDA to come to power in the assembly polls.”You trusted BJD for 25 years, but it broke your trust at every step: PM Modi in Mayurbhanj, Odisha
May 29th, 01:30 pm
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed an enthusiastic public meeting in Mayurbhanj, Odisha with a vision of unprecedented development and transformation for the state and the country. PM Modi emphasized the achievements of the last decade under his leadership and laid out ambitious plans for the next five years, promising continued progress and prosperity for all Indians.The corruption of BJD leaders has devastated the farmers of Odisha: PM Modi in Balasore, Odisha
May 29th, 01:25 pm
During his second public meeting in Balasore, PM Modi highlighted the critical issues plaguing Odisha and reiterated his commitment to development and transparency. PM Modi emphasized the urgent need for change and the pivotal role of the BJP in bringing about this transformation.PM Modi addresses public meetings in Mayurbhanj, Balasore and Kendrapara, Odisha
May 29th, 01:00 pm
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed enthusiastic public meetings in Mayurbhanj, Balasore and Kendrapara, Odisha with a vision of unprecedented development and transformation for the state and the country. PM Modi emphasized the achievements of the last decade under his leadership and laid out ambitious plans for the next five years, promising continued progress and prosperity for all Indians.Congress and JMM don't understand even the basics of development: PM Modi in Jamshedpur
May 19th, 11:20 am
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a dynamic public meeting in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, highlighting the significance of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections and the crucial issues at stake. Addressing an enthusiastic crowd, PM Modi underscored his commitment to the holistic development of Jharkhand and the nation.PM Modi addresses a public meeting in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand
May 19th, 11:00 am
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a dynamic public meeting in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, highlighting the significance of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections and the crucial issues at stake. Addressing an enthusiastic crowd, PM Modi underscored his commitment to the holistic development of Jharkhand and the nation.You have seen that I have been serving you without taking any leave: PM Modi in Mahasamund
April 23rd, 02:50 pm
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed mega rally today in Mahasamund, Chhattisgarh. Beginning his speech, PM Modi said, I have come to seek your abundant blessings. Our country has made significant progress in the last 10 years, but there is still much work to be done. The previous government in Chhattisgarh did not allow my work to progress here, but now that Vishnu Deo Sai is here, I must complete that work as well.”PM Modi campaigns in Chhattisgarh’s Janjgir-Champa and Mahasamund
April 23rd, 02:45 pm
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed two mega rallies today in Janjgir-Champa and Mahasamund, Chhattisgarh. Beginning his speech, PM Modi said, I have come to seek your abundant blessings. Our country has made significant progress in the last 10 years, but there is still much work to be done. The previous government in Chhattisgarh did not allow my work to progress here, but now that Vishnu Deo Sai is here, I must complete that work as well.”Our government made sure the Indian Navy reflected the might of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj: PM Modi in Parbhani
April 20th, 11:00 am
Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, PM Modi addressed two public meetings in Parbhani, Maharashtra amid overwhelming support by the people for the NDA. He bowed down to prominent personalities including Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Nanaji Deshmukh, and Babasaheb Ambedkar.Overwhelming support for the NDA at PM Modi's rallies in Nanded & Parbhani, Maharashtra
April 20th, 10:45 am
Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, PM Modi addressed two public meetings in Nanded and Parbhani, Maharashtra amid overwhelming support by the people for the NDA. He bowed down to prominent personalities including Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Nanaji Deshmukh, and Babasaheb Ambedkar.Our government has continuously worked to strengthen the Constitution and bring its spirit to every citizen: PM Modi in Purnea
April 16th, 10:30 am
Amidst the ongoing election campaigning, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed public meeting Purnea, Bihar. Seeing the massive crowd, PM Modi said, “This immense public support, your enthusiasm, clearly indicates - June 4, 400 Paar! Bihar has announced today – Phir Ek Baar, Modi Sarkar! This election is for 'Viksit Bharat' and 'Viksit Bihar'.”PM Modi addresses public meetings in Gaya and Purnea, Bihar
April 16th, 10:00 am
Amidst the ongoing election campaigning, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed public meetings in Gaya and Purnea, Bihar. Seeing the massive crowd, PM Modi said, “This immense public support, your enthusiasm, clearly indicates - June 4, 400 Paar! Bihar has announced today – Phir Ek Baar, Modi Sarkar! This election is for 'Viksit Bharat' and 'Viksit Bihar'.”