We want to link with the world to carve out new routes of peace and prosperity: PM Modi

We want to link with the world to carve out new routes of peace and prosperity: PM Modi

May 23rd, 08:58 pm

PM Modi's gift to the Hon'ble Supreme Leader of Iran and to President Rouhani

PM Modi's gift to the Hon'ble Supreme Leader of Iran and to President Rouhani

May 23rd, 08:37 pm

This is an occasion to recall and renew our centuries old association: PM at Cultural event in Iran

This is an occasion to recall and renew our centuries old association: PM at Cultural event in Iran

May 23rd, 07:08 pm

PM Narendra Modi meets Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani in Tehran

May 23rd, 04:30 pm

India and Iran are not new friends. Our dosti is as old as history: PM Modi

May 23rd, 01:49 pm

PM Modi meets the President of Iran Hassan Rouhani

May 23rd, 12:55 pm

PM Modi receives ceremonial welcome in Tehran, Iran

May 23rd, 12:45 pm

PM offers prayers, addresses gathering at Bhai Ganga Singh Sabha Gurudwara, Tehran

May 22nd, 09:02 pm

Prime Minister Modi arrives at Tehran, Iran

May 22nd, 07:57 pm