Yoga is a vision for a harmonius future for humanity: PM

Published By : Admin | June 21, 2015 | 19:20 IST
Yoga has spread harmony between man and nature. It is a holistic approach to health and wellbeing: PM
Yoga is a vision for a harmonious future for humanity, says PM Modi
A healthy body and a disciplined mind are the foundations of a world free from fear: PM

Fellow practitioners of yoga assembled here today and all over the world,

Today we are celebrating the first International Day of Yoga. When I spoke at the United Nations General Assembly on 27 September, 2014, urging the world community to adopt an international day of yoga, little did I know the kind of unprecedented response our proposal would receive.

The community of nations responded as one. On December 11, 2014 the 193-member United Nations General Assembly approved the proposal by consensus with a record 177 co-sponsoring countries. वैसे UN के इतिहास में अपने आप में एक बहुत बड़ी घटना है।

As I stand here today the International Day of Yoga is being celebrated across the world.

Millions of people around the world are participating in this event. From sunrise in the Far East to sunset in the furthest corner of the western hemisphere, people will join in this great celebration of yoga today.

In India, this morning, millions of people participated in a simple yoga demonstration at Rajpath, in states and district capitals, in community groups and in their homes also. This solidarity in yoga, this coming together with our brothers and sisters in other countries, brings our hearts and minds closer. I am also happy to release here today a commemorate coin and postal stamp on the occasion.

I am grateful to the international community for the support. I acknowledge with all humility that this support is not just for India. This support is for the great tradition of yoga, the tradition that helps individuals and societies to discover a sense of oneness with the self, with each other and nature.

The reach and spread of yoga spans continents, cuts across differences of colour, class and creed. I am told that there are communities of yoga practitioners in almost every country in the world.

From the banks of the river Indus to every continent in the world yoga has spread harmony between man and nature and a holistic approach to health and wellbeing.

It is said that yoga transforms lives जो लोग योगा से परिचित है उन्‍हें पता है कि योगा एक प्रकार से अगर हममें से कोई ऐसा नहीं होगा दुनिया में कोई इंसान ऐसा नहीं होगा जो ये न चाहता हो कि वो जीवन को जी-भर जीना चाहता है। हर कोई जीवन को जी-भरके जीना चाहता है और मैं विश्‍वास से कहता हूं कि योग ये जीवन को जी-भरके जीने की जड़ी-बूटी है।

In order to benefit fully from yoga, to understand yoga in its entirety, we must understand who is a yogi.

A yogi is a person who is in harmony – with herself, her body, with her surroundings, with nature. Yoga is the means to achieve that harmony.

From the Upanishads, comes the idea of Yoga to transform human consciousness through control of body and senses through constant practice. The body is the vehicle for the realization of the Supreme Being.

The Bhagvad Gita - the song of the world – is a call to action and defines itself as a योगशास्त्र . The Gita says “योग कर्मेषु कौशलम्” – that is, yoga is excellence at work. Work with devotion and without attachment is yoga.

The Gita also says “योगस्य तथा कुरू कर्माणी” – act with the discernment of a yogi.

Yoga is, therefore, a vision for a harmonious future for humanity. It is an “अवस्था”. That Is a state of mind and is a distinct from a “व्यवस्था”. कई लोगों को योग एक व्यवस्था के रूप में दिखता है, योग एक अवस्था है, योग कोई संस्था नहीं है। योग य़ह आस्था है और जब तक हम उसे उस रूप में नही पाते, जब तक हम उसे टुकड़ो में देखते हैं उसकी पूर्णता को पहचान नहीं पाते।

People often think that yoga is just a set of exercises. Yoga is a philosophy of discipline and meditation that transforms the spirit and makes the individual a better person in thought, action, knowledge and devotion.

The problems of modern lifestyles are well known. People suffer from stress related ailments, lifestyle related diseases like diabetes and hyper-tension. We have found ways to control communicable diseases, but the burden of disease is shifting to non-communicable diseases. Young people who are not at peace with themselves seek refuge in drugs and alcohol. There is ample evidence that practicing yoga helps combat stress and chronic conditions. If the body is a temple of the mind, yoga creates a beautiful temple.

