Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the demonetisation of old 500 and 1000 rupee notes on 8th November 2016, in his address to the nation. Since then, the debate around demonetization has taken various dimension. Many media houses have, in sample surveys conducted by them, reported the overwhelming support for the government’s decision. On social media, there have been innovative ways in which people have expressed their support for the move. Other people have expressed their support in multiple ways – through their own recorded videos, of recording voices of support of people around them, many conducting impromptu surveys in markets and small towns, volunteers speaking to farmers and traders – all expressing the common view that they supported the move even though they did face some temporary inconvenience.
Faisla wapas nhi le – Jeetendra Yadav
A bold and historic move indeed!!!!Kudos to the Honorable Prime Minister and his government!!!! I really feel, the inconveniences that we are facing are nothing compared to the long-term benefits which the economy will enjoy in the near future. I hope that the Honorable Prime Minister will continue taking such steps to curb the other social and economic problems which are still prevailing. Thank you!!!! – Suvojit Mukherjee
Shri Narendra Modi's belief in participative governance and direct engagement with people is unwavering. Time and again, he has directly engaged with the people and sought their views on a wide range of issues. It is his belief that the strength of 125 crore Indians as the power to propel India to newer heights.
It was then decided to speak directly to the people and take their views in an open, free, fair, and equitable poll. Instead of intermediaries speaking on behalf of people, let the people speak for themselves. Let them say whether they support or oppose the demonetization move. Let them offer suggestions to alleviate the genuine inconveniences that some people may be facing. If someone has a well-argued case of opposing the move, let them say that too. Overall, instead of just opinion, let data speak for the support for the move.
The questions to which Prime Minister Narendra Modi sought answers were comprehensive and direct. The questions also included opportunity to give feedback. The overall aim included means to make the implementation stronger and more effective.
With these objectives in mind, the demonetization survey was launched on the NM app on 22nd November, 2016 at 10 AM. And the response has been phenomenal.
Some of the salient points of the responses so far (of responses tabulated till 3:30 PM on 23rd November) have been:
1 | In just over 24 hours of the survey, more than five lakh people have participated and expressed their opinion. This is a staggering number by any stretch. No opinion survey conducted in India, on such policy or political issues, even comes close to sampling so many responses. |
2 | More than 90% of the respondents feel the government’s move to tackle black money is above four-star rating. 73% of them give it five-star rating of brilliant. |
3 | On the overall fight against corruption, more than 92% of respondents either rate the government as very good or good. 57% of them rate the fight as Very Good. |
4 | More than 93% people support the move to demonetize the old 500 and 1000 rupee notes. Of the over 5 lakh responses so far, only 2% have rated the move as very poor or one star. |
5 | As high as 86% people believe that some so called anti corruption activists are now actually batting in support of black money, corruption and even terrorist financing! |
The detailed findings are as below:
The last question on the survey requested people to share their unique ideas, suggestions or insights that they had. The responses to this question has been most enlightening. This is what Nazia Shaikh from Maharashtra had to say:
I m a Muslim girl, my entire family is against me coz I m a fan of Modi. I don't know much about Indian politics, I don't know bjp or congress or AAP, Shivsena..coz I m too busy with my own life...but I chose this Man to be a PM and I only hope my decision is right..all other politicians have looted Janta..hope Mr Modi proves my family & Muslim community wrong...and I wish him all the best for at least taking such a bold decision and hope he is successful and year by year we only vote for Him..I respect my PM coz I have Chosen him and I will fight all odds to stand by him with all his wise decisions..Mr Modi please don't ever let us down...be true to everything u say in ur speech..I don't know if u will read this or not but I only hope 1.25billion people eyes are on you..Jai Hind.
There have been some very interesting suggestions as well on how to further take forward the drive towards a digital and cashless economy. Aditya Sudhakar’s advice in this regard is clear and concise.
Cashless economy will be successful when everyone is familiar with the usage. Many people, especially in village areas are not familiar with using their bank accounts or cards. It would be great if government can start an awareness drive where people are educated on how to use debit card, credit card, cheque book etc..
Prime Minister is personally getting regular reports on the suggestions and ideas coming from the survey. At the time of filing this report, of the more than four lakh respondents, while a vast number have simply been congratulatory messages, more than a lakh detailed ideas and suggestions have also been received which are now being carefully scrutinized. Prime Minister may respond to some of them directly as well. We request the citizens to continue to actively participate, have their voices heard directly and be part of the change.