First the Left did not listen to you & then the TMC also ignored you: PM Modi in Siliguri

March 09th, 06:10 pm

Observing a massive gathering at West Bengal’s Siliguri, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today extended his greetings to all the family members of those working in the tea gardens. He said, “I have seen India's mothers struggle for basic facilities & empowering them is our priority. The TMC-Left has neglected the mothers of West Bengal. The TMC in West Bengal only intends to loot its people and promote crime against women.”

PM Modi delivers a powerful speech at a public meeting in Siliguri, West Bengal

March 09th, 05:08 pm

Observing a massive gathering at West Bengal’s Siliguri, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today extended his greetings to all the family members of those working in the tea gardens. He said, “I have seen India's mothers struggle for basic facilities & empowering them is our priority. The TMC-Left has neglected the mothers of West Bengal. The TMC in West Bengal only intends to loot its people and promote crime against women.”

শিলিগুৰিত 'বিকশিত ভাৰত বিকশিত পশ্চিম বংগ' কাৰ্যসূচীত প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰীৰ ভাষণৰ অসমীয়া অনুবাদ

March 09th, 04:10 pm

পশ্চিম বংগৰ ৰাজ্যপাল চি ভি আনন্দবোসজী, মন্ত্ৰীসভাৰ মোৰ সহকৰ্মী নিশিথ প্ৰামানিকজী, জন বাৰ্লাজী, বিৰোধী দলৰ নেতা শুভেন্দু অধিকাৰীজী, সংসদৰ মোৰ সহকৰ্মী সুকান্ত মজুমদাৰজী, কুমাৰী দেৱশ্ৰী চৌধুৰীজী, খগেন মুৰ্মুজী, ৰাজু বিস্তাজী, ডঃ জয়ন্ত কুমাৰ ৰয়জী, বিধায়কসকল, অন্যান্য গণ্যমান্য মহিলা আৰু গণ্যমান্য ভদ্ৰলোকসকল।

পশ্চিম বংগৰ শিলিগুৰিত 'বিকশিত ভাৰত বিকশিত পশ্চিম বংগ' কাৰ্যসূচী সম্বোধন কৰে প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰীয়ে

March 09th, 03:45 pm

প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰী শ্ৰী নৰেন্দ্ৰ মোদীয়ে আজি পশ্চিম বংগৰ শিলিগুৰিত 'বিকশিত ভাৰত বিকশিত পশ্চিম বংগ' কাৰ্যসূচী সম্বোধন কৰে। তেওঁ পশ্চিম বংগত ৪৫০০ কোটি টকাৰো অধিক মূল্যৰ ৰে'ল আৰু পথ খণ্ডৰ একাধিক প্ৰকল্প উদ্বোধন কৰাৰ লগতে দেশবাসীৰ প্ৰতি উৎসৰ্গা কৰে।

We are committed to free Tea, Tourism and Timber from the controls of mafia: PM Modi in Siliguri

April 10th, 12:31 pm

Addressing a massive rally ahead of fifth phase of election in West Bengal’s Siliguri, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said, “The entire North Bengal has announced that TMC government is going and BJP government is coming. Today, the entire nation is proud to see the willpower of the people of Bengal. This willpower is of the ‘Ashol Poriborton’. This willpower is the power of ‘Sonar Bangla’.”

PM Modi addresses public meetings at Siliguri and Krishnanagar, West Bengal

April 10th, 12:30 pm

PM Modi addressed two mega rallies ahead of fifth phase of election in West Bengal’s Siliguri and Krishnanagar. “The entire North Bengal has announced that TMC government is going and BJP government is coming. Today, the entire nation is proud to see the willpower of the people of Bengal. This willpower is of the ‘Ashol Poriborton’. This willpower is the strength of ‘Sonar Bangla’,” he said in Siliguri rally.

PM condoles the loss of lives due to the landslides in Darjeeling district; announces compensation of Rs. 2 lakh from the PMNRF, to the families of the deceased

July 01st, 03:30 pm