The benefits of yoga are manifold. When practised correctly and with discipline, Yoga leads to:

Perfection of our body’s potential in strength, skill, and general well-being, peaceful and stress-free living. कभी- कभार योगा की शक्ति को पहचानने में भी हम वैसी ही गलती कर देते हैं, जैसी हम अपने आप को पहचानने में करते हैं। जिस व्यक्ति ने वृक्ष नही देखा है, बीज से वृक्ष बनता है उसका ज्ञान नही है और उसे कोई बीज (seeds) बता दे कि देखो कि इसमें ये Potential है कि इतना महान वृक्ष बन सकता है, तो वो विश्वास नही करेगा वो सैंकड़ो सवाल पूछेगा । लेकिन उसी छोटे से बीज का अगर उचित लालन-पालन हो खान-पान हो, ऊर्जा हो, पानी हो, प्रकृति का साथ हो तो वही बीज वटवृक्ष में convert हो जाता है| मनुष्य के भीतर भी परमात्मा ने सभी शक्तियां दी हुई है। मुझे दिया है और आपको नही दिया है, ऐसा नही है | मानव मात्र को यह सामर्थय दिया हुआ है लेकिन जो उसके लालन-पालन की कला जानता है, जो उसे विकसित करने का अवसर प्राप्त करता है, जो व्यव्स्था के तहत, आस्था के तहत, practice के तहत धीरे-धीरे विकसित करता है तो वो भी उत्कृष्ट जीवन की उंचाईयों को प्राप्त कर सकता है और परमात्मा ने जीव मात्र मे जहां है वहां से ऊपर उठने की सहज इच्छाशक्ति दी है और योग उस परिस्थिति को पैदा करने का एक माध्यम है और इसलिए जिसको ज्ञान नही है, अनुभव नही है उसको शक होता है कि क्या योगा से संभव हो सकता है लेकिन जिसने बीज से बने वृक्ष की कथा को समझा है, उसके लिए यह संभव है। यदि बीज वटवृक्ष में परिवर्तित हो सकता है तो नर भी नारायण की स्थिति प्राप्त कर सकता है। अहम् बर्ह्मास्मि। रामदेव जी कह रहे थे अहम् बर्ह्मास्मि। जल, चेतन सबकुछ को अपने में समाहित करने का सामर्थय तब प्राप्त होता है जब स्वयं का विस्तार करते हैं। योगा एक प्रकार से स्व से समस्ति की यात्रा है। योगा एक प्रकार से अहम् से व्यम की ओर जाने का मार्ग है और इसलिए जो अहम् से व्यम की ओर जाना चाहता है जो स्व से समस्ति की ओर जाना चाहता है, जो प्रकृति के साथ जीना सीखना चाहता है, योग उसको अंगुली पकड़ के ले जाता है, चलना तो उसको ही पड़ता है और उस अर्थ में इसके सामर्थय को अगर जानें। और आज खुशी की बात है, जब हमने 20वीं शताब्दी की समाप्ति से 21वीं शताब्दी में प्रवेश किया। उस पल को याद कीजिए। पूरे विश्व में सूरज की किरणें जहां जहां जाती थी, आनंद उत्सव बनाया था। जब century बदली थी वो पल कैसा था आज दुबारा वो पल विश्व अनुभव कर रहा है। जहां- जहां सूरज की किरणे जा रहीं हैं। योग को अभिषिक्त करती जा रही है। पूर्व से पश्चिमी छोर तक ये यात्रा चल रही है। ये वैसा ही अवसर पैदा हुआ है जैसा 20वीं शताब्दी की समाप्ति से 21वीं शताब्दी में प्रवेश का पल था और विश्व ने जो अनुभूति की थी वो विश्व आज योगा के लिए कर रहा है। हर भारतीय के लिए, हर योगा प्रेमी के लिए, विश्व के हर कोने में बैठे व्यक्ति के लिए इससे बड़ा कोई गौरव नहीं हो सकता और उस गौरवगान में जब हम आगे बढ़ रहे हैं तब Control and mastery of our life-energies (प्राण) leading to health, long and disease-free life, capacity for full enjoyment of life.

Opening and refining of the heart’s emotions leading to greater compassion, mutual understanding, and sensitivity to the needs of others.

Full development of our mental powers, leading to heightened concentration, intelligence, creativity, intuition.

Liberation of our spirit from ignorance, suffering, incapacity, leading to freedom, equality, constant joyfulness and inner strength to overcome all challenges of life. It awakens the deeper sense of unity and oneness with the whole Universe and all living beings.

Together, these lead to the realisation of our highest divine Perfection.

At a community level, the evolution of the individual through yoga results in:

Reduction of greed, coarseness and violence in thought and action.

Enormous reduction in the cost of healthcare and social support.

A dramatic reduction in conflicts and misunderstandings within families, communities, and between nations.

