Gujarat Chief Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has announced that 7936 MOUs (Memorandum Of Understanding) worth Rs. 20.83 lakh crore (450 billion US Dollars) have been signed during the two day Vibrant Gujarat Global Investment Summit, that was held at Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar. Speaking in the dazzling Valedictory function of the Summit the Chief Minister announced that at least 52 lakh employment would be generated following these MOUs.
Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella met with Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi in New Delhi.
Shri Modi expressed his happiness to know about Microsoft's ambitious expansion and investment plans in India. Both have discussed various aspects of tech, innovation and AI in the meeting.
Responding to the X post of Satya Nadella about the meeting, Shri Modi said;
“It was indeed a delight to meet you, @satyanadella! Glad to know about Microsoft's ambitious expansion and investment plans in India. It was also wonderful discussing various aspects of tech, innovation and AI in our meeting.”
It was indeed a delight to meet you, @satyanadella! Glad to know about Microsoft's ambitious expansion and investment plans in India. It was also wonderful discussing various aspects of tech, innovation and AI in our meeting.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 6, 2025