Increased collaboration and effective teamwork in businesses and communities

Compassion towards all beings: plants, animals and humans and long-term and ecological thinking in all socio-economic planning.

Increased power of innovation, technology and knowledge; deeper impact of art, music, poetry, dance to uplift the quality of life and an overall increase in the pace of human development and evolution.

To sum up, in a world of excess, of seeking after materialism, yoga promises restraint and balance. In a world suffering from mental stress, yoga promises calm. In a distracted world, yoga creates focus, creates concentration. In a world of fear, yoga promises strength and courage. A healthy body and a disciplined mind are the foundations of a world free from fear. In crafting a new self through Yoga, we create a new world.

We live in a world that is divided, in a world in conflict over material gains. A world in conflict over failures to understand each other. How shall we understand each other, if we do not understand ourselves?

Swami Vivekanand says in his book on Rajyoga – “Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this Divinity within by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or control, or philosophy – by one, or more, or all of these -- and be free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, or dogmas, or rituals, or books, or temples, or forms, are but secondary details.”

It is this freedom that will free us from misunderstandings, from doubt, from conflict, and lead us towards world peace.

We are at a point in history, where global warming threatens the world as we know it. The world’s ecology is threatened by human greed and excess. Yoga shows the way to consumption that is healthy, balanced, and in tune with nature.

We will need to raise a generation that lives according to these principles if we want to leave the world habitable for future generations.

Sri Aurobindo said “Indian Yoga is potentially one of these dynamic elements of the future life of humanity. it is now emerging from the secret schools and ascetic retreats in which it had taken refuge and is seeking its place in the future sum of living human powers and utilities.”

The spread of yoga, therefore, is the symbol of a changing world. In the past, yoga was the preserve of a select few saints. Today, it is available to all - in the words of Patanjali, “सार्वभौम” or a universal culture.

It represents a world where knowledge flows, without restriction of country, creed or class. It represents a world where people come together across boundaries, for causes and concerns that unite the planet.

आप कल्पना कर सकते है कि श्री अरबिंदो के ज़माने में ये कहीं नज़र नहीं आता था कि योग जन सामान्य का विषय बनेगा, बहुत ही सीमित दायरे में था लेकिन योगी अरविन्द के दृष्टि थी और उन्होंने ये तब देखा था कि वो वक्त आएगा जब योग जनसामान्य के जीवन का हिस्सा बनेगा. वो कुछ परम्पराओं में या संतों तक सीमित नहीं रहेगा , वो जन जन तक पहुंचेगा . आज से करीब 75 साल पहले श्री अरविन्द ने जो देखा था वो आज हम अनुभव कर रहे हैं . और यही तो ऋषि मुनियों के सामर्थ्य का परिचायक होता है और ये ताकत आती है योग के समर्पण से , योग कि अनुभूति से और योगमय जीवन से आती है. The closest parallel I can think of is the movement to protect the environment, to protect the world that we live in.

As we work to make the benefits of yoga accessible to the whole world, we will also work to keep barriers to knowledge down, to ensure free flow of knowledge and information across boundaries. We will work to maintain an open world free of prejudice and discrimination.

I greet all present here today, my fellow travelers in spreading the message of yoga. I greet all my fellow practitioners in different countries who are present here in spirit. Yoga is our collective gift to humanity. It may have originated in India, but it draws its energies from the millions who practice it around the world. International Yoga Day is not the brainchild of a government or of the United Nations. It is a reflection of the largest knowledge based peoples’ movement the world has ever seen. A movement of people whose lives have been touched, been changed by yoga. We will take this movement forward to aim for better health, more fulfilled lives and more connected communities.

On this day, I also pledge the spirit of India, the collective energy of our people, to the creation of a more equal world, a world without fear, a world of peace. We will build on the foundations of the Indian spirit and its creative genius to reach out and foster a culture of inclusiveness, of fraternity, of one global family – वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम.

I will end with the grand invocation of good health and peace – the Shanti Paath,
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Niramaya
Sarve Bhadrani Pasyantu
Ma Kascit Dukkha Bhagbhavet

May All Be Happy
May all be free from illness
May all see that which is auspicious
May no one suffer

आप सब को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस पर बहुत-बहुत शुभकामनायें देता हूँ और ये दो दिवसीय सेमिनार... विश्‍व की हमसे अपेक्षाएं बहुत बढ़ जाएगी। अब यह हमारा दायित्‍व बनता है कि विश्‍व की अपेक्षाओं के अनुकूल योग के सही रूप को और समयानुकूल स्थिति में, हम जगत तक कैसे पहुंचाएं? दुनिया समझे उस terminology में, हम इसे कैसे पहुंचाएं?

मैं कभी-कभी कहता हूं कि अच्‍छे-से-अच्‍छे Mobile Phone की Brand हो लेकिन बहुत कम लोग होते हैं जिनको उसके user-manual का अता-पता होता है। ज्‍यादातर तो red and green button से ही उसका संबंध रहता है telephone cut करना और telephone on करना और जिसको उसका ज्ञान होता है user-manual का उस छोटी सी चीज से अपनी हथेली में सारी दुनिया को अपने हाथ में कर लेता है। परमात्‍मा ने हमें भी जो software दिया है न हमें उसके user-manual का पूरा पता ही नहीं है। हमें भी मालूम नहीं है कि परमात्‍मा ने हमें क्‍या-क्‍या दिया है? अगर हम योगा के माध्‍यम से उस user-manual को पढ़ना सीख लें तो फिर उपयोग करना धीरे-धीरे आ ही जाएगा।

मैं कभी-कभी सोचता हूं मेरी handwriting तो अच्‍छी नहीं है लेकिन आपने देखा होगा कि एक teacher जो कि अच्‍छी handwriting के प्रति बड़े आग्रही हैं। class room में अपने students को सिखाते हैं लेकिन कुछ बच्‍चे होते है जिनकी handwriting बहुत अच्‍छी तरह सुधरने लग जाती है और कुछ लोग होते है pen वैसे ही पकड़ते हैं best quality का pen भी होता है कागज भी बढि़या से बढि़या होता है teacher भी भरपूर मेहनत करता है वो भी ऐसे ही हाथ घुमाता है लेकिन handwriting अच्‍छे नहीं आती फर्क किया है जिसके handwriting उत्‍तरोत्‍तर ठीक होने लगती है और एक अवस्‍था ऐसी आ जाती है कि वो कितनी ही भीड़-भाड़ में क्‍यों न हो, कितनी ही जल्‍दी में क्‍यों न हो बुढ़ापे की ओर चल दिया हो, हाथ थोड़ा कांपने लगा हो तो भी handwriting अच्‍छी ही रहती है। उसको कोई conscious effort नहीं करना पड़ता है। कोई जागरूक प्रयास नहीं करना पड़ता, वो सहज अवस्‍था होती है ...क्‍यों? उसने उसको internalize कर दिया है। जिसकी handwriting खराब है और वो consciously किसी विशेष व्‍यक्ति को चिठ्ठी लिखना चाहता है एक-दो लाईन तक तो ठीक कर लेता है फिर लुढ़क जाता है क्‍योंकि internalize नहीं किया है।

योग को समझने के लिए, मैं मानता हूं जिस बालक ने बचपन में तुरंत इसको adopt कर लिया अच्‍छे handwriting का कारण होगा उसके मन में जो चित्र बनता होगा उसकी आत्‍मा उसके साथ जुड़ती होगी, उसकी बुद्धि उसको आदेश देती होगी, उसका शरीर act करता होगा और वो परम्‍परा जीवनभर चलती होगी, वो योग का एक छोटा-सा रूप है और इसलिए मैं कहता हूं कि practice से, training से हम इन अवस्‍थाओं को प्राप्‍त कर सकते है और इन अवस्‍थाओं को प्राप्‍त करने के लिए अगर हम और ये बात सही है कि कोई बहुत बड़ी-बड़ी बातें बताता है तो फिर कठिनाई हो जाती है, फिर धीरे-धीरे विश्‍वास डूबने लग जाता है लेकिन छोटी-छोटी बातों से देखें तो पता चलता है यार ये तो मैं भी कर सकता हूं, ये तो दो कदम मैं भी चल सकता हूं। हमने विश्‍व के सामने योग का वो रूप लाना है कि भाई ठीक है आज नहीं लेकिन दो कदम चलो तो तुम पहुंच जाओगे। अगर ये हमने इसको बनाया तो मैं समझता हूं कि बहुत बड़ा लाभ होगा।

भारत के सामने एक बहुत बड़ी जिम्‍मेवारी है, मैं बहुत जिम्‍मेवारी के साथ कहता हूं अगर योग को हम commodity बना देंगे तो शायद योग का सबसे ज्‍यादा नुकसान हमारे ही हाथों हो जाएगा। योग एक commodity नहीं है, योग वो brand नहीं है जो बिकाऊ हो सकती है। ये जीवन को जोड़ने वाला, जीवन को प्रकृति से जोड़ने वाला एक ऐसा महान उद्देशय है जिसको हमने चरितार्थ करना है और विश्‍व भारत की तरफ देखेगा और ये बात सही है आज से 50 साल पहले कभी भी हमने बाजार में board देखा था “शुद्ध घी की दुकान” देखा था 50 साल पहले शुद्ध घी की दुकान ऐसा board नहीं होता था लेकिन आज होता है क्‍यों? क्‍योंकि बाजार में माल आ गया है। योगा के संबंद्ध में कभी ऐसा न आना चाहिए वो दिन अभी तो बचे हुए है लेकिन कभी वैसा दिन नहीं आना चाहिए कि हमारा ही योगा सच है बाकि तो तुम बे-फालतु में कान-नाक पकड़ करके डॉलर खर्च कर रहे हो। ये व्‍यापार नहीं है, व्‍यवस्‍था नहीं है, ये अवस्‍था है और इसलिए जगत के कल्‍याण के लिए, मानव के कल्‍याण के लिए, मानव के भाग्‍य को बदलने के लिए ये भारत की भूमि का योगदान है। उसमें संजोने-संवारने को काम भारत के बाहर के लोगों ने भी किया है उनका भी ऋण स्‍वीकार करना होगा। इसे हम हमारी बपौती बना करके न बैठे ये विश्‍व का है, मानवजात का है और मानवजात के लिए है। ये इस युग का नहीं अनेक युगों के लिए है और समय के अनुकूल उसमें परिवर्तन भी आने वाला है।

जिन्‍होंने, जैसे हेगड़े जी बता रहे थे solar विमान के अंदर योगा किया होगा तो हो सकता है जगह कम होगी तो उनको वो योगा सिखाया होगा कि भई तुम ऐसे नाक पकड़ों, ऐसे पैर करो, हाथ नहीं हिलता तो कोई नहीं ऐसे कर लो उन्‍होंने modify किया होगा। तो जहां जैसी आवश्‍यकता हो वैसे परिवर्तन करते हुए इसको और आधुनिक बनाना और अधिक वैज्ञानिक बनाना और विज्ञान की कसौटी पर कसता चला जाए तो विश्‍व कल्‍याण के इस काम को हम करते रहेंगे, करना होगा और उस जिम्‍मेवारी को हम निभाते रहेंगे।

मैं फिर एक बार इस सारे अभियान में विश्‍वभर का ऋणी हूं। विश्‍व की सभी सरकारों का ऋणी हूं, विश्‍व के सभी समाजों का ऋणी हूं और मैं सबका बहुत-बहुत आभार व्‍यक्‍त करता हूं।

बहुत-बहुत धन्‍यवाद।



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The Constitution is our guiding light: PM Modi
A special website named has been created to connect the citizens of the country with the legacy of the Constitution: PM
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Raj Kapoor ji introduced the world to the soft power of India through films: PM Modi
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There is only one mantra to fight cancer - Awareness, Action and Assurance: PM Modi
The Ayushman Bharat Yojana has reduced the financial problems in cancer treatment to a great extent: PM Modi

My dear countrymen,

Namaskar. 2025 has just about arrived; it is knocking at the door. On the 26th of January 2025, our Constitution is completing 75 years. It is a matter of great honour for all of us. The Constitution, handed over to us by our Constitution makers, has stood the test of time in every sense of the term. The Constitution is our guiding light, our guide. It is on account of the Constitution of India that I am here today, being able to talk to you. This year, on Constitution Day, the 26th of November, many activities have commenced that will go on for a year. A special website named has also been created to connect the citizens of the country with the legacy of the Constitution. In this, you can read the Preamble of the Constitution and upload your video. You can read the Constitution in myriad languages; you can also ask questions pertaining to the Constitution. I urge the listeners of Mann Ki Baat, school going children, college going youth, to visit this website and become a part of it.


The Maha Kumbh is also going to be held in Prayagraj from the 13th of next month. At this time, mammoth preparations are going on at the Sangam banks there. I remember, just a few days ago when I went to Prayagraj, my heart was filled with joy after viewing the entire Kumbh area from a helicopter. It’s so huge! So beautiful! Such grandeur!


the specialty of the Maha Kumbh is not only in its vastness. The specialty of the Kumbh is also in its diversity. Crores of people congregate for this event. Lakhs of saints, thousands of traditions, hundreds of sects, many Akharas, everyone becomes a part of this event. There is no discrimination anywhere, no one is big, no one is small. Such a scene of unity in diversity will not be seen anywhere else in the world. Therefore, our Kumbh is also the Maha Kumbh of unity. This time's Maha Kumbh will also bolster the mantra of Maha Kumbh of unity. Let me tell all of you; when we participate in the Kumbh, let us bring along this resolve of unity with us. Let us also make a resolve to annihilate the feeling of division and hatred in the society. If I have to say it in a few words, then I will say... Mahakumbh Ka Sandesh, Ek Ho Poora Desh… The message of the Mahakumbh, let the whole country be united. and putting it in another way, I will express... Ganga Ki Aviral Dhara, Na Bante Samaj Hamara... Like the uninterrupted flow of the Ganga, let our society be undivided. Friends, this time in Prayagraj, devotees from the country and the world will also be witness to the digital Maha Kumbh.

With the help of digital navigation, you will be able to reach different ghats, temples, and akharas of sadhus. The same navigation system will also help you reach parking spaces. For the first time, an AI chatbot will be used in the Kumbh event. All kinds of information related to Kumbh will be available in 11 Indian languages ​​through the AI ​​chatbot. Anyone can ask for any kind of help through this chatbot, either by typing text or by speaking in. The entire Fair area is being covered with AI-powered cameras. If someone gets separated from one’s kith and kin during the Kumbh, these cameras will help in finding them. Devotees will also get the facility of a digital lost & found center. Devotees will also be provided information about government-approved tour packages, accommodation and homestay on their mobile phones. If you too go to the Mahakumbh, then avail of these facilities… and yes, do upload your selfie with #EktaKaMahakumbh.


now in 'Mann Ki Baat' i.e. MKB, we will talk about KTB. Many of the elderly may not know about KTB. But just ask children, KTB is a superhit among them. KTB means Krish, Trish and Baltiboy. You might know that the favourite animation series of children is called KTB - Bharat Hain Hum and now its second season is also out. These three animation characters tell us about those heroes and bravehearts; men and women associated with the Indian freedom struggle who are not discussed much. Recently, its season-2 was launched in a very special way at the International Film Festival of India, Goa.

The best thing is that this series is broadcast not only in many Indian languages ​​but also in foreign languages. It can be watched on Doordarshan as well as other OTT platforms.


the popularity of our animation films, regular films, TV serials shows how much potential India's creative industry has. This industry is not only contributing to the country's progress but is also taking our economy to new heights. Our film and entertainment industry is very vast. Films are made in many languages ​​of the country; creative content is produced. I also congratulate our film and entertainment industry because it has strengthened the sentiment of 'Ek Bharat - Shreshtha Bharat'.


in the year 2024, we are celebrating the 100th birth anniversary of many great personalities of the film world. These personalities have accorded Indian cinema recognition at the world level. Raj Kapoor ji introduced the world to the soft power of India through films. Rafi sahab's voice had that magic which touched every heart. His voice was amazing. Be it devotional songs or romantic songs, sad songs, he brought every emotion alive with his voice. His greatness as an artiste can be gauged from the fact that even today the young generation listens to his songs with the same passion - this is the distinct mark of timeless art. Akkineni Nageswara Rao Garu has taken Telugu cinema to new heights. His films presented Indian traditions and values ​​very well. Tapan Sinha ji's films gave a new vision to the society.

Their films always carried the message of social consciousness and national unity. The lives of these personalities are an inspiration for our entire film industry.


I want to give you a piece of another good news. A great opportunity is on the way to showcase India's creative talent to the world. Next year, for the first time, the World Audio Visual Entertainment Summit i.e. WAVES summit is going to be organised in our country. All of you must have heard about Davos, where the world's economic giants gather. Similarly, in the WAVES summit, giants from the media and entertainment industry and people from the creative world will come to India. This summit is an important step towards making India a hub of global content creation. I feel proud informing you that the young creators of our country are also joining with full enthusiasm in the preparations for this summit. When we are moving towards a 5 trillion dollar economy, our creator economy is bringing in a new energy.

I would urge the entire entertainment and creative industry of India - whether you are a young creator or an established artist, associated with Bollywood or regional cinema, a professional from the TV industry, an expert in animation, gaming or an innovator in entertainment technology - to be a part of the WAVES summit.

My dear countrymen,

all of you know how the radiance of Indian culture is spreading to every nook & corner of the world today. Today I will tell you about such efforts from three continents, which are witness to the global reach of our cultural heritage. All of them are miles apart from each other. But their eagerness to know India and learn from our culture is the same.


the more the world of paintings is filled with colors, the more beautiful it is. Those of you who are connected to ‘Mann Ki Baat’ through TV can watch some paintings on TV right now. You will immensely like watching our Gods and Goddesses, dance forms and great personalities in these paintings. You will get to see many things,besides the flora and fauna found in India in these paintings. These include a splendid painting of Taj Mahal which has been made by a 13 year old girl. You will be surprised to know that this Divyang girl has made this painting with her mouth. The most interesting thing is that the people who made these paintings are not from India but are students from Egypt. Just a few weeks ago, around 23 thousand students from Egypt participated in a painting competition. There, they had to prepare paintings depicting Indian culture and the historical relations between the two countries. I appreciate all the youth who participated in this competition. No amount of praise for their creativity would be enough.


there is a country in South America called Paraguay. The number of Indians living there would not be more than one thousand. A wonderful effort is being done in Paraguay. At the Indian Embassy there, Erica Huber offers Ayurved Consultation. These days, a large number of local people are reaching out to her to get Ayurved based advice. Erica Huber might have studied engineering, but her heart lies in Ayurveda. She did courses related to Ayurveda and over time, she became proficient in it.


it is a matter of great pride for us that Tamil is the oldest language in the world and every Indian is proud of it. The number of people learning it is constantly rising in countries around the world. At the end of last month, a Tamil Teaching Programme was started in Fiji with the support of the Government of India. This is the first time in the last 80 years that trained Tamil teachers are teaching the language in Fiji. I am happy to know that today the students of Fiji are taking a lot of interest in learning the Tamil language and culture. Friends, these things, these incidents, are not just success stories. These are also the saga of our cultural heritage. These examples fill us up with pride. From Art to Ayurveda and from language to music, there is so much in India, which is making its mark in the world.


in this winter season, several activities related to sports and fitness are being organised across the country. I am happy that people are making fitness a part of their daily routine.

From Skiing in Kashmir to kite flying in Gujarat, enthusiasm for sports can be seen everywhere. Campaigns like #SundayOnCycle and #CyclingTuesday are promoting cycling.


I now want to tell you something unique which is a symbol of the changes taking place in our country and the zeal and enthusiasm of young friends. Do you know that a unique Olympic has started in our Bastar! Yes, a new revolution is coming into being in Bastar through the first Bastar Olympics. It is a matter of great joy for me that the dream of Bastar Olympics has come true. You will also be happy to know that this is taking place in the region which was once a witness to Maoist violence. The mascot of the Bastar Olympics is - ‘Wild Water Buffalo’ and ‘Hill Myna’. It reflects the rich culture of Bastar. The defining Mantra of this sports Mahakumbh is -

‘Karsay Ta Bastar Barsaye Ta Bastar’

i.e. ‘Bastar will play - Bastar will win’.

In the very first instance, one lakh 65 thousand players from 7 districts have participated in the Bastar Olympics. This is not just a statistic - it is the proud story of the resolve of our youth.

Athletics, Archery, Badminton, Football, Hockey, Weightlifting, Karate, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho and Volleyball - our youth have gloriously displayed their talent in every sport. Kari Kashyap ji’s story inspires me a lot. Kari ji, who hails from a small village, has won a silver medal in archery.

She says - “Bastar Olympics has given us not just a playground but an opportunity to move ahead in life”. What Payal Kawasi ji from Sukma says is no less inspiring. Payal ji, who won a gold medal in Javelin Throw, says - “With discipline and hard work, no goal is impossible”. The story of Punem Sanna ji from Dornapal in Sukma is an inspiring tale of New India. Punem ji, who was once under Naxal influence, is today winning medals by racing on a wheelchair. His courage and zeal is an inspiration for everyone. Archer Ranju Sori from Kodagaon has been chosen as the ‘Bastar youth icon’. She believes that Bastar Olympics is giving the youth from remote areas an opportunity to reach the national stage.


Bastar Olympics is not just a sports event. It is a platform where development and sports are merging together, where our youth are honing their talent and building a new Bharat. I urge all of you to:

- Encourage such sports events in your area
- Share stories of sports talents from your area with #KhelegaBharat – JeetegaBharat
- Give local sports talents an opportunity to progress

Remember, sports not only lead to physical development, but is also a powerful medium to connect society with the sportsman spirit. So play well and bloom well. My dear countrymen, two big achievements of India are attracting the attention of the world today. You will also feel proud to hear about them.

Both these successes have been achieved in the field of health. The first achievement has been in the fight against malaria. Malaria has been a big challenge confronting humanity for four thousand years. Even at the time of Independence, it was one of our biggest health challenges. Malaria ranks third among all infectious diseases that kill children between one month and five years of age. Today, I can say with satisfaction that the countrymen have collectively, strongly fought this challenge. The report of the World Health Organization - WHO mentions - “In India, there has been an 80 percent reduction in the number of malaria cases and deaths due to it between 2015 & 2023.“ This is no mean achievement. The most heartening thing is that this success has been achieved through everyone’s participation. Everyone from every corner of India, from every district, became a part of this campaign. In the tea gardens of Jorhat in Assam, malaria used to be a major cause of concern for people until four years ago.

But when the tea garden dwellers united to eradicate it, they started getting success to a great extent. In this effort, they have made full use of technology as well as social media. Similarly, Kurukshetra district of Haryana has presented a very good model for controlling malaria. Here, public participation for monitoring Malaria has been quite successful. Through street plays and radio, emphasis was laid on messages which helped a lot in reducing the breeding of mosquitoes. It is only through such efforts across the country that we have been able to take the war against malaria forward more rapidly.


another example of what we can achieve with our awareness and determination is the fight against cancer. A study of the world-renowned Medical Journal Lancet indeed raises a lot of hope. According to this Journal, now the chances of starting cancer treatment on time in India have increased a lot. Timely treatment means starting the treatment of a cancer patient within 30 days and the ‘Ayushman Bharat Yojana’ has played a big role in this. Because of this scheme, 90 percent of cancer patients have been able to start their treatment on time. This has happened because earlier, due to lack of money, poor patients used to shy away from getting tested for cancer and its treatment. Now, the Ayushman Bharat Yojana has become a big support for them. Now they are coming forward to get themselves treated. The Ayushman Bharat Yojana has reduced the financial problems in cancer treatment to a great extent.

It is equally good that today, people have become more aware than ever before about timely treatment of cancer. This achievement is as much of our healthcare system, doctors, nurses and technical staff as it is of all of you, my citizen brothers and sisters. With everyone's efforts, the resolve to defeat cancer has become even stronger. The credit for this success goes to all those who have contributed significantly in spreading awareness.

There is only one mantra to fight cancer - Awareness, Action and Assurance. Awareness means awareness of cancer and its symptoms, Action means timely diagnosis and treatment, Assurance means the belief that every help is available for patients. Come, let us together take this fight against cancer forward rapidly and help as many patients as possible.

My dear countrymen,

today I want to tell you about an effort in Kalahandi, Odisha, which is writing a new story of success despite a paucity of water and resources. This is the 'vegetable revolution' of Kalahandi. Where once farmers were forced to migrate; today, Golamunda block of Kalahandi has become a vegetable hub. How did this change come about? It started with a small group of just 10 farmers. This group together established an FPO - 'Kisan Utpad Sangh', started using modern technology in farming, and today their FPO is doing business worth crores. Today more than 200 farmers are associated with this FPO, including 45 women farmers.

Together, these people are cultivating tomatoes in 200 acres and bitter gourd in 150 acres. Now the annual turnover of this FPO has also risen to more than 1.5 crores. Today, vegetables from Kalahandi are reaching not only various districts of Odisha, but also other states, and the farmers there are now learning new techniques of potato and onion cultivation.


this success of Kalahandi teaches us what all can be done with determination and collective effort. I urge all of you to:-

• Encourage FPO in your area
• Join farmer producer organizations and strengthen them.

Remember - big changes are possible even through small beginnings. We just need determination and team spirit.


in today's 'Mann Ki Baat' we heard how our India is moving ahead with unity in diversity. Be it the sports field or the field of science, health or education – India is touching new heights in every field. We have faced every challenge together like a family and achieved new successes. In the 116 episodes of ‘Mann Ki Baat’ that commenced in 2014, I have seen that ‘Mann Ki Baat’ has become a living document of the collective power of the country.

All of you have welcomed this programme; made it your own. Every month you have shared your thoughts and efforts. Sometimes the idea of ​​a young innovator has impressed me, and sometimes the achievement of a daughter has made me proud. It is the participation of all of you that brings together positive energy from every corner of the country. ‘Mann Ki Baat’ has become a platform for the amplification of this positive energy, and now, 2025 is knocking at the door. In the coming year, we will share more inspiring efforts through ‘Mann Ki Baat’. I am confident that with positive thinking and spirit of innovation of the countrymen, India will touch new heights.

Keep sharing the unique efforts around you with #Mannkibaat. I know that in every Mann ki Baat next year, we will have a lot to share with each other. Best wishes to all of you for 2025. Stay healthy, stay happy, join the Fit India Movement, keep yourself fit. Keep progressing in life. Thank you very much.